require 'spec_helper' describe String do it { should respond_to :encrypt } it { should respond_to :decrypt } it { should respond_to :encrypt! } it { should respond_to :decrypt! } describe "with global Encryption instance" do before(:each) do @string = String.random Encryption.key = String.random end it 'should generate encryption different then the original string' do @string.encrypt.should_not == @string end it 'should decrypt, encrypted values and match the original string' do @string.encrypt.decrypt.should == @string end end describe "with custom options" do before(:each) do @string = String.random @options = { :key => String.random, :iv => String.random } end it 'should generate encryption different then the original string' do @string.encrypt(@options).should_not == @string end it 'should decrypt, encrypted values and match the original string' do @string.encrypt(@options).decrypt(@options).should == @string end end describe "with custom encryptor" do before(:each) do @string = String.random encryptor = encryptor.key = String.random encryptor.iv = String.random @options = { encryptor: encryptor } end it 'should generate encryption different then the original string' do @string.encrypt(@options).should_not == @string end it 'should decrypt, encrypted values and match the original string' do @string.encrypt(@options).decrypt(@options).should == @string end end describe 'with encode option' do before(:each) do @string = String.random @options = { :key => String.random, :iv => String.random, :encode => true } end it 'should generate encryption different then the original string' do @string.encrypt(@options).should_not == @string end it 'should generate a valid base64' do (@string.encrypt(@options)=~/^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{3}=)?$/).should == 0 end it 'should decrypt, encrypted values and match the original string' do @string.encrypt(@options).decrypt(@options).should == @string end end end