import { createWithDescriptors } from './support'; import { get, set, tracked } from '../..'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; import { EMBER_METAL_TRACKED_PROPERTIES } from '@ember/canary-features'; if (EMBER_METAL_TRACKED_PROPERTIES) { moduleFor( 'tracked getters', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test works without get'](assert) { let count = 0; class Count { get foo() { count++; return `computed foo`; } } tracked(Count.prototype, 'foo', Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Count.prototype, 'foo')); let obj = new Count(); assert.equal(, 'computed foo', 'should return value'); assert.equal(count, 1, 'should have invoked computed property'); } ['@test defining computed property should invoke property on get'](assert) { let count = 0; class Count { get foo() { count++; return `computed foo`; } } tracked(Count.prototype, 'foo', Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Count.prototype, 'foo')); let obj = new Count(); assert.equal(get(obj, 'foo'), 'computed foo', 'should return value'); assert.equal(count, 1, 'should have invoked computed property'); } ['@test defining computed property should invoke property on set'](assert) { let count = 0; let obj = createWithDescriptors({ get foo() { return this.__foo; }, set foo(value) { count++; this.__foo = `computed ${value}`; }, }); assert.equal(set(obj, 'foo', 'bar'), 'bar', 'should return set value'); assert.equal(count, 1, 'should have invoked computed property'); assert.equal(get(obj, 'foo'), 'computed bar', 'should return new value'); } } ); }