# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe "Search Pagination" do it "has results with pagination" do visit root_path fill_in "q", with: '' click_button 'search' within ("#sortAndPerPage") do expect(page).to have_content "1 - 10 of " within '#per_page-dropdown' do expect(page).to have_link('10') expect(page).to have_link('20') expect(page).to have_link('50') expect(page).to have_link('100') end end within '#sortAndPerPage' do click_link "Next »" end within "#sortAndPerPage" do expect(page).to have_content "11 - 20 of " click_link "« Previous" end within "#sortAndPerPage" do expect(page).to have_content "1 - 10 of " end end it "is able to change the number of items per page" do visit root_path fill_in "q", with: '' click_button 'search' within ("#sortAndPerPage") do expect(page).to have_content "1 - 10 of " end within ("#per_page-dropdown") do click_link '20' end within ("#sortAndPerPage") do expect(page).to have_content "1 - 20 of " end end describe "when the application is configured for other per page values" do let!(:original_per_page) { CatalogController.blacklight_config[:per_page] } let!(:original_rows) { CatalogController.blacklight_config[:default_solr_params][:rows] } before do CatalogController.blacklight_config[:per_page] = [15, 30] CatalogController.blacklight_config[:default_solr_params][:rows] = 15 end after do CatalogController.blacklight_config[:per_page] = original_per_page CatalogController.blacklight_config[:default_solr_params][:rows] = original_rows end it "uses the configured values" do visit root_path fill_in "q", with: '' click_button 'search' within ("#sortAndPerPage") do expect(page).to have_content "1 - 15 of " within '#per_page-dropdown' do expect(page).to have_link('15') expect(page).to have_link('30') end end within ("#per_page-dropdown") do click_link '30' end within ("#sortAndPerPage") do expect(page).to have_content "1 - 30 of " end end end it "resets the page offset to 1 when changing per page" do visit root_path fill_in "q", with: '' click_button 'search' within "#sortAndPerPage" do click_link "Next »" end within "#sortAndPerPage" do expect(page).to have_content "11 - 20 of " end within ("#per_page-dropdown") do click_link '20' end within "#sortAndPerPage" do expect(page).to have_content "1 - 20 of " end end end