# -*- coding: utf-8; -*- # # defaultio.rb: tDiary IO class for tDiary 2.x - 4.x format. # # Copyright (C) 2001-2005, TADA Tadashi # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under GPL2 or any later version. # require 'fileutils' require 'tdiary/io/base' module TDiary TDIARY_MAGIC_MAJOR = 'TDIARY2' TDIARY_MAGIC_MINOR = '01.00' TDIARY_MAGIC = "#{TDIARY_MAGIC_MAJOR}.#{TDIARY_MAGIC_MINOR}" module IO module Comment def comment_file( data_path, date ) date.strftime( "#{data_path}%Y/%Y%m.tdc" ) end def restore_comment( file, diaries ) minor = '' begin File::open( file ) do |fh| fh.flock( File::LOCK_SH ) major, minor = fh.gets.chomp.split( /\./, 2 ) unless TDIARY_MAGIC_MAJOR == major then raise StandardError, 'bad file format.' end s = fh.read s = migrate_to_01( s ) if minor == '00.00' and !@tdiary.conf['stop_migrate_01'] s.split( /\r?\n\.\r?\n/ ).each do |l| headers, body = Default.parse_tdiary( l ) next unless body comment = ::TDiary::Comment::new( headers['Name'], headers['Mail'], body, Time::at( headers['Last-Modified'].to_i ) ) comment.show = false if headers['Visible'] == 'false' diaries[headers['Date']].add_comment( comment ) if headers['Date'] end end rescue Errno::ENOENT end return minor == '00.00' ? TDiaryBase::DIRTY_COMMENT : TDiaryBase::DIRTY_NONE end def store_comment( file, diaries ) File::open( file, File::WRONLY | File::CREAT ) do |fhc| fhc.flock( File::LOCK_EX ) fhc.rewind fhc.truncate( 0 ) fhc.puts( TDIARY_MAGIC ) diaries.each do |date,diary| diary.each_comment( diary.count_comments( true ) ) do |com| fhc.puts( "Date: #{date}" ) fhc.puts( "Name: #{com.name}" ) fhc.puts( "Mail: #{com.mail}" ) fhc.puts( "Last-Modified: #{com.date.to_i}" ) fhc.puts( "Visible: #{com.visible? ? 'true' : 'false'}" ) fhc.puts fhc.puts( com.body.gsub( /\r/, '' ).sub( /\n+\Z/, '' ).gsub( /\n\./, "\n.." ) ) fhc.puts( '.' ) end end end end end module Referer def referer_file( data_path, date ) date.strftime( "#{data_path}%Y/%Y%m.tdr" ) end def restore_referer( file, diaries ) begin File::open( file ) do |fh| fh.flock( File::LOCK_SH ) fh.read.split( /\r?\n\.\r?\n/ ).each do |l| headers, body = Default.parse_tdiary( l ) next unless body body.each do |r| count, ref = r.chomp.split( / /, 2 ) next unless ref diaries[headers['Date']].add_referer( ref.chomp, count.to_i ) end end # convert to referer plugin format diaries.each do |date,diary| fname = file.sub( /\.tdr$/, "#{date[6,2]}.tdr".untaint ) File::open( fname, File::WRONLY | File::CREAT ) do |fhr| fhr.flock( File::LOCK_EX ) fhr.rewind fhr.truncate( 0 ) fhr.puts( TDiary::TDIARY_MAGIC ) fhr.puts( "Date: #{date}" ) fhr.puts diary.each_referer( diary.count_referers ) do |count,ref| fhr.puts( "#{count} #{ref}" ) end fhr.puts( '.' ) end end end File::rename( file, file.sub( /\.tdr$/, '.tdr~' ) ) rescue Errno::ENOENT end return TDiaryBase::DIRTY_NONE end def store_referer( file, diaries ) return end end class Default < Base include Comment include Referer include Cache class << self def parse_tdiary( data ) header, body = data.split( /\r?\n\r?\n/, 2 ) headers = {} if header then header.lines.each do |l| l.chomp! key, val = l.scan( /([^:]*):\s*(.*)/ )[0] headers[key] = val ? val.chomp : nil end end if body then body.gsub!( /^\./, '' ) else body = '' end [headers, body] end def load_cgi_conf(conf) conf.class.class_eval { attr_accessor :data_path } raise TDiaryError, 'No @data_path variable.' unless conf.data_path conf.data_path += '/' if /\/$/ !~ conf.data_path raise TDiaryError, 'Do not set @data_path as same as tDiary system directory.' if conf.data_path == "#{TDiary::PATH}/" File::open( "#{conf.data_path.untaint}tdiary.conf" ){|f| f.read } rescue IOError, Errno::ENOENT end def save_cgi_conf(conf, result) File::open( "#{conf.data_path.untaint}tdiary.conf", 'w' ) {|o| o.print result } rescue IOError, Errno::ENOENT end end # # block must be return boolean which dirty diaries. # def transaction( date ) diaries = {} dir = date.strftime( "#{@data_path}%Y" ) @dfile = date.strftime( "#{@data_path}%Y/%Y%m.td2" ) cfile = comment_file( @data_path, date ) rfile = referer_file( @data_path, date ) begin FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) begin fh = File::open( @dfile, 'r+' ) rescue fh = File::open( @dfile, 'w+' ) end fh.flock( File::LOCK_EX ) cache = restore_parser_cache( date, 'default' ) force_save = TDiaryBase::DIRTY_NONE unless cache then force_save |= restore( fh, diaries ) force_save |= restore_comment( cfile, diaries ) force_save |= restore_referer( rfile, diaries ) else diaries.update( cache ) end dirty = yield( diaries ) if iterator? store( fh, diaries ) if ((dirty | force_save) & TDiaryBase::DIRTY_DIARY) != 0 store_comment( cfile, diaries ) if ((dirty | force_save) & TDiaryBase::DIRTY_COMMENT) != 0 store_referer( rfile, diaries ) if ((dirty | force_save) & TDiaryBase::DIRTY_REFERER) != 0 if dirty != TDiaryBase::DIRTY_NONE or not cache then store_parser_cache(date, diaries, 'default') end if diaries.empty? begin if fh then fh.close fh = nil end File::delete( @dfile ) rescue Errno::ENOENT end begin store_parser_cache(date, nil, nil) rescue Errno::ENOENT end end # delete dispensable data directory begin Dir.delete( dir ) if Dir.new( dir ).entries.reject {|f| "." == f or ".." == f}.empty? rescue Errno::ENOENT end ensure fh.close if fh end end def calendar calendar = {} Dir["#{@data_path}????"].sort.each do |dir| next unless %r[/\d{4}$] =~ dir Dir["#{dir.untaint}/??????.td2"].sort.each do |file| year, month = file.scan( %r[/(\d{4})(\d\d)\.td2$] )[0] next unless year calendar[year] = [] unless calendar[year] calendar[year] << month end end calendar end def cache_dir @tdiary.conf.cache_path || "#{@data_path}/cache" end private def restore( fh, diaries ) begin fh.seek( 0 ) begin major, minor = fh.gets.chomp.split( /\./, 2 ) unless TDIARY_MAGIC_MAJOR == major then raise StandardError, 'bad file format.' end # read and parse diary style_name = '' s = fh.read s = migrate_to_01( s ) if minor == '00.00' and !@tdiary.conf['stop_migrate_01'] s.split( /\r?\n\.\r?\n/ ).each do |l| headers, body = Default.parse_tdiary( l ) style_name = headers['Format'] || 'tDiary' diary = style( style_name )::new( headers['Date'], headers['Title'], body, Time::at( headers['Last-Modified'].to_i ) ) diary.show( headers['Visible'] == 'true' ? true : false ) diaries[headers['Date']] = diary end rescue NameError # no magic number when it is new file. end end return minor == '00.00' ? TDiaryBase::DIRTY_DIARY : TDiaryBase::DIRTY_NONE end def store( fh, diaries ) begin fh.seek( 0 ) fh.puts( TDIARY_MAGIC ) diaries.sort_by {|date, diary| date}.each do |date,diary| # save diaries fh.puts( "Date: #{date}" ) fh.puts( "Title: #{diary.title}" ) fh.puts( "Last-Modified: #{diary.last_modified.to_i}" ) fh.puts( "Visible: #{diary.visible? ? 'true' : 'false'}" ) fh.puts( "Format: #{diary.style}" ) fh.puts fh.puts( diary.to_src.gsub( /\r/, '' ).gsub( /\n\./, "\n.." ) ) fh.puts( '.' ) end fh.truncate( fh.tell ) end end def migrate_to_01( day ) @tdiary.conf.migrate_to_utf8( day ) end end end end # Local Variables: # mode: ruby # indent-tabs-mode: t # tab-width: 3 # ruby-indent-level: 3 # End: