# Copyright 2011-2013 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --- :json_version: '1.1' :target_prefix: OvertureService. :api_version: '2012-10-25' :operations: - :name: AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect :method: :allocate_connection_on_interconnect :inputs: bandwidth: - :string - :required connectionName: - :string - :required ownerAccount: - :string - :required interconnectId: - :string - :required vlan: - :integer - :required :outputs: ownerAccount: :sym: :owner_account :type: :string connectionId: :sym: :connection_id :type: :string connectionName: :sym: :connection_name :type: :string connectionState: :sym: :connection_state :type: :string region: :sym: :region :type: :string location: :sym: :location :type: :string bandwidth: :sym: :bandwidth :type: :string vlan: :sym: :vlan :type: :integer partnerName: :sym: :partner_name :type: :string - :name: AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface :method: :allocate_private_virtual_interface :inputs: connectionId: - :string - :required ownerAccount: - :string - :required newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation: - :structure: virtualInterfaceName: - :string - :required vlan: - :integer - :required asn: - :integer - :required authKey: - :string amazonAddress: - :string customerAddress: - :string - :required :outputs: ownerAccount: :sym: :owner_account :type: :string virtualInterfaceId: :sym: :virtual_interface_id :type: :string location: :sym: :location :type: :string connectionId: :sym: :connection_id :type: :string virtualInterfaceType: :sym: :virtual_interface_type :type: :string virtualInterfaceName: :sym: :virtual_interface_name :type: :string vlan: :sym: :vlan :type: :integer asn: :sym: :asn :type: :integer authKey: :sym: :auth_key :type: :string amazonAddress: :sym: :amazon_address :type: :string customerAddress: :sym: :customer_address :type: :string virtualInterfaceState: :sym: :virtual_interface_state :type: :string customerRouterConfig: :sym: :customer_router_config :type: :string virtualGatewayId: :sym: :virtual_gateway_id :type: :string routeFilterPrefixes: :sym: :route_filter_prefixes :type: :hash :members: cidr: :sym: :cidr :type: :string - :name: AllocatePublicVirtualInterface :method: :allocate_public_virtual_interface :inputs: connectionId: - :string - :required ownerAccount: - :string - :required newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation: - :structure: virtualInterfaceName: - :string - :required vlan: - :integer - :required asn: - :integer - :required authKey: - :string amazonAddress: - :string - :required customerAddress: - :string - :required routeFilterPrefixes: - :list: - :structure: cidr: - :string - :required - :required :outputs: ownerAccount: :sym: :owner_account :type: :string virtualInterfaceId: :sym: :virtual_interface_id :type: :string location: :sym: :location :type: :string connectionId: :sym: :connection_id :type: :string virtualInterfaceType: :sym: :virtual_interface_type :type: :string virtualInterfaceName: :sym: :virtual_interface_name :type: :string vlan: :sym: :vlan :type: :integer asn: :sym: :asn :type: :integer authKey: :sym: :auth_key :type: :string amazonAddress: :sym: :amazon_address :type: :string customerAddress: :sym: :customer_address :type: :string virtualInterfaceState: :sym: :virtual_interface_state :type: :string customerRouterConfig: :sym: :customer_router_config :type: :string virtualGatewayId: :sym: :virtual_gateway_id :type: :string routeFilterPrefixes: :sym: :route_filter_prefixes :type: :hash :members: cidr: :sym: :cidr :type: :string - :name: ConfirmConnection :method: :confirm_connection :inputs: connectionId: - :string - :required :outputs: connectionState: :sym: :connection_state :type: :string - :name: ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface :method: :confirm_private_virtual_interface :inputs: virtualInterfaceId: - :string - :required virtualGatewayId: - :string - :required :outputs: virtualInterfaceState: :sym: :virtual_interface_state :type: :string - :name: ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface :method: :confirm_public_virtual_interface :inputs: virtualInterfaceId: - :string - :required :outputs: virtualInterfaceState: :sym: :virtual_interface_state :type: :string - :name: CreateConnection :method: :create_connection :inputs: location: - :string - :required bandwidth: - :string - :required connectionName: - :string - :required :outputs: ownerAccount: :sym: :owner_account :type: :string connectionId: :sym: :connection_id :type: :string connectionName: :sym: :connection_name :type: :string connectionState: :sym: :connection_state :type: :string region: :sym: :region :type: :string location: :sym: :location :type: :string bandwidth: :sym: :bandwidth :type: :string vlan: :sym: :vlan :type: :integer partnerName: :sym: :partner_name :type: :string - :name: CreateInterconnect :method: :create_interconnect :inputs: interconnectName: - :string - :required bandwidth: - :string - :required location: - :string - :required :outputs: interconnectId: :sym: :interconnect_id :type: :string interconnectName: :sym: :interconnect_name :type: :string interconnectState: :sym: :interconnect_state :type: :string region: :sym: :region :type: :string location: :sym: :location :type: :string bandwidth: :sym: :bandwidth :type: :string - :name: CreatePrivateVirtualInterface :method: :create_private_virtual_interface :inputs: connectionId: - :string - :required newPrivateVirtualInterface: - :structure: virtualInterfaceName: - :string - :required vlan: - :integer - :required asn: - :integer - :required authKey: - :string amazonAddress: - :string customerAddress: - :string virtualGatewayId: - :string - :required - :required :outputs: ownerAccount: :sym: :owner_account :type: :string virtualInterfaceId: :sym: :virtual_interface_id :type: :string location: :sym: :location :type: :string connectionId: :sym: :connection_id :type: :string virtualInterfaceType: :sym: :virtual_interface_type :type: :string virtualInterfaceName: :sym: :virtual_interface_name :type: :string vlan: :sym: :vlan :type: :integer asn: :sym: :asn :type: :integer authKey: :sym: :auth_key :type: :string amazonAddress: :sym: :amazon_address :type: :string customerAddress: :sym: :customer_address :type: :string virtualInterfaceState: :sym: :virtual_interface_state :type: :string customerRouterConfig: :sym: :customer_router_config :type: :string virtualGatewayId: :sym: :virtual_gateway_id :type: :string routeFilterPrefixes: :sym: :route_filter_prefixes :type: :hash :members: cidr: :sym: :cidr :type: :string - :name: CreatePublicVirtualInterface :method: :create_public_virtual_interface :inputs: connectionId: - :string - :required newPublicVirtualInterface: - :structure: virtualInterfaceName: - :string - :required vlan: - :integer - :required asn: - :integer - :required authKey: - :string amazonAddress: - :string - :required customerAddress: - :string - :required routeFilterPrefixes: - :list: - :structure: cidr: - :string - :required - :required :outputs: ownerAccount: :sym: :owner_account :type: :string virtualInterfaceId: :sym: :virtual_interface_id :type: :string location: :sym: :location :type: :string connectionId: :sym: :connection_id :type: :string virtualInterfaceType: :sym: :virtual_interface_type :type: :string virtualInterfaceName: :sym: :virtual_interface_name :type: :string vlan: :sym: :vlan :type: :integer asn: :sym: :asn :type: :integer authKey: :sym: :auth_key :type: :string amazonAddress: :sym: :amazon_address :type: :string customerAddress: :sym: :customer_address :type: :string virtualInterfaceState: :sym: :virtual_interface_state :type: :string customerRouterConfig: :sym: :customer_router_config :type: :string virtualGatewayId: :sym: :virtual_gateway_id :type: :string routeFilterPrefixes: :sym: :route_filter_prefixes :type: :hash :members: cidr: :sym: :cidr :type: :string - :name: DeleteConnection :method: :delete_connection :inputs: connectionId: - :string - :required :outputs: ownerAccount: :sym: :owner_account :type: :string connectionId: :sym: :connection_id :type: :string connectionName: :sym: :connection_name :type: :string connectionState: :sym: :connection_state :type: :string region: :sym: :region :type: :string location: :sym: :location :type: :string bandwidth: :sym: :bandwidth :type: :string vlan: :sym: :vlan :type: :integer partnerName: :sym: :partner_name :type: :string - :name: DeleteInterconnect :method: :delete_interconnect :inputs: interconnectId: - :string - :required :outputs: interconnectState: :sym: :interconnect_state :type: :string - :name: DeleteVirtualInterface :method: :delete_virtual_interface :inputs: virtualInterfaceId: - :string - :required :outputs: virtualInterfaceState: :sym: :virtual_interface_state :type: :string - :name: DescribeConnections :method: :describe_connections :inputs: connectionId: - :string :outputs: connections: :sym: :connections :type: :hash :members: ownerAccount: :sym: :owner_account :type: :string connectionId: :sym: :connection_id :type: :string connectionName: :sym: :connection_name :type: :string connectionState: :sym: :connection_state :type: :string region: :sym: :region :type: :string location: :sym: :location :type: :string bandwidth: :sym: :bandwidth :type: :string vlan: :sym: :vlan :type: :integer partnerName: :sym: :partner_name :type: :string - :name: DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect :method: :describe_connections_on_interconnect :inputs: interconnectId: - :string - :required :outputs: connections: :sym: :connections :type: :hash :members: ownerAccount: :sym: :owner_account :type: :string connectionId: :sym: :connection_id :type: :string connectionName: :sym: :connection_name :type: :string connectionState: :sym: :connection_state :type: :string region: :sym: :region :type: :string location: :sym: :location :type: :string bandwidth: :sym: :bandwidth :type: :string vlan: :sym: :vlan :type: :integer partnerName: :sym: :partner_name :type: :string - :name: DescribeInterconnects :method: :describe_interconnects :inputs: interconnectId: - :string :outputs: interconnects: :sym: :interconnects :type: :hash :members: interconnectId: :sym: :interconnect_id :type: :string interconnectName: :sym: :interconnect_name :type: :string interconnectState: :sym: :interconnect_state :type: :string region: :sym: :region :type: :string location: :sym: :location :type: :string bandwidth: :sym: :bandwidth :type: :string - :name: DescribeLocations :method: :describe_locations :inputs: {} :outputs: locations: :sym: :locations :type: :hash :members: locationCode: :sym: :location_code :type: :string locationName: :sym: :location_name :type: :string - :name: DescribeVirtualGateways :method: :describe_virtual_gateways :inputs: {} :outputs: virtualGateways: :sym: :virtual_gateways :type: :hash :members: virtualGatewayId: :sym: :virtual_gateway_id :type: :string virtualGatewayState: :sym: :virtual_gateway_state :type: :string - :name: DescribeVirtualInterfaces :method: :describe_virtual_interfaces :inputs: connectionId: - :string virtualInterfaceId: - :string :outputs: virtualInterfaces: :sym: :virtual_interfaces :type: :hash :members: ownerAccount: :sym: :owner_account :type: :string virtualInterfaceId: :sym: :virtual_interface_id :type: :string location: :sym: :location :type: :string connectionId: :sym: :connection_id :type: :string virtualInterfaceType: :sym: :virtual_interface_type :type: :string virtualInterfaceName: :sym: :virtual_interface_name :type: :string vlan: :sym: :vlan :type: :integer asn: :sym: :asn :type: :integer authKey: :sym: :auth_key :type: :string amazonAddress: :sym: :amazon_address :type: :string customerAddress: :sym: :customer_address :type: :string virtualInterfaceState: :sym: :virtual_interface_state :type: :string customerRouterConfig: :sym: :customer_router_config :type: :string virtualGatewayId: :sym: :virtual_gateway_id :type: :string routeFilterPrefixes: :sym: :route_filter_prefixes :type: :hash :members: cidr: :sym: :cidr :type: :string