require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe Thor do describe "#method_option" do it "sets options to the next method to be invoked" do args = ["foo", "bar", "--force"] arg, options = MyScript.start(args) options.should == { "force" => true } end describe ":lazy_default" do it "is absent when option is not specified" do arg, options = MyScript.start(["with_optional"]) options.should == {} end it "sets a default that can be overridden for strings" do arg, options = MyScript.start(["with_optional", "--lazy"]) options.should == { "lazy" => "yes" } arg, options = MyScript.start(["with_optional", "--lazy", "yesyes!"]) options.should == { "lazy" => "yesyes!" } end it "sets a default that can be overridden for numerics" do arg, options = MyScript.start(["with_optional", "--lazy-numeric"]) options.should == { "lazy_numeric" => 42 } arg, options = MyScript.start(["with_optional", "--lazy-numeric", 20000]) options.should == { "lazy_numeric" => 20000 } end it "sets a default that can be overridden for arrays" do arg, options = MyScript.start(["with_optional", "--lazy-array"]) options.should == { "lazy_array" => %w[eat at joes] } arg, options = MyScript.start(["with_optional", "--lazy-array", "hello", "there"]) options.should == { "lazy_array" => %w[hello there] } end it "sets a default that can be overridden for hashes" do arg, options = MyScript.start(["with_optional", "--lazy-hash"]) options.should == { "lazy_hash" => {'swedish' => 'meatballs'} } arg, options = MyScript.start(["with_optional", "--lazy-hash", "polish:sausage"]) options.should == { "lazy_hash" => {'polish' => 'sausage'} } end end describe "when :for is supplied" do it "updates an already defined task" do args, options = MyChildScript.start(["animal", "horse", "--other=fish"]) options[:other].should == "fish" end describe "and the target is on the parent class" do it "updates an already defined task" do args = ["example_default_task", "my_param", "--new-option=verified"] options = Scripts::MyScript.start(args) options[:new_option].should == "verified" end it "adds a task to the tasks list if the updated task is on the parent class" do Scripts::MyScript.tasks["example_default_task"].should be end it "clones the parent task" do Scripts::MyScript.tasks["example_default_task"].should_not == MyChildScript.tasks["example_default_task"] end end end end describe "#default_task" do it "sets a default task" do MyScript.default_task.should == "example_default_task" end it "invokes the default task if no command is specified" do MyScript.start([]).should == "default task" end it "invokes the default task if no command is specified even if switches are given" do MyScript.start(["--with", "option"]).should == {"with"=>"option"} end it "inherits the default task from parent" do MyChildScript.default_task.should == "example_default_task" end end describe "#map" do it "calls the alias of a method if one is provided" do MyScript.start(["-T", "fish"]).should == ["fish"] end it "calls the alias of a method if several are provided via .map" do MyScript.start(["-f", "fish"]).should == ["fish", {}] MyScript.start(["--foo", "fish"]).should == ["fish", {}] end it "inherits all mappings from parent" do MyChildScript.default_task.should == "example_default_task" end end describe "#desc" do it "provides description for a task" do content = capture(:stdout) { MyScript.start(["help"]) } content.should =~ /thor my_script:zoo\s+# zoo around/m end it "provides no namespace if $thor_runner is false" do begin $thor_runner = false content = capture(:stdout) { MyScript.start(["help"]) } content.should =~ /thor zoo\s+# zoo around/m ensure $thor_runner = true end end describe "when :for is supplied" do it "overwrites a previous defined task" do capture(:stdout) { MyChildScript.start(["help"]) }.should =~ /animal KIND \s+# fish around/m end end describe "when :hide is supplied" do it "does not show the task in help" do capture(:stdout) { MyScript.start(["help"]) }.should_not =~ /this is hidden/m end it "but the task is still invokcable not show the task in help" do MyScript.start(["hidden", "yesyes"]).should == ["yesyes"] end end end describe "#method_options" do it "sets default options if called before an initializer" do options = MyChildScript.class_options options[:force].type.should == :boolean options[:param].type.should == :numeric end it "overwrites default options if called on the method scope" do args = ["zoo", "--force", "--param", "feathers"] options = MyChildScript.start(args) options.should == { "force" => true, "param" => "feathers" } end it "allows default options to be merged with method options" do args = ["animal", "bird", "--force", "--param", "1.0", "--other", "tweets"] arg, options = MyChildScript.start(args) arg.should == 'bird' options.should == { "force"=>true, "param"=>1.0, "other"=>"tweets" } end end describe "#start" do it "calls a no-param method when no params are passed" do MyScript.start(["zoo"]).should == true end it "calls a single-param method when a single param is passed" do MyScript.start(["animal", "fish"]).should == ["fish"] end it "does not set options in attributes" do MyScript.start(["with_optional", "--all"]).should == [nil, { "all" => true }, []] end it "raises an error if a required param is not provided" do capture(:stderr) { MyScript.start(["animal"]) }.strip.should == 'thor animal requires at least 1 argument: "thor my_script:animal TYPE".' end it "raises an error if the invoked task does not exist" do capture(:stderr) { Amazing.start(["animal"]) }.strip.should == 'Could not find task "animal" in "amazing" namespace.' end it "calls method_missing if an unknown method is passed in" do MyScript.start(["unk", "hello"]).should == [:unk, ["hello"]] end it "does not call a private method no matter what" do capture(:stderr) { MyScript.start(["what"]) }.strip.should == 'Could not find task "what" in "my_script" namespace.' end it "uses task default options" do options = MyChildScript.start(["animal", "fish"]).last options.should == { "other" => "method default" } end it "raises when an exception happens within the task call" do lambda { MyScript.start(["call_myself_with_wrong_arity"]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end context "when the user enters an unambiguous substring of a command" do it "should invoke a command" do MyScript.start(["z"]).should == MyScript.start(["zoo"]) end it "should invoke a command, even when there's an alias the resolves to the same command" do MyScript.start(["hi"]).should == MyScript.start(["hidden"]) end it "should invoke an alias" do MyScript.start(["animal_pri"]).should == MyScript.start(["zoo"]) end end context "when the user enters an ambiguous substring of a command" do it "should raise an exception that explains the ambiguity" do lambda { MyScript.start(["call"]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Ambiguous task call matches [call_myself_with_wrong_arity, call_unexistent_method]') end it "should raise an exception when there is an alias" do lambda { MyScript.start(["f"]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Ambiguous task f matches [foo, fu]') end end end describe "#subcommand" do it "maps a given subcommand to another Thor subclass" do barn_help = capture(:stdout){ Scripts::MyDefaults.start(["barn"]) } barn_help.should include("barn help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand") end it "passes commands to subcommand classes" do capture(:stdout){ Scripts::MyDefaults.start(["barn", "open"]) }.strip.should == "Open sesame!" end it "passes arguments to subcommand classes" do capture(:stdout){ Scripts::MyDefaults.start(["barn", "open", "shotgun"]) }.strip.should == "That's going to leave a mark." end it "ignores unknown options (the subcommand class will handle them)" do capture(:stdout){ Scripts::MyDefaults.start(["barn", "paint", "blue", "--coats", "4"])}.strip.should == "4 coats of blue paint" end end describe "#help" do def shell @shell ||= end describe "on general" do before do @content = capture(:stdout){ } end it "provides useful help info for the help method itself" do @content.should =~ /help \[TASK\]\s+# Describe available tasks/ end it "provides useful help info for a method with params" do @content.should =~ /animal TYPE\s+# horse around/ end it "uses the maximum terminal size to show tasks" do @shell.should_receive(:terminal_width).and_return(80) content = capture(:stdout){ } content.should =~ /aaa\.\.\.$/ end it "provides description for tasks from classes in the same namespace" do @content.should =~ /baz\s+# do some bazing/ end it "shows superclass tasks" do content = capture(:stdout){ } content.should =~ /foo BAR \s+# do some fooing/ end it "shows class options information" do content = capture(:stdout){ } content.should =~ /Options\:/ content.should =~ /\[\-\-param=N\]/ end it "injects class arguments into default usage" do content = capture(:stdout){ } content.should =~ /zoo ACCESSOR \-\-param\=PARAM/ end end describe "for a specific task" do it "provides full help info when talking about a specific task" do capture(:stdout) { MyScript.task_help(shell, "foo") }.should == <<-END Usage: thor my_script:foo BAR Options: [--force] # Force to do some fooing do some fooing This is more info! Everyone likes more info! END end it "raises an error if the task can't be found" do lambda { MyScript.task_help(shell, "unknown") }.should raise_error(Thor::UndefinedTaskError, 'Could not find task "unknown" in "my_script" namespace.') end it "normalizes names before claiming they don't exist" do capture(:stdout) { MyScript.task_help(shell, "name-with-dashes") }.should =~ /thor my_script:name-with-dashes/ end it "uses the long description if it exists" do capture(:stdout) { MyScript.task_help(shell, "long_description") }.should == <<-HELP Usage: thor my_script:long_description Description: This is a really really really long description. Here you go. So very long. It even has two paragraphs. HELP end it "doesn't assign the long description to the next task without one" do capture(:stdout) do MyScript.task_help(shell, "name_with_dashes") end.should_not =~ /so very long/i end end describe "instance method" do it "calls the class method" do capture(:stdout){ MyScript.start(["help"]) }.should =~ /Tasks:/ end it "calls the class method" do capture(:stdout){ MyScript.start(["help", "foo"]) }.should =~ /Usage:/ end end end describe "when creating tasks" do it "prints a warning if a public method is created without description or usage" do capture(:stdout) { klass = klass.class_eval "def hello_from_thor; end" }.should =~ /\[WARNING\] Attempted to create task "hello_from_thor" without usage or description/ end it "does not print if overwriting a previous task" do capture(:stdout) { klass = klass.class_eval "def help; end" }.should be_empty end end describe "edge-cases" do it "can handle boolean options followed by arguments" do klass = do method_option :loud, :type => :boolean desc "hi NAME", "say hi to name" def hi(name) name.upcase! if options[:loud] "Hi #{name}" end end klass.start(["hi", "jose"]).should == "Hi jose" klass.start(["hi", "jose", "--loud"]).should == "Hi JOSE" klass.start(["hi", "--loud", "jose"]).should == "Hi JOSE" end it "passes through unknown options" do klass = do desc "unknown", "passing unknown options" def unknown(*args) args end end klass.start(["unknown", "foo", "--bar", "baz", "bat", "--bam"]).should == ["foo", "--bar", "baz", "bat", "--bam"] end end end