class Auth::Workflow::Assembly include Auth::Concerns::WorkflowConcern FIELDS_LOCKED_AFTER_ORDER_ADDED = ["master","applicable"] ## set as true if the assembly is to be considered as the master assembly. ## can it be set on create ? ## no it cannot. ## we first clone, for that we provide a master_assembly_id. ## then we update something else as the master. ## so master cannot be set, on create. field :master, type: Boolean, default: false ## if the master assembly id is provided, then it will create from that. ## inside the create with conditions. ## it will verify that at the time of creation, if that is infact the latest master assembly, and only then it will create it. ## should the master assembly id be a field, so suppose i entered a master assembly id for this, then it should be easy for us to know that one. ## and it should never be possible to change that master id field. ## so that parameter is not to be permitted for update. ## master is also not be changed once it already exists. ## in what sense. ## once something is made a master, it cannot be unmade. ## also not possible to do that for master_field ## master_assembly_id once set cannot be changed, so that will have to be included in all the updates? field :master_assembly_id, type: String ########################################################### ## ## ## ## CLASS METHODS ## ## ## ########################################################### def self.permitted_params [{:assembly => [:name,:description,:doc_version,:applicable, :master_assembly_id, :master]},:id] end def self.find_self(id,signed_in_resource,options={}) return nil unless collection = Auth.configuration.assembly_class.constantize.where("_id" => id ) collection.first end ########################################################## ## ## ## ## FOR TESTING PURPOSES ## ## ## Auth::Workflow::Assembly.prepare_nested ######################################################### def self.prepare_nested a = stage = sop = step = sop.steps << step stage.sops << sop a.stages << stage a end ########################################################### ## ## ## ## FIELD DEFINITIONS && EMBEDS DEFINITIONS ## ## ## ########################################################### field :name, type: String field :description, type: String embeds_many :stages, :class_name => Auth.configuration.stage_class ########################################################### ## ## ## VALIDATIONS ## ## ########################################################### ## checks if the provided master assembly id is the latest one. ## will check that the existing doc-version is 0 before doing this, so that it only triggers on create! validate :master_assembly_id_is_latest_created_master ########################################################### ## ## ## CALLBACKS ## ## ########################################################### ############################################################ ## ## ## ELASTICSEARCH MAPPINGS AND DEFS ## ## ############################################################ include Auth::Concerns::EsConcern INDEX_DEFINITION = { index_options: { settings: { index: { analysis: { filter: { nGram_filter: { type: "nGram", min_gram: 2, max_gram: 20, token_chars: [ "letter", "digit", "punctuation", "symbol" ] } }, analyzer: { nGram_analyzer: { type: "custom", tokenizer: "whitespace", filter: [ "lowercase", "asciifolding", "nGram_filter" ] }, whitespace_analyzer: { type: "custom", tokenizer: "whitespace", filter: [ "lowercase", "asciifolding" ] } } } } }, mappings: { "auth/workflow/assembly" => { properties: { _all_fields: { type: "text", analyzer: "nGram_analyzer", search_analyzer: "whitespace_analyzer" }, name: { type: "keyword", copy_to: "_all_fields" }, description: { type: "keyword", copy_to: "_all_fields" } } } } } } #create_es_index(INDEX_DEFINITION) def as_indexed_json(options={}) { name: name, description: description, public: public } end ############################################################# ## ## ## MODEL PERSISTENCE DEFINITIONS ## ## ############################################################# def create_with_conditions(params,permitted_params,model) ## in this case the model is a stage model. ## we have to set everything other than anything which has an __metadata attribute, and anything else which has return false unless (model.valid?) ## if the assembly is being created with a master assembly id, then it should if model.master_assembly_id ## clone the master model = Auth.configuration.assembly_class.constantize.find(master_assembly_id.to_s).clone end assembly_updated = Auth.configuration.assembly_class.constantize.where({ :_id => model._id }) .find_one_and_update( { "$set" => model.attributes.except("master") }, { :return_document => :after, :upsert => true } ) #puts assembly_updated.attributes.to_s #puts assembly_updated.stages.to_s return false unless assembly_updated return model end ## find_self on stage, sop or step -> returns an assembly object ## so in any controller, for update, the model will always be an assembly object ## so we only work on update_with_conditions for assembly. ## permitted params is just the result of calling the permitted params def, and fetching the model from it. def update_with_conditions(params,permitted_params,model) ensure_no_orders = false puts "the params are:" puts params.to_s puts "permitted params are:" puts permitted_params.to_s _id = permitted_params[:assembly_id] || params[:id] doc_version = permitted_params[:assembly_doc_version] || permitted_params[:doc_version] return unless (_id && doc_version) query_and_conditions = [ { "_id" => BSON::ObjectId(_id.to_s) }, { "doc_version" => doc_version }, { "master" => false } ] ## whatever the situation, the master has to be false, for any update to go through. ## query = { "$and" => query_and_conditions} if stage_query = build_stage_query(permitted_params,params) query["$and"] = query["$and"] + stage_query if sop_query = build_sop_query(permitted_params,params) query["$and"] = query["$and"] + sop_query if step_query = build_step_query(permitted_params,params) query["$and"] = query["$and"] + step_query if requirement_query = build_requirement_query(permitted_params,params) query["$and"] = query["$and"] + requirement_query if state_query = build_state_query(permitted_params,params) query["$and"] = query["$and"] + state_query end elsif tlocation_query = build_tlocation_query(permitted_params,params) query["$and"] = query["$and"] + tlocation_query end elsif order_query = build_order_query(permitted_params,params) query["$and"] = query["$and"] + order_query end end end if state_update = build_state_update(permitted_params,params) update = state_update ensure_no_orders = Auth.configuration.state_class.constantize.permitted_params_contain_locked_fields(permitted_params ) elsif requirement_update = build_requirement_update(permitted_params,params) update = requirement_update ensure_no_orders = Auth.configuration.requirement_class.constantize.permitted_params_contain_locked_fields(permitted_params ) elsif tlocation_update = build_tlocation_update(permitted_params,params) update = tlocation_update ensure_no_orders = Auth.configuration.tlocation_class.constantize.permitted_params_contain_locked_fields(permitted_params ) elsif step_update = build_step_update(permitted_params,params) update = step_update ensure_no_orders = Auth.configuration.step_class.constantize.permitted_params_contain_locked_fields(permitted_params ) elsif order_update = build_order_update(permitted_params,params) update = order_update ensure_no_orders = Auth.configuration.order_class.constantize.permitted_params_contain_locked_fields(permitted_params ) elsif sop_update = build_sop_update(permitted_params,params) update = sop_update ensure_no_orders = Auth.configuration.sop_class.constantize.permitted_params_contain_locked_fields(permitted_params ) elsif stage_update = build_stage_update(permitted_params,params) update = stage_update ensure_no_orders = Auth.configuration.stage_class.constantize.permitted_params_contain_locked_fields(permitted_params ) else ## its an assembly update. ## if the permitted params contain any of the assembly redacted fields, then we have to set ensure_no_orders here as well. ensure_no_orders = Auth.configuration.assembly_class.constantize.permitted_params_contain_locked_fields(permitted_params) model.assign_attributes(permitted_params) ## if its only the assembly , then it would just be "$set" => model.attributes ## if the master is being set to false, then ensure that it is already false. update = { "$set" => model.attributes.except("doc_version", "_id", "master_assembly_id"), "$inc" => { "doc_version" => 1 } } end ## ensure that there are no orders anywhere inside assembly, in case we are trying to modify locked fields. if ensure_no_orders query["$and"] << { "stages.sops.orders" => { "$exists" => false } } end ## now do the where.find_one_and_update puts "query is:" puts JSON.pretty_generate(query) puts "update is:" puts JSON.pretty_generate(update) cl = Auth.configuration.assembly_class.constantize.where(query) puts "the results of the query are:" puts cl.count.to_s Auth.configuration.assembly_class.constantize.where(query).find_one_and_update(update,{:return_document => :after}) end ########################################################### ## ## getters used in update functions. ## ########################################################### def get_sop(stage_index,sop_index) return self.stages[stage_index].sops[sop_index] end def get_stage(stage_index) return self.stages[stage_index] end def get_step(stage_index,sop_index,step_index) return self.stages[stage_index].sops[sop_index].steps[step_index] end def get_order(stage_index,sop_index,order_index) return self.stages[stage_index].sops[sop_index].orders[order_index] end def get_requirement(stage_index,sop_index,step_index,requirement_index) return self.stages[stage_index].sops[sop_index].steps[step_index].requirements[requirement_index] end def get_tlocation(stage_index,sop_index,step_index,tlocation_index) return self.stages[stage_index].sops[sop_index].steps[step_index].tlocations[tlocation_index] end def get_state(stage_index,sop_index,step_index,requirement_index,state_index) return self.stages[stage_index].sops[sop_index].steps[step_index].requirements[requirement_index].states[state_index] end def build_stage_query(permitted_params,params) stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] ## why this pipe here? ## because if request was made to the stages controller to update a stage, then the stage_id would be the params[:id] ## however if the request was made to the sops controller , then the stage_id would explicitly defined as the stage_id, and the :id would actually refer to the sop_id ## so first preference is given to that, and params[:id] is the fallback. stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] || params[:id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:stage_doc_version] || permitted_params[:doc_version] #puts "stage index: #{stage_index}, stage_id: #{stage_id}, stage_doc_version: #{stage_doc_version}" return unless (stage_index && stage_id && stage_doc_version) query = [ { "stages.#{stage_index}._id" => BSON::ObjectId(stage_id) }, { "stages.#{stage_index}.doc_version" => stage_doc_version } ] return query end ## will return nil if the params were not enough ## will otherwise return hash ## permitted params are the stage params. def build_stage_update(permitted_params,params) stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] #stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:doc_version] return unless (stage_index && stage_doc_version) stage = get_stage(stage_index) return unless stage stage.assign_attributes(permitted_params) stage.doc_version = stage_doc_version + 1 update = { "$set" => { "stages.#{stage_index}" => stage.attributes } } return update end def build_sop_query(permitted_params,params) stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:stage_doc_version] sop_index = permitted_params[:sop_index] ## see the reasons for these pipes in the build_stage_query sop_id = permitted_params[:sop_id] || params[:id] sop_doc_version = permitted_params[:sop_doc_version] || permitted_params[:doc_version] return unless (stage_index && stage_id && stage_doc_version && sop_index && sop_id && sop_doc_version) query = [ { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}._id" => BSON::ObjectId(sop_id) }, { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.doc_version" => sop_doc_version } ] return query end def build_sop_update(permitted_params,params) stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:stage_doc_version] sop_index = permitted_params[:sop_index] sop_id = params[:id] sop_doc_version = permitted_params[:doc_version] return unless (stage_index && stage_id && stage_doc_version && sop_index && sop_id && sop_doc_version) sop = get_sop(stage_index,sop_index) return unless sop sop.assign_attributes(permitted_params) sop.doc_version = sop_doc_version + 1 update = { "$set" => { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}" => sop.attributes } } return update end def build_step_query(permitted_params,params) stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:stage_doc_version] sop_index = permitted_params[:sop_index] sop_id = permitted_params[:sop_id] sop_doc_version = permitted_params[:sop_doc_version] step_index = permitted_params[:step_index] step_id = permitted_params[:step_id] || params[:id] step_doc_version = permitted_params[:step_doc_version] ||permitted_params[:doc_version] return unless (stage_index && stage_id && stage_doc_version && sop_index && sop_id && sop_doc_version && step_index && step_id && step_doc_version) query = [ { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.steps.#{step_index}._id" => BSON::ObjectId(step_id) }, { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.steps.#{step_index}.doc_version" => step_doc_version } ] return query end def build_step_update(permitted_params,params) stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:stage_doc_version] sop_index = permitted_params[:sop_index] sop_id = permitted_params[:sop_id] sop_doc_version = permitted_params[:sop_doc_version] step_index = permitted_params[:step_index] step_id = params[:id] step_doc_version = permitted_params[:doc_version] return unless (stage_index && stage_id && stage_doc_version && sop_index && sop_id && sop_doc_version && step_index && step_id && step_doc_version) #puts 'all required params are present.' step = get_step(stage_index,sop_index,step_index) #puts "step got as : #{step}" return unless step step.assign_attributes(permitted_params) step.doc_version = step_doc_version + 1 update = { "$set" => { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.steps.#{step_index}" => step.attributes } } return update end ###### => order query and update def build_order_query(permitted_params,params) #puts "permitted params are: #{permitted_params}" stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:stage_doc_version] sop_index = permitted_params[:sop_index] sop_id = permitted_params[:sop_id] sop_doc_version = permitted_params[:sop_doc_version] order_index = permitted_params[:order_index] order_id = params[:id] order_doc_version = permitted_params[:doc_version] =begin puts " ------------------ CAME TO ORDER QUERY --------------" puts "stage index : #{stage_index}" puts "stage id : #{stage_id}" puts "stage doc version: #{stage_doc_version}" puts "sop index: #{sop_index}" puts "sop id: #{sop_id}" puts "sop_doc_version : #{sop_doc_version}" puts "order index: #{order_index}" puts "order id : #{order_id}" puts "order doc version: #{order_doc_version}" =end return unless (stage_index && stage_id && stage_doc_version && sop_index && sop_id && sop_doc_version && order_index && order_id && order_doc_version) query = [ { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.orders.#{order_index}._id" => BSON::ObjectId(order_id) }, { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.orders.#{order_index}.doc_version" => order_doc_version } ] return query end def build_order_update(permitted_params,params) stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:stage_doc_version] sop_index = permitted_params[:sop_index] sop_id = permitted_params[:sop_id] sop_doc_version = permitted_params[:sop_doc_version] order_index = permitted_params[:order_index] order_id = params[:id] order_doc_version = permitted_params[:doc_version] =begin puts " ------------------ CAME TO ORDER UPDATE --------------" puts "stage index : #{stage_index}" puts "stage id : #{stage_id}" puts "stage doc version: #{stage_doc_version}" puts "sop index: #{sop_index}" puts "sop id: #{sop_id}" puts "sop_doc_version : #{sop_doc_version}" puts "order index: #{order_index}" puts "order id : #{order_id}" puts "order doc version: #{order_doc_version}" =end return unless (stage_index && stage_id && stage_doc_version && sop_index && sop_id && sop_doc_version && order_index && order_id && order_doc_version) #puts 'ORDER UPDATE -------------all required params are present.' order = get_order(stage_index,sop_index,order_index) #puts "step got as : #{step}" return unless order order.assign_attributes(permitted_params) order.doc_version = order_doc_version + 1 update = { "$set" => { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.orders.#{order_index}" => order.attributes } } return update end ###### => requirement query and update. def build_requirement_query(permitted_params,params) stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:stage_doc_version] sop_index = permitted_params[:sop_index] sop_id = permitted_params[:sop_id] sop_doc_version = permitted_params[:sop_doc_version] step_index = permitted_params[:step_index] step_id = permitted_params[:step_id] step_doc_version = permitted_params[:step_doc_version] requirement_index = permitted_params[:requirement_index] requirement_id = permitted_params[:requirement_id] || params[:id] requirement_doc_version = permitted_params[:requirement_doc_version] || permitted_params[:doc_version] return unless (stage_index && stage_id && stage_doc_version && sop_index && sop_id && sop_doc_version && step_index && step_id && step_doc_version && requirement_index && requirement_id && requirement_doc_version) query = [ { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.steps.#{step_index}.requirements.#{requirement_index}._id" => BSON::ObjectId(requirement_id) }, { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.steps.#{step_index}.requirements.#{requirement_index}.doc_version" => requirement_doc_version } ] return query end def build_requirement_update(permitted_params,params) stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:stage_doc_version] sop_index = permitted_params[:sop_index] sop_id = permitted_params[:sop_id] sop_doc_version = permitted_params[:sop_doc_version] step_index = permitted_params[:step_index] step_id = permitted_params[:step_id] step_doc_version = permitted_params[:step_doc_version] requirement_index = permitted_params[:requirement_index] requirement_id = params[:id] requirement_doc_version = permitted_params[:doc_version] return unless (stage_index && stage_id && stage_doc_version && sop_index && sop_id && sop_doc_version && step_index && step_id && step_doc_version && requirement_index && requirement_id && requirement_doc_version) # puts 'all required params are present.' requirement = get_requirement(stage_index,sop_index,step_index,requirement_index) # puts "requirement got as : #{requirement}" return unless requirement # puts "found requirement" requirement.assign_attributes(permitted_params) requirement.doc_version = requirement_doc_version + 1 update = { "$set" => { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.steps.#{step_index}.requirements.#{requirement_index}" => requirement.attributes } } return update end ##### => tlocation query and update def build_tlocation_query(permitted_params,params) stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:stage_doc_version] sop_index = permitted_params[:sop_index] sop_id = permitted_params[:sop_id] sop_doc_version = permitted_params[:sop_doc_version] step_index = permitted_params[:step_index] step_id = permitted_params[:step_id] step_doc_version = permitted_params[:step_doc_version] tlocation_index = permitted_params[:tlocation_index] tlocation_id = permitted_params[:tlocation_id] || params[:id] tlocation_doc_version = permitted_params[:tlocation_doc_version] || permitted_params[:doc_version] return unless (stage_index && stage_id && stage_doc_version && sop_index && sop_id && sop_doc_version && step_index && step_id && step_doc_version && tlocation_index && tlocation_id && tlocation_doc_version) query = [ { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.steps.#{step_index}.tlocations.#{tlocation_index}._id" => BSON::ObjectId(tlocation_id) }, { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.steps.#{step_index}.tlocations.#{tlocation_index}.doc_version" => tlocation_doc_version } ] return query end def build_tlocation_update(permitted_params,params) stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:stage_doc_version] sop_index = permitted_params[:sop_index] sop_id = permitted_params[:sop_id] sop_doc_version = permitted_params[:sop_doc_version] step_index = permitted_params[:step_index] step_id = permitted_params[:step_id] step_doc_version = permitted_params[:step_doc_version] tlocation_index = permitted_params[:tlocation_index] tlocation_id = params[:id] tlocation_doc_version = permitted_params[:doc_version] return unless (stage_index && stage_id && stage_doc_version && sop_index && sop_id && sop_doc_version && step_index && step_id && step_doc_version && tlocation_index && tlocation_id && tlocation_doc_version) # puts 'all required params are present.' tlocation = get_tlocation(stage_index,sop_index,step_index,tlocation_index) # puts "tlocation got as : #{tlocation}" return unless tlocation # puts "found tlocation" tlocation.assign_attributes(permitted_params) tlocation.doc_version = tlocation_doc_version + 1 update = { "$set" => { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.steps.#{step_index}.tlocations.#{tlocation_index}" => tlocation.attributes } } return update end ##### => state query and update. def build_state_query(permitted_params,params) stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:stage_doc_version] sop_index = permitted_params[:sop_index] sop_id = permitted_params[:sop_id] sop_doc_version = permitted_params[:sop_doc_version] step_index = permitted_params[:step_index] step_id = permitted_params[:step_id] step_doc_version = permitted_params[:step_doc_version] requirement_index = permitted_params[:requirement_index] requirement_id = permitted_params[:requirement_id] requirement_doc_version = permitted_params[:requirement_doc_version] state_id = params[:id] state_doc_version = permitted_params[:doc_version] state_index = permitted_params[:state_index] =begin puts "stage index: #{stage_index}" puts "stage id: #{stage_id}" puts "stage doc version: #{stage_doc_version}" puts "sop index: #{sop_index}" puts "sop id: #{sop_id}" puts "sop doc version: #{sop_doc_version}" puts "step index: #{step_index}" puts "step id: #{step_id}" puts "step doc version: #{step_doc_version}" puts "requirement index: #{requirement_index}" puts "requirement id: #{requirement_id}" puts "requirement doc version: #{requirement_doc_version}" puts "state index: #{state_index}" puts "state id: #{state_id}" puts "state doc version: #{state_doc_version}" =end return unless (stage_index && stage_id && stage_doc_version && sop_index && sop_id && sop_doc_version && step_index && step_id && step_doc_version && requirement_index && requirement_id && requirement_doc_version && state_index && state_id && state_doc_version) query = [ { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.steps.#{step_index}.requirements.#{requirement_index}.states.#{state_index}._id" => BSON::ObjectId(state_id) }, { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.steps.#{step_index}.requirements.#{requirement_index}.states.#{state_index}.doc_version" => state_doc_version } ] puts "STATE_QUERY: ALL PARAMS PRESENt. ---------------------------------" return query end def build_state_update(permitted_params,params) #puts "came to build state update." #puts "the params are:" #puts params.to_s stage_index = permitted_params[:stage_index] stage_id = permitted_params[:stage_id] stage_doc_version = permitted_params[:stage_doc_version] sop_index = permitted_params[:sop_index] sop_id = permitted_params[:sop_id] sop_doc_version = permitted_params[:sop_doc_version] step_index = permitted_params[:step_index] step_id = permitted_params[:step_id] step_doc_version = permitted_params[:step_doc_version] requirement_index = permitted_params[:requirement_index] requirement_id = params[:id] requirement_doc_version = permitted_params[:doc_version] state_index = permitted_params[:state_index] state_id = params[:id] state_doc_version = permitted_params[:doc_version] =begin puts "the params inside the update are-----------" puts "stage index: #{stage_index}" puts "stage id: #{stage_id}" puts "stage doc version: #{stage_doc_version}" puts "sop index: #{sop_index}" puts "sop id: #{sop_id}" puts "sop doc version: #{sop_doc_version}" puts "step index: #{step_index}" puts "step id: #{step_id}" puts "step doc version: #{step_doc_version}" puts "requirement index: #{requirement_index}" puts "requirement id: #{requirement_id}" puts "requirement doc version: #{requirement_doc_version}" puts "state index: #{state_index}" puts "state id: #{state_id}" puts "state doc version: #{state_doc_version}" =end return unless (stage_index && stage_id && stage_doc_version && sop_index && sop_id && sop_doc_version && step_index && step_id && step_doc_version && requirement_index && requirement_id && requirement_doc_version && state_index && state_id && state_doc_version) # puts 'all required params are present.' state = get_state(stage_index,sop_index,step_index,requirement_index,state_index) # puts "state got as : #{state}" return unless state # puts "found requirement" ## here we can do the redacting. state.assign_attributes(permitted_params) state.doc_version = state_doc_version + 1 update = { "$set" => { "stages.#{stage_index}.sops.#{sop_index}.steps.#{step_index}.requirements.#{requirement_index}.states.#{state_index}" => state.attributes } } return update end ########################################################### ## ## ## CUSTOM DEFINITIONS. ## ## ########################################################### def master_assembly_id_is_latest_created_master return unless self.master_assembly_id return unless self.doc_version == 0 latest_assembly = Auth.configuration.assembly_class.constantize.where({ "master" => true }).order_by(:created_at => 'desc').limit(1) self.errors.add(:master_assembly_id,"this is not the latest master assembly, please check for the latest master assembly, before cloning.") unless latest_assembly.first return if self.errors.full_messages.size > 0 self.errors.add(:master_assembly_id,"this is not the latest master assembly, please check for the latest master assembly, before cloning.") unless == self.master_assembly_id.to_s end ########################################################### ## ## ## ## TRANSACTION BASED DEFS. ## ## ## ############################################################ ## @return[Array] of event objects. ## @params[Hash] options : ## one key is expected : 'order' => this will be the order object serialized. def clone_to_add_cart_items(options) return nil unless self.master return nil if (options[:order].blank?) new_assembly = self.clone new_assembly.master = false if new_assembly && resulting_event = resulting_event.object_class = Auth.configuration.sop_class resulting_event.method_to_call = "find_applicable_sops" order =[:order])) order.assembly_id = order.assembly_doc_version = new_assembly.doc_version resulting_event.arguments = {:order => order.to_json(:methods => [:assembly_id,:assembly_doc_version])} return [resulting_event] end return nil end ############################################################### ## ## ## there is no wrapper method for find_applicable_sops, because that event calls a class method on sop, so it can be called directly. ## ## ############################################################### def create_order_in_multiple_sops(arguments) ## the arguments are the sops, and order. return nil if(arguments[:sops].blank? || arguments[:order].blank?) sops = JSON.parse(arguments[:sops]).map{|c| c =} order =[:order])) assembly_updated = order.create_order_into_all_applicable_sops(sops) return false unless assembly_updated ## get the updated sops only. ## from the assembly. new_sops ={|c| c = assembly_updated.stages[c.stage_index].sops[c.sop_index] } sops.each_with_index{|value,key| new_sops[key].stage_index = value.stage_index new_sops[key].sop_index = value.sop_index } e = e.arguments = {:sops => new_sops.to_json(:methods => [:sop_index,:stage_index]), :order => order.to_json} #puts e.arguments.to_s e.object_class = Auth.configuration.assembly_class e.method_to_call = "schedule_order" e.object_id = order.assembly_id.to_s return [e] end def schedule_order(arguments={}) return nil if(arguments[:sops].blank? || arguments[:order].blank?) sops = JSON.parse(arguments[:sops]).map{|c| c =} order =[:order])) cart_items_latest_time = {} requirement_query_hash = {} sops.each do |sop| response = sop.schedule_order(cart_items_latest_time,requirement_query_hash) cart_items_latest_time = response[:cart_items_latest_time] requirement_query_hash = response[:requirement_query_hash] end e = e.arguments = {:sops => sops.to_json, :requirement_query_hash => requirement_query_hash.to_json} e.object_class = Auth.configuration.assembly_class e.method_to_call = "after_schedule_order" e.object_id = order.assembly_id.to_s return [e] end def after_schedule_order(arguments={}) end end =begin 0 1 2 3 4 5 size - 1 - (pattern.length) + 1 =end