# Add the `screenshot` method to ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest module Capybara module Screenshot module Diff module TestMethods type name_entity = (Symbol | String) type path_entity = (string | Pathname) @screenshot_counter: Numeric? @screenshot_group: String? @screenshot_section: String? @test_screenshot_errors: Array[top]? @test_screenshots: Array[[Array[String]?, String, ImageCompare]]? def initialize: (*untyped) -> untyped def group_parts: () -> Array[String] def build_full_name: (name_entity name) -> String def schedule_match_job: ([untyped, untyped, untyped] job) -> true def screenshot_dir: () -> String def screenshot_section: (name_entity name) -> void def screenshot_group: (name_entity? name) -> void def screenshot: (name_entity name, ?skip_stack_frames: ::Integer, **untyped options) -> boolish def assert_image_not_changed: (String name, ImageCompare comparison) -> ::String? private def build_screenshot_matches_job: (String, Drivers::BaseDriver::options_entity) -> ScreenshotMatcher::job_entity? end end end end