SQLite format 3@  hh&X#tableauthorsauthorsCREATE TABLE "authors" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)5WAtablerepliesrepliesCREATE TABLE "replies" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "content" text, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime, "topic_id" integer)P++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq)bVtabletopicstopicsCREATE TABLE "topics" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "author_id" integer, "title" varchar(255), "subtitle" varchar(255), "content" text, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime) a ayPW%3Harvey Birdman is the king of all menyupHe really is2011-05-13 10:11:34kUc3ActiveRecord sometimes freaks me outI mean, what's the deal with eager loading?2011-05-13 11:56:34W99+3Isnt futurama awesome?It really is, isnt it.I like futurama2011-05-12 12:11:34 '/3Rails is niceIt makes me happyexcept when I have to hack internals to fix pagination. even then really.2011-05-13 11:51:34  authors replies topics 7E WG{777B933This is reply number 92011-05-13 12:11:342011-05-13 12:11:34B933This is reply number 82011-05-13 12:11:342011-05-13 12:11:34B933This is reply number 72011-05-13 12:11:342011-05-13 12:11:34B 933This is reply number 62011-05-13 12:11:342011-05-13 12:11:34B 933This is reply number 52011-05-13 12:11:342011-05-13 12:11:34B 933This is reply number 42011-05-13 12:11:342011-05-13 12:11:34B 933This is reply number 32011-05-13 12:11:342011-05-13 12:11:34B 933This is reply number 22011-05-13 12:11:342011-05-13 12:11:34B933This is reply number 12011-05-13 12:11:342011-05-13 12:11:34B933This is reply number 02011-05-13 12:11:342011-05-13 12:11:34k.6E3AR This is some more content2011-05-13 02:11:34$!3Nice site!2011-05-13 11:11:34#3?3AR doesn't scare me a bit2011-05-13 12:01:34;O3I'm getting to the bottom of this2011-05-13 11:41:34 3John2011-05-12 12:11:34