# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ## [2.0.6] - 2021-02-xx ### Added ### Changed - `Eco::API::Session::Batch:Errors` moved some methods to be private ### Fixed - `Eco::API::Error` should inherit from `StandardError`, rather than from `Exception` ## [2.0.5] - 2021-02-24 ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed - `Eco::API::Common::People::PersonParser#symbol_keys` to use `Array#select` - as `Array#filter` was introduced in ruby `2.5.5` ## [2.0.4] - 2021-02-23 ### Added ### Changed - `Eco::API::Common::People::PersonParser#defined_attrs` to include virtual attributes ### Fixed ## [2.0.3] - 2021-02-23 ### Added - `Eco::API::UseCases::OozeSamples::OozeUpdateCase`: added integration to update page instances (non-templates) ### Changed ### Fixed - `Eco::API::Policies::DefaultPolicies::UserAccess` complete default policy code. ## [2.0.2] - 2021-02-22 ### Added ### Changed - upgraded dependencies with `ecoportal-api` ### Fixed ## [2.0.1] - 2021-02-22 ### Added ### Changed - upgraded dependencies with `ecoportal-api-oozes` to `ecoportal-api-v2` ### Fixed ## [1.5.15] - 2021-02-17 ### Added - `Eco::API::Common::ClassHelpers` added support for class methods inheritance - this is key to be able to define usecase models to inherit from - `Eco::API::UseCases::OozeSamples::OozeUpdateCase`: added this sample to inherit from (simplifying use cases code) - `Eco::API::Common::ClassHelpers` added inheritable attribute values - added benchmarking to people loaders: - `Eco::API::MicroCases#people_load` - `Eco::API::MicroCases#people_cache` - `Eco::API::MicroCases#people_search` - `Eco::API::MicroCases#refresh` ### Changed ### Fixed - `Eco::API::Policies::DefaultPolicies::UserAccess` typos in default api policy ## [1.5.14] - 2021-02-05 ### Added - `Eco::API::Policies::DefaultPolicies` policies that are run always (after the custom policies) - `Eco::API::Policies::DefaultPolicies::UserAccess`: - remove account if there's no `email` - provision min user level to those with account (if no usergroup and no abilities) - `Eco::API::Session#policies` which merges the default policies to be added/run after the custom policies - `Eco::API::Common::Session::Logger`: add caching of logs - `Eco::API::Common::Session::Logger::Cache` new class to manage cached logs - `Eco::API::Common::Session::Logger::Log` new class to have a trace on logs - `Eco::API::Session::Batch::Job#summary` added subjobs (error handlers) summary ### Changed - `Eco::API::Session::Batch::Job#launch` it will also run the default api policies before feedback and query launch - `Eco::API::Common::People::PersonEntry` add error log when wrong email error is detected - previously it would have crashed ### Fixed ## [1.5.13] - 2021-02-01 ### Added ### Changed - upgraded dependency with `ecoportal-api-oozes` ### Fixed - `Eco::API::Session::Config::Api` was not including the correct `host` - this could have launched an `api` request to `live.ecoportal.com` when targeting `pre.dev` ## [1.5.12] - 2021-02-01 ### Added - `Eco::API::Common::People::DefaultParsers::CSVParser` when cell content is `Null`, capture `nil` value. ### Changed - upgraded `ecoportal-api` dependency ### Fixed ## [1.5.11] - 2021-01-25 ### Added - `Eco::API::Organization::TagTree#subtag?` to check if the tag is in any subtree. ### Changed ### Fixed - `Eco::API::MicroCases#set_supervisor` shouldn't set it if the entry does not have it. ## [1.5.10] - 2021-01-19 ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed - `Eco::API::Session::Batch::Errors#print` show the row number of the input data. ## [1.5.9] - 2021-01-08 ### Added - `Eco::API::Organization::TagTree#subtags` to get all the tags but those of the highest level. ### Changed ### Fixed ## [1.5.8] - 2021-01-05 ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed - `Eco::API::Session::Batch::Jobs#job` shouldn't be calling the post-launch callback function on creation. - `Eco::API::Session#new_job` should include a `&block` parameter. - `Eco::API::UseCases::DefaultCases::RefreshCase`: fixed typo ## [1.5.7] - 2020-12-17 ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed - `Eco::API::Sesssion#parse_attribute` was not using phase argument ## [1.5.6] - 2020-12-04 ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed - `Eco::API::UseCases::DefaultCases::RestoreDBCase` fixed typo and slightly improved - fixed some back-end errors when chaining usecases - `Eco::API::UseCases::DefaultCases::OrgDataConvertCase` improved ## [1.5.5] - 2020-12-03 ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed - rubies previous to `2.5` do not have `yield_self` ## [1.5.4] - 2020-12-02 ### Added - update `ecoportal-api` dependency ### Changed ### Fixed - `Eco::API::MicroCases#people_refresh` typo ## [1.5.3] - 2020-11-30 ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed - `Eco::API::Session::Batch::RequestStats#blanked_value?` better blank detection - `Eco::API::MicroCases#with_each_starter` rectified typo ## [1.5.2] - 2020-11-26 ### Added - **custom** usecases, policies and error handlers can now be **declared within its own class** * helper classes to inherit from: `Eco::API::Custom::UseCase`, `Eco::API::Custom::Policy`, `Eco::API::Custom::ErrorHandler` and `Eco::API::Custom::Parser` * please, notice that you should create new classes under the following namespaces - `Custom::UseCase`: custom use cases - `Custom::Policy`: custom policy - `Custom::ErrorHandler`: custom error handler - `Custom::Parser`: custom parser * this also allows to inherit from existing defaults and models (models to come) - implemented first **microcases** (evaluation stage): to be able to centralize common code between use cases - see `Eco::API::MicroCases` class - **command line** added `--help` to list all `usecases`, `options` and `filters` * `--help -options` will print a documented overview of options * `--help -filters` will print a documented overview of people filters * `--help -input-filters` will print a documented overview of input data filters * `--help -usecases` will print a documented overview of the usecases - **command line** filters for `filter_tags` on: * input data: `-input-filter-tags-all`, `input-filter-tags-any`, `input-filter-tags-tree` * people data: `-filter-tags-all`, `-filter-tags-any`, `-filter-tags-tree` - **batch stats** & **batch policy** * `Eco::API::Session::Batch::RequestStats`: included additional guide on what has been **blanked**. - now on you should see how many have been blanked, i.e.: `blanked_email`, `blanked_filter_tags`, `blanked_policy_group_ids`, `blanked_supervisor_id` * Moreover, the new `blanked_*` properties are available for `config.batch_policies` provided that you can limit the `max` and/or `min` expected on each batch **type** - **csv** generation (`-people-to-csv` and `-people-to-csv -detailed`): * now includes `"Has Account?"` new column * removed the useless `send_invites` column - **errors** improved error message when setting values to a `person` from an `entry`: * it now shows the **row number** * it now gives the specific value that failed in case of `Exception` - `Eco::API::Common::DefaultPasers::LoginProvidersParser`: made native - `Eco::API::UseCases::DefaultUsecases::TransferAccountCase`: added `-transer-account-from` usecase * to allow actually transfer an account/user from one person to another in the org - `Ecoportal::API::V1::Person#entry`: method to be able to have a reference to the update/creation input data entry. - new filter methods for `Eco::API::Common::People::Entries` and `Eco::API::Organization::People` * `#filter_tags_any` & `#filter_tags_all`: those that have any or all the target tags * `#policy_group_ids_any` & `#policy_groups_all`: those that have any or all the target policy groups ### Changed - updated dependency on `ecoportal-api` gem - **command line** some changes: - renamed `-refresh-presets` to `-refresh-abilities` - renamed `-recover-db` to `restore-db` - removed `Eco::API::Session::Tasks`: all the helpers have been moved and documented as part of `Eco::API::MicroCases` (some have been renamed) - as a consequence, removed method `Eco::API::Session#do` - `Eco::API::Common::People::PersonEntry#to_hash` has been removed - now you should use the more explicit `Eco::API::Common::People::PersonEntry#external_entry` - **internal refactor** of `Eco::API::UseCases::DefaultCases`: * made so they inherit from `Eco::API::Common::Loaders::UseCase` and cases are autoloaded during run-time - **internal refactor** of input entries processing: * `Eco::API::Common::People::PersonEntry` internal refactor - need to make the code clearer and make the `parsing` and `serializing` symmetrical - the `serializers` were expecting an `Ecoportal::API::V1::Person`, which was at a different to that of when the `parsers` kicked in. - now it has been introduced the possibility to launch the serializer in a different stage of the process - to keep backwards compatibility, now it is possible to define at which `phase` of the parsing/serializing each parser and each serializer should kick in, which entailed changes in other classes and a new parameter in some methods thereof... * `Eco::Language::Models::ParserSerializer` offers `category` parameter so you can have multiple parsers and serializers per each parser/serializer (one per category). * `Eco::API::Common::People::PersonParser` uses `category` to define a `phase` when the `parser` or the `serializer` should be active => the expected object in the parser `callback` will be different depending on at which phase it is active and therefore called - for `parser` valid **phases** are `:internal` (default) and `:final` - for `serializer` valid **phases** are `:person` (default), `:final` and `:internal` - the expected output of such **callbacks** is the same as before: either the single `value` to return or a `Hash` with pair key/values of virtually-generated or existing-modified attributes of the source/input data passed to the parser ### Fixed - **command line** * `-search-soft` was being ignored in orgs with org config `session.config.people.strict_search = true` * Log connection information (**enabled**): it was not printing where the connection was being made * enabled chaining between usecases: they will be processed in the order they hold in the command line - Removed error double backtrace (now it should only show one) - `Eco::API::Common::People::EntryFactory#entries` was not using `encoding` parameter properly. - `Eco::API::Common::People::DefaultParsers::CSVParser` does at `strip` (trim) of the header names. - `Eco::API::Organization::PresetsFactory#merge` was including abilities that were not included in the custom presets - fix: it will include only those that are defined, provided that using it will not override account abilities that should not be targeted, such as `tasks` - this new behavior will preserve account abilities that should be preserved; not targeted by the custom presets - some use cases where giving incorrect row number, fixed so they do: - `Eco::API::Common::People::EntryFactory#entries` adds `idx` key to each `entry` - `Eco::API::Common::People::PersonEntry`: serialization process has been normalized (previously there were missing fields) - this fix makes the `csv` with the complete set of fields that should be exported - `Ecoportal::API::Internal::Person#account_added` fixed typo - `Ecoportal::API::Session::Batch#get_people` should return `Array` invariably ## [1.5.1] - 2020-10-08 ### Added - `presets_values.json`: added the new ability `tasks` (eP release `1.5.3`) - `Ecoportal::API::Internal::Person` patch helper methods: * `new?`: to know if this person is new in the people manager as a result of the current launch * `account_added?`: to know if this person did not have account but they will have it after the current launch - `Eco::API::Session#new_job`: to shorten code - `Eco::API::Common::DefaultPasers::PolicyGroupsParser`: made native, as it is a very common parser - `Eco::API::Common::DefaultPasers::FreemiumParser` to parse/serialise boolean - `Eco::API::Common::People::PersonParser`: added `freemium` as core attribute - `Eco::API::UserCases::DefaultCases::RecoverDBCase`: recovers also `freemium` - scoping **microcases** : to be able to centralize common code between use cases - at its early stage (currently not available for usage) - dependency on `ecoportal-api-oozes` gem - added basic support for **api** `v2` - you can use `session.api(:oozes)` to obtain an api `v2` - you can manage your keys directly on the apis configuration - added `external_key:`, `user_key:` and `apis.default_user_key` ```ruby ASSETS.config do |config| config.apis.default_user_key = 'your-user-key-here' config.add_api("org-environment", { host: 'pre.dev.ecoportal.com', key: 'an-internal-org-api-key', version: :internal, external_key: 'an-external-org-api-key', user_key: 'org-user-key-for-activity-stream', mode: :local }) end ``` ### Changed - internally: load `Eco::API::Common::Session` before `Eco::API::Common::People` - `Eco::API::Common::People::EntryFactory`: made child of `Eco::API::Common::Session::BaseSession` - refactored all the `api` connection creation for simplicity and to support multi api version - delegated `Eco::API::Session::Batch#get` to `Ecoportal::API::V1::People#get_all` ### Fixed - correct `.gemspec` dependency version restrictions ## [1.5.0] - 2020-09-11 ### Added - `Eco::Data::Files#file_empty?` to prevent error when checking encoding ### Changed - change abilities to align with ecoPortal release `1.5.2` ### Fixed - `Eco::CSV#parse` and `Eco::CSV#read` should use the proper `encoding` when it's `bom` * apparently, this can only be achieved by passing an argument such as `rb:bom|utf-8` * best reference found: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60794851/4352306 ## [1.4.2] - 2020-07-23 ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed - preserve backtrace on logging ## [1.4.0] - 2020-07-14 ### Added ### Changed - change abilities to align with ecoPortal release `1.5.0` - remove some patches on `ecoportal-api` - removed patch method `Ecoportal::API::V1::Person#sync` ### Fixed - `Eco::CSV#parse` and `Eco::CSV#read` should use the proper `:encoding` when it's `bom` ## [1.3.19] - 2020-07-23 ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed - preserve backtrace on logging ## [1.3.18] - 2020-07-08 ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed - the `update` case was missing the code to use the `default_usergroup` ## [1.3.17] - 2020-07-06 ### Added ### Changed - the `hris` case should not only include as `leavers` those that have account, but anyone that leaves * as we could have active people with no account ### Fixed - `Eco::API::Session::Batch::Errors#errors`: fix error for empty `body` on response ## [1.3.16] - 2020-06-26 ### Added - `Eco::API::Common::People::Entries`, `#entry` & `#find` should allow for `strict` search (added parameter) ### Changed - upgraded `ecoportal-api` gem dependency to minimum version `0.5.7` - this includes the removal of some patches - some gems update ### Fixed - patched preferences (`kiosk` preferences should default to `nil`) ## [1.3.15] - 2020-06-11 ### Added - default usecase to export to `csv` (`-detailed`) now includes `"Supervisor Name"` column ### Changed ### Fixed ## [1.3.14] - 2020-06-10 ### Added - `Eco::API::Common::People::SupervisorHelpers` now has its methods as class methods ### Changed - upgraded `ecoportal-api` gem dependency to minimum version `0.5.6` ### Fixed ## [1.3.13] - 2020-05-29 ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed - `Eco::API::Organization::TagTree#tag?` to accept `nil` by returning `false` - `Eco::API::Common::People::DefaultParsers::DateParser` will parse to `Date` class * it was parsing to `Time` class, while the native gem `ecoportal-api` parses as `Date` ([reference](https://gitlab.com/ecoPortal/ecoportal-api/-/blob/master/lib/ecoportal/api/v1/schema_field.rb)) ## [1.3.12] - 2020-05-19 ### Added ### Changed - stop using `email` as `external_id` on `People#person` & `People#find` * this should result in more accurate searches when using `:strict` options ### Fixed ## [1.3.11] - 2020-05-12 ### Added ### Changed - remove popping up comments on `Eco::API::Organization::PolicyGroups#` ### Fixed ## [1.3.10] - 2020-05-12 ### Added - `Eco::API::Organization::PolicyGroups#to_name` added support for `Array` input - `config.people.default_usergroup`, when defined, will have effect on usecases: `update` (this case was missing the change) * on account creation, if the input file did not specify `policy_group_ids` ### Changed ### Fixed - `upsert`, `hris` and `create` usecases: fixed condition for use of default_usergroup ## [1.3.9] - 2020-05-12 ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed - `usecase` callback was not receiving `usecase` paramater * as a consequence `Batch::Job` created were missing the `usecase` ## [1.3.8] - 2020-05-07 ### Added - this change log file - `config.people.default_usergroup`, when defined, will have effect on usecases: `create`, `upsert` and `hris` * on account creation, if the input file did not specify `policy_group_ids` ### Changed - `policy` callback to receive new parameter with the `Batch::Job` that it is currently processing/checking **Example of usage** ```ruby ASSETS.config.policies do |policies| policies.define("update-status") do |people, session, options, policy, job| if job.type == :create people.each do |person| person.details["status"] = "Active" if person.details end end if job.name == "leavers" person.details["status"] = "Inactive" if person.details end end end ``` ### Fixed - `reinvite` `:sync` native usecase (`-reinvite-from`): should skip people with no account.