require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb' describe "PgArray" do context "Array" do before :all do @ability_class = do include CanCan::Ability end @acheck = end before :each do @ability = end it "should change type" do [].pg.should be_an_instance_of(PGArrays::PgArray) [].search_any.should be_an_instance_of(PGArrays::PgAny) [].search_all.should be_an_instance_of(PGArrays::PgAll) [].search_subarray.should be_an_instance_of(PGArrays::PgIncludes) end it "should provide search_any for cancan" do ab.can :boom, @acheck, :a => [1, 2].search_any ab.should be_able_to(:boom, the([1])) ab.should be_able_to(:boom, the([1, 3])) ab.should be_able_to(:boom, the([3, 1])) ab.should be_able_to(:boom, the([1, 2])) ab.should be_able_to(:boom, the([1, 2, 3])) ab.should_not be_able_to(:boom, the([3])) ab.should_not be_able_to(:boom, the([])) end it "should provide search_all for cancan" do ab.can :boom, @acheck, :a => [1, 2].search_all ab.should_not be_able_to(:boom, the([1])) ab.should_not be_able_to(:boom, the([1, 3])) ab.should_not be_able_to(:boom, the([3, 1])) ab.should be_able_to(:boom, the([1, 2])) ab.should be_able_to(:boom, the([1, 2, 3])) ab.should_not be_able_to(:boom, the([3])) ab.should_not be_able_to(:boom, the([])) end it "should provide search_subarray for cancan" do ab.can :boom, @acheck, :a => [1, 2].search_subarray ab.should be_able_to(:boom, the([1])) ab.should_not be_able_to(:boom, the([1, 3])) ab.should_not be_able_to(:boom, the([3, 1])) ab.should be_able_to(:boom, the([1, 2])) ab.should_not be_able_to(:boom, the([1, 2, 3])) ab.should_not be_able_to(:boom, the([3])) ab.should be_able_to(:boom, the([])) end def the(ar) end def ab @ability end end context "AR" do it "should adequatly insert fixtures" do bulk = Bulk.find(1) bulk.ints.should == [ 1 ] bulk.strings.should == %w{one} bulk.times.should == [,] bulk.floats.should == [1.0, 2.3] bulk.decimals.should == [1.0, 2.3] end it "should be created with defaults" do bulk = bulk.ints.should == [1, 2] bulk.strings.should == %w{as so} bulk.floats.should == [1.0, 1.2] bulk.decimals.should == [1.0, 1.2] bulk.texts.should == [nil, 'Text', 'NULL', 'Text with nil', 'Text with , nil, !', 'nil'] map_times(bulk.times).should == map_times(parse_times(%w{2010-01-01 2010-02-01})) end it "should save changes" do bulk = Bulk.find(3) for field in %w{ints strings floats decimals times} bulk.send(field+'=', bulk.send(field).reverse) end! bulk = Bulk.find(:first, :conditions=>'3 = id') bulk.ints.should == [3, 2] bulk.strings.should == %w{three two} bulk.floats.should == [2.5, 2] bulk.decimals.should == [2.5, 2] map_times(bulk.times).should == map_times(parse_times(%w{2010-04-01 2010-03-01})) end it "should allow to use sql" do bulks_where(['ints && ?', [1,2].pg]).should == bulks_where(:id=>[1,2,3]) end it "should allow to use finders" do bulks_where(:ints => [2].search_any).should == bulks_where(:id=>[2,3]) bulks_where(:ints => [2,3].search_any).should == bulks_where(:id=>[2,3]) bulks_where(:ints => [1,2].search_any).should == bulks_where(:id=>[1,2,3]) bulks_where(:ints => [2].search_all).should == bulks_where(:id=>[2,3]) bulks_where(:ints => [2,3].search_all).should == bulks_where(:id=>[3]) bulks_where(:ints => [1,2].search_all).should == [] bulks_where(:ints => [2].search_subarray).should == bulks_where(:id=>[2,4]) bulks_where(:ints => [2,3].search_subarray).should == bulks_where(:id=>[2,3,4]) bulks_where(:ints => [1,2].search_subarray).should == bulks_where(:id=>[1,2,4]) end def map_times(times){|t| t.strftime("%F %T")} end def parse_times(times){|t| DateTime.parse(t)} end def bulks_where(cond) Bulk.where(cond).order('id').all end end context "CanCan" do before :all do @ability_class = do include CanCan::Ability end @all_items = Item.all end before :each do @ability = end it "should provide search_any for cancan" do should_match_ids_with_ability [2, 3, 4, 6], :tag_ids => [3].search_any should_match_ids_with_ability [1, 3, 4, 5, 6], :tag_ids => [1, 2].search_any end it "should provide search_all for cancan" do should_match_ids_with_ability [2, 3, 4, 6], :tag_ids => [3].search_all should_match_ids_with_ability [5, 6], :tag_ids => [1, 2].search_all end it "should provide search_subarray for cancan" do should_match_ids_with_ability [2, 7], :tag_ids => [3].search_subarray should_match_ids_with_ability [1, 5, 7], :tag_ids => [1, 2].search_subarray end def should_match_ids_with_ability(ids, ability) act = (ability[:tag_ids] + ids.join('_')).to_sym ab.can act, Item, ability items = accessible_items(act) items.should == items_where(:id=>ids) should_be_able_all items, act should_not_be_able_except items, act end def ab @ability end def accessible_items(act) Item.accessible_by(ab, act).order('id').all end def items_where(cond) Item.where(cond).order('id').all end def should_be_able_all(items, act) items.each{|item| ab.should be_able_to(act, item)} end def should_not_be_able_except(items, act) (@all_items - items).each{|item| ab.should_not be_able_to(act, items)} end end context "references_by" do it "should fetch tags in saved order" do Item.find(3).tags.should == [Tag.find(1), Tag.find(3)] Item.find(4).tags.should == [Tag.find(3), Tag.find(1)] end it "should save tags references" do item = Item.find(3) item.tags= [Tag.find(1), '3', 2] item.tags.should == [Tag.find(1), Tag.find(3), Tag.find(2)]! item.reload item.tags.should == [Tag.find(1), Tag.find(3), Tag.find(2)] item.tags= [1,3]! item.reload item.tags.should == [Tag.find(1), Tag.find(3)] end it "should define named scopes for tags" do Item.tags_include(3).order('id').all.should == items_where(:id=>[2,3,4,6]) Item.tags_include(1,3).order('id').all.should == items_where(:id=>[3,4,6]) Item.tags_have_all(3).order('id').all.should == items_where(:id=>[2,3,4,6]) Item.tags_have_all(1,3).order('id').all.should == items_where(:id=>[3,4,6]) Item.tags_have_any(3).order('id').all.should == items_where(:id=>[2,3,4,6]) Item.tags_have_any(1,3).order('id').all.should == items_where(:id=>[1,2,3,4,5,6]) Item.tags_included_into(3).order('id').all.should == items_where(:id=>[2,7]) Item.tags_included_into(1,3).order('id').all.should == items_where(:id=>[1,2,3,4,7]) end def items_where(cond) Item.where(cond).order('id').all end end context "schema" do it "should allow to add column" do lambda do ActiveRecord::Schema.define do change_table :items do |t| t.integer_array :ints, :default=>[], :null=>false end add_column :items, :floats, :float_array, :default=>[0], :null=>false end end.should_not raise_error end it "should not break other add_column" do lambda do ActiveRecord::Schema.define do add_column :items, :float1, :float add_column :items, :float2, :float, :null=>true add_column :items, :float3, :float, :default=>0, :null=>false end end.should_not raise_error end end end