# frozen-string-literal: true
require_relative 'core'
module Sequel
# Sequel::Model is an object relational mapper built on top of Sequel core. Each
# model class is backed by a dataset instance, and many dataset methods can be
# called directly on the class. Model datasets return rows as model instances,
# which are wrappers around the underlying hash that allow easily updating or
# deleting the individual row.
# Sequel::Model is built completely out of plugins. Plugins can override any class,
# instance, or dataset method defined by a previous plugin and call super to get the default
# behavior. By default, Sequel::Model loads two plugins, Sequel::Model
# (which is itself a plugin) for the base support, and Sequel::Model::Associations
# for the associations support.
# You can set the +SEQUEL_NO_ASSOCIATIONS+ constant or environment variable to
# make Sequel not load the associations plugin by default.
class Model
OPTS = Sequel::OPTS
# Empty instance methods to create that the user can override.
# Just like any other method defined by Sequel, if you override one of these, you should
# call +super+ to get the default behavior (while empty by default, they are often overridden
# by plugins). See the {"Model Hooks" guide}[rdoc-ref:doc/model_hooks.rdoc] for
# more detail on hooks.
@cache_anonymous_models = true
@db = nil
@db_schema = nil
@dataset = nil
@dataset_method_modules = []
@default_set_fields_options = {}
@overridable_methods_module = nil
@fast_pk_lookup_sql = nil
@fast_instance_delete_sql = nil
@plugins = []
@primary_key = :id
@raise_on_save_failure = true
@raise_on_typecast_failure = false
@require_modification = nil
@require_valid_table = true
@restrict_primary_key = true
@setter_methods = nil
@simple_pk = nil
@simple_table = nil
@strict_param_setting = true
@typecast_empty_string_to_nil = true
@typecast_on_assignment = true
@use_transactions = true
require_relative "model/default_inflections"
require_relative "model/inflections"
require_relative "model/plugins"
require_relative "model/dataset_module"
require_relative "model/base"
require_relative "model/exceptions"
require_relative "model/errors"
# :nocov:
# :nocov:
require_relative 'model/associations'
plugin Model::Associations
# The setter methods (methods ending with =) that are never allowed
# to be called automatically via +set+/+update+/+new+/etc.
RESTRICTED_SETTER_METHODS = instance_methods.map(&:to_s).select{|l| l.end_with?('=')}.freeze