require 'spec_helper' require 'net/http' require 'yaml' require 'jasmine/ruby_versions' if rails_available? describe 'A Rails app' do def bundle_install tries_remaining = 3 while tries_remaining > 0 puts `NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES=true bundle install --path vendor;` if $?.success? tries_remaining = 0 else tries_remaining -= 1 puts "\n\nBundle failed, trying #{tries_remaining} more times\n\n" end end end before :all do temp_dir_before Dir::chdir @tmp `rails new rails-example --skip-bundle --skip-active-record` Dir::chdir File.join(@tmp, 'rails-example') base = File.absolute_path(File.join(__FILE__, '../..')) # execjs v2.2.0 is broken in rbx, locking the version to 2.0.2 for now # see open('Gemfile', 'a') { |f| f.puts "gem 'jasmine', :path => '#{base}'" f.puts "gem 'jasmine-core', :github => 'pivotal/jasmine'" if RUBY_PLATFORM != 'java' && ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] != 'rails5' f.puts "gem 'thin'" end f.puts "gem 'angularjs-rails'" f.puts "gem 'execjs', '2.0.2'" if ruby_version_less_than([2,0,0]) && ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] == 'rails3' f.puts "gem 'sass', '3.4.25'" end f.flush } Bundler.with_clean_env do bundle_install `bundle exec rails g jasmine:install` expect(File.exists?('spec/javascripts/helpers/.gitkeep')).to eq true expect(File.exists?('spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml')).to eq true `bundle exec rails g jasmine:examples` expect(File.exists?('app/assets/javascripts/jasmine_examples/Player.js')).to eq true expect(File.exists?('app/assets/javascripts/jasmine_examples/Song.js')).to eq true expect(File.exists?('spec/javascripts/jasmine_examples/PlayerSpec.js')).to eq true expect(File.exists?('spec/javascripts/helpers/jasmine_examples/SpecHelper.js')).to eq true end end after :all do temp_dir_after end it 'should have the jasmine & jasmine:ci rake task' do #See and #There's a workaround, but requires setting env vars & jruby opts (non-trivial when inside of a jruby process), so skip for now. Bundler.with_clean_env do output = `bundle exec rake -T` expect(output).to include('jasmine ') expect(output).to include('jasmine:ci') end end it "rake jasmine:ci runs and returns expected results" do Bundler.with_clean_env do output = `bundle exec rake jasmine:ci` expect(output).to include('5 specs, 0 failures') end end it "rake jasmine:ci returns proper exit code when specs fail" do Bundler.with_clean_env do FileUtils.cp(File.join(@root, 'spec', 'fixture', 'failing_test.js'), File.join('spec', 'javascripts')) failing_yaml = custom_jasmine_config('failing') do |jasmine_config| jasmine_config['spec_files'] << 'failing_test.js' end output = `bundle exec rake jasmine:ci JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH=#{failing_yaml}` expect($?).to_not be_success expect(output).to include('6 specs, 1 failure') end end it "rake jasmine:ci runs specs when an error occurs in the javascript" do Bundler.with_clean_env do FileUtils.cp(File.join(@root, 'spec', 'fixture', 'exception_test.js'), File.join('spec', 'javascripts')) exception_yaml = custom_jasmine_config('exception') do |jasmine_config| jasmine_config['spec_files'] << 'exception_test.js' end output = `bundle exec rake jasmine:ci JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH=#{exception_yaml}` expect($?).to be_success expect(output).to include('5 specs, 0 failures') end end it "runs specs written in coffeescript" do coffee_yaml = custom_jasmine_config('coffee') do |jasmine_config| jasmine_config['spec_files'] << '' end FileUtils.cp(File.join(@root, 'spec', 'fixture', ''), File.join('spec', 'javascripts')) Bundler.with_clean_env do output = `bundle exec rake jasmine:ci JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH=#{coffee_yaml}` expect(output).to include('6 specs, 0 failures') end end it "rake jasmine runs and serves the expected webpage when using asset pipeline" do open('app/assets/stylesheets/foo.css', 'w') { |f| f.puts "/* hi dere */" f.flush } open('spec/javascripts/helpers/angular_helper.js', 'w') { |f| f.puts "//= require angular-mocks" f.flush } css_yaml = custom_jasmine_config('css') do |jasmine_config| jasmine_config['src_files'] = %w[assets/application.js] jasmine_config['stylesheets'] = ['assets/application.css'] end run_jasmine_server("JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH=#{css_yaml}") do output = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse('http://localhost:8888/')) expect(output).to match(%r{script src.*/assets/jasmine_examples/Player\.js}) expect(output).to match(%r{script src=['"]http://ajax\.googleapis\.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1\.11\.0/jquery\.min\.js}) expect(output).to match(%r{script src.*/assets/jasmine_examples/Song\.js}) expect(output).to match(%r{script src.*angular_helper\.js}) expect(output).to match(%r{}) output = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse('http://localhost:8888/__spec__/helpers/angular_helper.js')) expect(output).to match(/angular\.mock/) end end it "sets assets_prefix when using sprockets" do open('app/assets/stylesheets/assets_prefix.js.erb', 'w') { |f| f.puts "<%= assets_prefix %>" f.flush } run_jasmine_server do output = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse('http://localhost:8888/assets/assets_prefix.js')) expect(output).to match("/assets") end end it "should load js files outside of the assets path too" do yaml = custom_jasmine_config('public-assets') do |jasmine_config| jasmine_config['src_files'] << 'public/javascripts/**/*.js' jasmine_config['spec_files'] = ['non_asset_pipeline_test.js'] end FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join('public', 'javascripts')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(@root, 'spec', 'fixture', 'non_asset_pipeline.js'), File.join('public', 'javascripts')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(@root, 'spec', 'fixture', 'non_asset_pipeline_test.js'), File.join('spec', 'javascripts')) Bundler.with_clean_env do output = `bundle exec rake jasmine:ci JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH=#{yaml}` expect(output).to include('1 spec, 0 failures') end end it "should pass custom rack options from jasmine.yml" do pending "we're testing this with thin, which doesn't work in jruby" if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' rack_yaml = custom_jasmine_config('custom_rack') do |jasmine_config| jasmine_config['rack_options'] = { 'server' => 'webrick' } end Bundler.with_clean_env do default_output = `bundle exec rake jasmine:ci` if ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] == 'rails5' || ENV['RAILS_VERSION'].nil? expect(default_output).to include('Puma starting') else expect(default_output).to include('Thin web server') end custom_output = `bundle exec rake jasmine:ci JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH=#{rack_yaml} 2>&1` expect(custom_output).to include("WEBrick") end end def run_jasmine_server(options = "") Bundler.with_clean_env do begin pid = IO.popen("bundle exec rake jasmine #{options}").pid Jasmine::wait_for_listener(8888, 'localhost', 60) # if the process we started is not still running, it's very likely this test # will fail because another server is already running on port 8888 # (kill -0 will check if you can send *ANY* signal to this process) # (( it does not actually kill the process, that happens below)) `kill -0 #{pid}` unless $?.success? puts "someone else is running a server on port 8888" expect($?).to be_success end ensure Process.kill(:SIGINT, pid) begin Process.waitpid pid rescue Errno::ECHILD end end end end end end