#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'commander/import' require_relative '../lib/one_bus_away' program :version, '0.0.1' program :description, 'Simple querying of One Bus Away' if File.exist? ENV['HOME'] + '/.one_bus_away' @one_bus_away = OneBusAway.new else fail 'please install your one-bus-away API key into ~/.one_bus_away' end command 'current-time' do |c| c.syntax = 'one-bus-away current-time' c.summary = 'Get the current system time from One Bus Away' c.description = 'Makes the current_time API call against the One Bus Away'\ ' API. Simple, Straightforward, Unneeded' c.example '', 'one-bus-away current-time' c.action do @one_bus_away.current_time p @one_bus_away.data.entry.time end end command 'arrivals-and-departures-for-stop' do |c| c.syntax = 'one-bus-away arrivals-and-departures-for-stop [stop] [route] [arrival time from now]' c.summary = 'Next Arrival Time for a specific Stop' c.description = 'By default, you can get the next available arrival time.' c.example 'description', 'one-bus-away arrivals-and-departures-for-stop' \ ' [stop] [route] [arrival time from now]' c.action do |args| @one_bus_away.arrivals_and_departures_for_stop( args[0] ) busses = @one_bus_away.filter_by_route if busses.empty? puts 'No buses in that time constrain' else busses.each do |bus| puts "The #{bus.keys.first} arrives in #{bus.values.first} minutes" end end end end