const { dom, color, text } = axe.commons; if (!dom.isVisible(node, false)) { return true; } const visibleText = text.visibleVirtual(virtualNode, false, true); const ignoreUnicode = !!(options || {}).ignoreUnicode; const textContainsOnlyUnicode = text.hasUnicode(visibleText, { nonBmp: true }) && text.sanitize( text.removeUnicode(visibleText, { nonBmp: true }) ) === ''; if (textContainsOnlyUnicode && ignoreUnicode) {{ messageKey: 'nonBmp' }); return undefined; } const noScroll = !!(options || {}).noScroll; const bgNodes = []; const bgColor = color.getBackgroundColor(node, bgNodes, noScroll); const fgColor = color.getForegroundColor(node, noScroll, bgColor); const nodeStyle = window.getComputedStyle(node); const fontSize = parseFloat(nodeStyle.getPropertyValue('font-size')); const fontWeight = parseFloat(nodeStyle.getPropertyValue('font-weight')); const bold = !isNaN(fontWeight) && fontWeight >= 700; const cr = color.hasValidContrastRatio(bgColor, fgColor, fontSize, bold); // truncate ratio to three digits while rounding down // 4.499 = 4.49, 4.019 = 4.01 const truncatedResult = Math.floor(cr.contrastRatio * 100) / 100; // if fgColor or bgColor are missing, get more information. let missing; if (bgColor === null) { missing = color.incompleteData.get('bgColor'); } const equalRatio = truncatedResult === 1; const shortTextContent = visibleText.length === 1; const ignoreLength = !!(options || {}).ignoreLength; if (equalRatio) { missing = color.incompleteData.set('bgColor', 'equalRatio'); } else if (shortTextContent && !ignoreLength) { // Check that the text content is a single character long missing = 'shortTextContent'; } // need both independently in case both are missing const data = { fgColor: fgColor ? fgColor.toHexString() : undefined, bgColor: bgColor ? bgColor.toHexString() : undefined, contrastRatio: cr ? truncatedResult : undefined, fontSize: `${((fontSize * 72) / 96).toFixed(1)}pt (${fontSize}px)`, fontWeight: bold ? 'bold' : 'normal', messageKey: missing, expectedContrastRatio: cr.expectedContrastRatio + ':1' };; // We don't know, so we'll put it into Can't Tell if ( fgColor === null || bgColor === null || equalRatio || (shortTextContent && !ignoreLength && !cr.isValid) ) { missing = null; color.incompleteData.clear(); this.relatedNodes(bgNodes); return undefined; } if (!cr.isValid) { this.relatedNodes(bgNodes); } return cr.isValid;