Error: Access to the requested resource is not allowed with your current credentials.

Below is information about the request you made and the credentials you sent:


Method <%= h(env["REQUEST_METHOD"]) %>
Path <%= h(env["PATH_INFO"]) %>
Host <%= h(env["HTTP_HOST"]) %>


<% if credentials.empty? %>

No credentials provided! This is a likely cause of this error.

Please retry the request with proper credentials.

<% else %> <% credentials.each do |name, credential| %> <% end %>
<%= h(name) %> <%= h(format_attributes(credential)) %>
<% end %>

Authorized ACL Entries:

<% if resources.empty? %>

Error: No matching resources! This is a likely cause of this error.

Please check your ACL and make sure there's an entry for this route.

<% else %>

The following entries in your ACL are authorized to view this paritcular route:

<% resources.each do |resource| %> <% end %>
<%= h((resource.http_methods || "ALL").join(" ")) %> <%= h(format_path(resource.path)) %>
    <% resource.matchers.each do |name, matcher| %>
  • <%= h(name) %>: <%= h(format_attributes(matcher)) %>
  • <% end %>
<% end %>