module Discorb
  # Represents a stage channel.
  class StageChannel < Discorb::GuildChannel
    include Discorb::Connectable

    # Initialize a new stage channel.
    # @private
    def initialize: -> void

    def stage_instance: -> untyped

    # Edit the stage channel.
    # @async
    # @macro edit
    # @param [String] name The name of the stage channel.
    # @param [Integer] position The position of the stage channel.
    # @param [Integer] bitrate The bitrate of the stage channel.
    # @param [Symbol] rtc_region The region of the stage channel.
    # @param [String] reason The reason of editing the stage channel.
    # @return [Async::Task<self>] The edited stage channel.
    def edit: (
      ?name: String,
      ?position: Integer,
      ?bitrate: Integer,
      ?rtc_region: Symbol,
      ?reason: String?
    ) -> Async::Task[self]

    # Start a stage instance.
    # @async
    # @param [String] topic The topic of the stage instance.
    # @param [Boolean] public Whether the stage instance is public or not.
    # @param [String] reason The reason of starting the stage instance.
    # @return [Async::Task<Discorb::StageInstance>] The started stage instance.
    def start: (
      String topic,
      ?public: bool,
      ?reason: String?
    ) -> Async::Task[Discorb::StageInstance]

    # Fetch a current stage instance.
    # @async
    # @return [Async::Task<StageInstance>] The current stage instance.
    # @return [Async::Task<nil>] If there is no current stage instance.
    def fetch_stage_instance: -> Async::Task[StageInstance]

    def voice_states: -> Array[Discorb::VoiceState]

    def members: -> Array[Discorb::Member]

    def speakers: -> Array[Discorb::Member]

    def audiences: -> Array[Discorb::Member]

    # @return [Integer] The bitrate of the voice channel.
    attr_reader bitrate: Integer

    # @return [Integer] The user limit of the voice channel.
    attr_reader user_limit: Integer

    # @private
    # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => StageInstance}]
    #   The stage instances associated with the stage channel.
    attr_reader stage_instances: Discorb::Dictionary[Discorb::Snowflake, StageInstance]