#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 # # Copyright (c) 2010 Kenshi Muto and Masayoshi Takahashi # # This program is free software. # You can distribute or modify this program under the terms of # the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1. # For details of the GNU LGPL, see the file "COPYING". # require 'pathname' bindir = Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath.dirname $LOAD_PATH.unshift((bindir + '../lib').realpath) require 'review' require 'epubmaker' include EPUBMaker def main if ARGV.size != 1 puts "Usage: #{$0} configfile" exit 0 end yamlfile = ARGV[0] @params = ReVIEW::Configure.values.merge(YAML.load_file(yamlfile)) @epub = Producer.new(@params) @epub.load(yamlfile) @params = @epub.params bookname = @params["bookname"] if File.exist?("#{bookname}.epub") STDERR.puts "#{bookname}.epub exists. Please remove or rename it first." exit 1 end if @params["debug"] && File.exist?("#{bookname}") STDERR.puts "#{bookname} debug directory exists. Please remove or rename it first." exit 1 end basetmp = Dir.mktmpdir FileUtils.cp(@params["cover"], "#{basetmp}/#{@params["cover"]}") if !@params["cover"].nil? && File.exist?(@params["cover"]) if @params["titlepage"] # FIXME FileUtils.cp(@params["titlepage"], "#{basetmp}/#{@params["titlepage"]}") @epub.contents.push(Content.new("id" => "title", "file" => @params["titlepage"], "title" => @epub.res.v("titlepagetitle"))) end makeBody(basetmp, yamlfile) if @params["colophon"] if @params["colophon"].instance_of?(String) FileUtils.cp(@params["colophon"], "#{basetmp}/colophon.#{@params["htmlext"]}") else File.open("#{basetmp}/colophon.#{@params["htmlext"]}", "w") {|f| @epub.colophon(f) } end @epub.contents.push(Content.new("id" => "colophon", "file" => "colophon.#{@params["htmlext"]}", "title" => @epub.res.v("colophontitle"))) end epubtmpdir = @params["debug"].nil? ? nil : "#{Dir.pwd}/#{bookname}" unless @params["debug"].nil? Dir.mkdir(bookname) end @epub.produce("#{bookname}.epub", basetmp, epubtmpdir) FileUtils.rm_r(basetmp) end def makeBody(basetmp, yamlfile) pre = 0 body = 0 post = 0 @manifeststr = "" @ncxstr = "" @tocdesc = Array.new toccount = 2 if File.exists?("PREDEF") File.open("PREDEF") do |chaps| chaps.each_line do |l| pre += 1 next if l =~ /\A#/ fork { STDOUT.reopen("#{basetmp}/pre#{pre}.#{@params["htmlext"]}") exec("review-compile --target=html --yaml=#{yamlfile} #{l}") } Process.waitall getanchors(basetmp, "pre#{pre}.#{@params["htmlext"]}") end end end if File.exists?("CHAPS") File.open("CHAPS") do |chaps| chaps.each_line do |l| body += 1 next if l =~ /\A#/ fork { STDOUT.reopen("#{basetmp}/chap#{body}.#{@params["htmlext"]}") exec("review-compile --target=html --yaml=#{yamlfile} #{l}") } Process.waitall getanchors(basetmp, "chap#{body}.#{@params["htmlext"]}") end end end if File.exists?("POSTDEF") File.open("POSTDEF") do |chaps| chaps.each_line do |l| post += 1 next if l =~ /^#/ fork { STDOUT.reopen("#{basetmp}/post#{post}.#{@params["htmlext"]}") exec("review-compile --target=html --yaml=#{yamlfile} #{l}") } Process.waitall getanchors(basetmp, "post#{post}.#{@params["htmlext"]}") end end end if File.exist?("images") Dir.mkdir("#{basetmp}/images") copyImagesToDir("images", "#{basetmp}/images") end end def getanchors(basetmp, filename) File.open("#{basetmp}/#{filename}") do |f| firsttime = true f.each_line do |l| if l =~ /\A(.+?)<\/h/ # level, ID, content level = $1.to_i id = $2 title = $3 if level == 1 && !firsttime.nil? @epub.contents.push(Content.new({ "id" => "#{filename.sub(".#{@params["htmlext"]}", '')}", "file" => "#{filename}", "level" => level, "title" => title })) firsttime = nil else @epub.contents.push(Content.new({ "id" => "#{filename.sub(".#{@params["htmlext"]}", '')}-#{id}", "file" => "#{filename}##{id}", "level" => level, "title" => title })) end end end end end def copyImagesToDir(dirname, copybase) Dir.open(dirname) do |dir| dir.each do |fname| next if fname =~ /\A\./ if FileTest.directory?("#{dirname}/#{fname}") copyImagesToDir("#{dirname}/#{fname}", "#{copybase}/#{fname}") else if fname =~ /\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|svg)\Z/i Dir.mkdir(copybase) unless File.exist?(copybase) FileUtils.cp "#{dirname}/#{fname}", copybase end end end end end main