= {Tap Generator}[http://tap.rubyforge.org/tap-gen] gen.er.a.tor n. a thing that generates something Generators for Tap. == Description Provides generators for Tap. Generators are subclasses of Task are therefore easy to configure, subclass, and distribute. {Tap-Generator}[http://tap.rubyforge.org/tap-gen] is a part of the {Tap-Suite}[http://tap.rubyforge.org/tap-suite]. Check out these links for documentation, development, and bug tracking. * Website[http://tap.rubyforge.org] * Lighthouse[http://bahuvrihi.lighthouseapp.com/projects/9908-tap-task-application/tickets] * Github[http://github.com/bahuvrihi/tap/tree/master] * {Google Group}[http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-on-tap] == Usage Get started: % tap generate root sample % cd sample % tap generate task goodnight % tap run -- goodnight moon Get some help: % tap generate --help % tap generate task --help Roll your own: % tap generate generator thing Roll it back: % tap destroy generator thing % tap destroy task goodnight % cd .. % tap destroy root sample == Installation Tap-Generator is available as a gem on RubyForge[http://rubyforge.org/projects/tap]. Use: % gem install tap-gen == Info Copyright (c) 2009, Regents of the University of Colorado. Developer:: {Simon Chiang}[http://bahuvrihi.wordpress.com], {Biomolecular Structure Program}[http://biomol.uchsc.edu/], {Hansen Lab}[http://hsc-proteomics.uchsc.edu/hansenlab/] Support:: CU Denver School of Medicine Deans Academic Enrichment Fund License:: {MIT-Style}[link:files/MIT-LICENSE.html]