module USCoreTestKit class DataAbsentReasonGroup < Inferno::TestGroup id :us_core_311_data_absent_reason title 'Missing Data Tests' short_description 'Verify that the server is capable of representing missing data.' description %( The [US Core Missing Data Guidance]( gives instructions on how to represent various types of missing data. In the previous resource tests, each resource returned from the server was checked for the presence of missing data. These tests will pass if the specified method of representing missing data was observed in the earlier tests. ) run_as_group test do title 'Server represents missing data with the DataAbsentReason Extension' id :us_core_311_data_absent_reason_extension description %( For non-coded data elements, servers SHALL use the DataAbsentReason Extension to represent missing data in a required field ) input :dar_extension_found, title: 'Data Absent Reason Extension Found', locked: true, optional: true, default: 'false' run do assert dar_extension_found == 'true', 'No resources using the DataAbsentReason Extension have been found' end end test do title 'Server represents missing data with the DataAbsentReason CodeSystem' id :us_core_311_data_absent_reason_code_system description %( For coded data elements with example, preferred, or extensible binding strengths to ValueSets which do not include an appropriate "unknown" code, servers SHALL use the "unknown" code from the DataAbsentReason CodeSystem. ) input :dar_code_found, title: 'Data Absent Reason Extension Found', locked: true, optional: true, default: 'false' run do assert dar_code_found == 'true', 'No resources using the DataAbsentReason CodeSystem have been found' end end end end