module Caboose class Product < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'store_products' self.primary_key = 'id' belongs_to :site belongs_to :media_category belongs_to :stackable_group, :class_name => 'Caboose::StackableGroup' belongs_to :vendor, :class_name => 'Caboose::Vendor' has_many :customizations, :class_name => 'Caboose::Product', :through => :customization_memberships has_many :customization_memberships, :class_name => 'Caboose::CustomizationMembership' has_many :categories, :class_name => 'Caboose::Category', :through => :category_memberships has_many :category_memberships, :class_name => 'Caboose::CategoryMembership' has_many :variants, :class_name => 'Caboose::Variant', :order => 'option1_sort_order, option2_sort_order, option3_sort_order' has_many :product_images, :class_name => 'Caboose::ProductImage' has_many :product_inputs, :class_name => 'Caboose::ProductInput' has_many :modifications, :class_name => 'Caboose::Modification', :order => 'sort_order' has_many :reviews, :class_name => 'Caboose::Review' has_many :product_category_sorts, :class_name => 'Caboose::ProductCategorySort' attr_accessible :id , :site_id , :alternate_id , :title , :caption , :description , :handle , :status , :vendor_id , :category_id , :option1 , :option2 , :option3 , :option1_media , :option2_media , :option3_media , :default1 , :default2 , :default3 , :seo_title , :seo_description , :alternate_id , :date_available , :custom_input , :sort_order , :featured , :stackable_group_id , :on_sale , :allow_gift_wrap , :gift_wrap_price , :media_category_id STATUS_ACTIVE = 'Active' STATUS_INACTIVE = 'Inactive' # # Scopes # scope :featured, -> { where(:featured => true) } # # Class Methods # def self.with_images joins(:product_images) end def where(:status => 'Active') end def self.by_title reorder('title') end # # Instance Methods # def as_json(options={}) self.attributes.merge({ :vendor => self.vendor, :categories => self.categories, :variants => self.variants, :images => self.product_images }) end def options options = [] options << self.option1 if !self.option1.nil? && self.option1.strip.length > 0 options << self.option2 if !self.option2.nil? && self.option2.strip.length > 0 options << self.option3 if !self.option3.nil? && self.option3.strip.length > 0 return options end def most_popular_variant self.variants.where('price > ? AND status != ?', 0, 'Deleted').reorder('price ASC').first end def first_tiny_image_url return '' if self.product_images.count == 0 return self.product_images.first.image.url(:tiny) end def featured_image self.product_images.reject{|p| p.nil?}.first end def price_varies arr = variants.collect{ |v| v.price }.uniq return arr.count > 0 end def price_range min = 100000 max = 0 self.variants.each do |variant| next if variant.nil? || variant.price.nil? || variant.price <= 0 price = variant.on_sale? ? variant.sale_price : variant.price min = price if price < min max = price if price > max end return [min, max] end def url "/products/#{}" end def related_items # TODO should be obvious end def in_stock Variant.where(:product_id =>'quantity_in_stock > 0').count > 0 end def input_required? !self.custom_input.nil? end def active_customizations self.customizations.where(:status => 'Active') end def live_variants # Return variants that haven't been "deleted" self.variants.where(:status => ['Active', 'Inactive']) end def option1_values self.variants.where(:status => 'Active').reorder(:option1_sort_order).pluck(:option1).uniq.reject { |x| x.nil? || x.empty? } end def option1_values_with_media(url_only = false) h = {} self.variants.where("status = ? and option1 is not null", 'Active').reorder(:option1_sort_order).each{ |v| h[v.option1] = url_only ? (v.option1_media && v.option1_media.image ? v.option1_media.image.url(:thumb) : false) : v.option1_media } return h end def option2_values self.variants.where(:status => 'Active').reorder(:option2_sort_order).pluck(:option2).uniq.reject { |x| x.nil? || x.empty? } end def option2_values_with_media(url_only = false) h = {} self.variants.where("status = ? and option2 is not null", 'Active').reorder(:option2_sort_order).each{ |v| h[v.option2] = url_only ? (v.option2_media && v.option2_media.image ? v.option2_media.image.url(:thumb) : false) : v.option2_media } return h end def option3_values self.variants.where(:status => 'Active').reorder(:option3_sort_order).pluck(:option3).uniq.reject { |x| x.nil? || x.empty? } end def option3_values_with_media(url_only = false) h = {} self.variants.where("status = ? and option3 is not null", 'Active').reorder(:option3_sort_order).each{ |v| h[v.option3] = url_only ? (v.option3_media && v.option3_media.image ? v.option3_media.image.url(:thumb) : false) : v.option3_media } return h end def toggle_category(cat_id, value) if value.to_i > 0 # Add to category if cat_id == 'all' CategoryMembership.where(:product_id => Category.where(:site_id => self.site_id).reorder(:name).all.each{ |cat| CategoryMembership.create(:product_id =>, :category_id => } else if !CategoryMembership.where(:product_id =>, :category_id => cat_id.to_i).exists? CategoryMembership.create(:product_id =>, :category_id => cat_id.to_i) end end else # Remove from category if cat_id == 'all' CategoryMembership.where(:product_id => else CategoryMembership.where(:product_id =>, :category_id => cat_id.to_i).destroy_all end end end def update_on_sale is_on_sale = false self.variants.each do |v| is_on_sale = true if v.on_sale? end if (is_on_sale && !self.on_sale) || (!is_on_sale && self.on_sale) self.on_sale = is_on_sale end end def Product.update_on_sale Product.reorder(:id).all.each do |p| p.delay(:queue => 'caboose_store').update_on_sale end end end end