# -*- ruby -*- require 'rubygems' require 'bundler' begin Bundler.setup(:default, :development) rescue Bundler::BundlerError => e $stderr.puts e.message $stderr.puts "Run `bundle install` to install missing gems" exit e.status_code end require 'rake' require "rake/extensiontask" Rake::ExtensionTask.new do |ext| ext.name = 'nmatrix' ext.ext_dir = 'ext/nmatrix' ext.lib_dir = 'lib/' ext.source_pattern = "**/*.{c,cpp, h}" end gemspec = eval(IO.read("nmatrix.gemspec")) require "rake/gempackagetask" Rake::GemPackageTask.new(gemspec).define desc "install the gem locally" task :install => [:package] do sh %{gem install pkg/nmatrix-#{NMatrix::VERSION}} end require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'rspec/core' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) do |spec| spec.pattern = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] end BASEDIR = Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname.relative_path_from( Pathname.pwd ) SPECDIR = BASEDIR + 'spec' VALGRIND_OPTIONS = [ "--num-callers=50", "--error-limit=no", "--partial-loads-ok=yes", "--undef-value-errors=no", ] VALGRIND_MEMORYFILL_OPTIONS = [ "--freelist-vol=100000000", "--malloc-fill=6D", "--free-fill=66 ", ] GDB_OPTIONS = [] RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) task :console do |task| cmd = [ 'irb', "-r './lib/nmatrix.rb'" ] run *cmd end task :pry do |task| cmd = [ 'pry', "-r './lib/nmatrix.rb'" ] run *cmd end #namespace :console do # CONSOLE_CMD = ['irb', "-r './lib/nmatrix.rb'"] # desc "Run console under GDB." # task :gdb => [ :compile ] do |task| # cmd = [ 'gdb' ] + GDB_OPTIONS # cmd += [ '--args' ] # cmd += CONSOLE_CMD # run( *cmd ) # end # # desc "Run console under Valgrind." # task :valgrind => [ :compile ] do |task| # cmd = [ 'valgrind' ] + VALGRIND_OPTIONS # cmd += CONSOLE_CMD # run( *cmd ) # end #end task :default => :spec def run *cmd sh(cmd.join(" ")) end namespace :spec do # partial-loads-ok and undef-value-errors necessary to ignore # spurious (and eminently ignorable) warnings from the ruby # interpreter RSPEC_CMD = [ 'ruby', '-S', 'rspec', '-Ilib:ext', SPECDIR ] #desc "Run the spec for generator.rb" #task :generator do |task| # run 'rspec spec/generator_spec.rb' #end desc "Run specs under GDB." task :gdb => [ :compile ] do |task| cmd = [ 'gdb' ] + GDB_OPTIONS cmd += [ '--args' ] cmd += RSPEC_CMD run( *cmd ) end desc "Run specs under Valgrind." task :valgrind => [ :compile ] do |task| cmd = [ 'valgrind' ] + VALGRIND_OPTIONS cmd += RSPEC_CMD run( *cmd ) end end namespace :clean do task :so do |task| tmp_path = "tmp/#{RUBY_PLATFORM}/nmatrix/#{RUBY_VERSION}" chdir tmp_path do if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/ `nmake soclean` else mkcmd = ENV['MAKE'] || %w[gmake make].find { |c| system("#{c} -v >> /dev/null 2>&1") } `#{mkcmd} soclean` end end end end # vim: syntax=ruby