class DiscoApp::SubscriptionService # Subscribe the given shop to the given plan, optionally using the given plan # code and optionally tracking the subscription source. def self.subscribe(shop, plan, plan_code = nil, source_name = nil) new(shop, plan, plan_code, source_name).subscribe end attr_reader :shop, :plan, :plan_code, :source_name def initialize(shop, plan, plan_code = nil, source_name = nil) @shop = shop @plan = plan @plan_code = plan_code @source_name = source_name end def subscribe cancel_existing_subscriptions # Create the new subscription. new_subscription = create_new_subscription # Enqueue the subscription changed background job. DiscoApp::SubscriptionChangedJob.perform_later(shop, new_subscription) # Return the new subscription. new_subscription end private # If a plan code was provided, fetch it for the given plan. def plan_code_instance return if plan_code.blank? @plan_code_instance ||= DiscoApp::PlanCode.available.find_by(plan: plan, code: plan_code) end # If a source name has been provided, fetch or create it def source_instance return if source_name.blank? @source_instance ||= DiscoApp::Source.find_or_create_by(source: source_name) end # Cancel any existing current subscriptions. def cancel_existing_subscriptions shop.subscriptions.current.update_all( # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations status: DiscoApp::Subscription.statuses[:cancelled], cancelled_at: ) end # Get the amount that should be charged for the subscription. def subscription_amount plan_code_instance.present? ? plan_code_instance.amount : plan.amount end # Get the date the subscription trial should end. def subscription_trial_period_days plan_code_instance.present? ? plan_code_instance.trial_period_days : plan.trial_period_days end def create_new_subscription DiscoApp::Subscription.create!( shop: shop, plan: plan, plan_code: plan_code_instance, status: DiscoApp::Subscription.statuses[plan.has_trial? ? :trial : :active], subscription_type: plan.plan_type, amount: subscription_amount, trial_period_days: plan.has_trial? ? subscription_trial_period_days : nil, trial_start_at: plan.has_trial? ? : nil, trial_end_at: plan.has_trial? ? subscription_trial_period_days.days.from_now : nil, source: source_instance ) end end