module Aws module Cfn module Compiler module Compile def get_meta(spec,args) if spec.is_a?(Hash) if args.is_a?(Array) args.flatten! if args.size > 0 a = args.shift get_meta(get_meta(spec, a), args) else spec end elsif args.is_a?(Hash) h = {} { |e, v| h[e] = get_meta(spec, v) } h elsif args.is_a?(Symbol) # noinspection RubyStringKeysInHashInspection case args when :Compiler { 'Name' =>, 'Version' => ::Aws::Cfn::Compiler::VERSION, } when :Specification File.basename(@config[:specification]) when :Template File.basename(@config[:template]) when :DescriptionString v = nil begin dependson = meta(:DependsOn) || [] rescue dependson = [] end begin required = meta(:Require)['Template'] ok = true { |e| ok = (ok and e.is_a?(Hash)) } if ok required = { |e| e.keys }.flatten else required = {} end rescue required = {} end raise "Bad Require:Template: meta-data ...\n#{meta(:Require).ai}. Must resolve to a Hash!\nFor example:\nRequire:\n Template:\n - my-template: '>= 0.0.0'" unless required begin # if dependson or required # noinspection RubyHashKeysTypesInspection parents = {} dependson.each { |i| parents[i] = true } required.each { |i| parents[i] = true } parents = "Parents: [#{parents.keys.join(',')}] " # else # parents = '' # end rescue parents = '' end # noinspection RubyExpressionInStringInspection template = '#{meta(:Project,:Description)}(#{meta(:Project,:Name)}) - #{meta(:Name)} v#{meta(:Version)}; #{parents} [Compiled with #{meta(:Compiler,:Name)} v#{meta(:Compiler,:Version)}]' begin eval %(v = "#{template}" ) rescue Exception => e raise e.message + "\nIn:\n" + template end v else get_meta(spec, args.to_s) end elsif args.is_a?(String) if spec[args] spec[args] else nil # raise "Meta:'#{args}' not set" end else nil end else spec end end def meta(*args) if @spec['Meta'] get_meta(@spec['Meta'],args) else raise "Specification contained no metadata while expanding #{args}" end end def compile_spec desc = if @config[:description] @config[:description] elsif @spec and @spec['Description'] @spec['Description'] elsif @config[:template] File.basename(@config[:template]).gsub(%r/\..*$/, '') else 'compiled template' end vers = if @config[:formatversion] @config[:formatversion] else if @spec and @spec['AWSTemplateFormatVersion'] @spec['AWSTemplateFormatVersion'] else '2010-09-09' end end desc = compile_value(desc) # [2014-06-29 Christo] IIRC it is important that the section names be strings instead of symbols ... # noinspection RubyStringKeysInHashInspection compiled = { 'AWSTemplateFormatVersion' => vers, 'Description' => desc, 'Mappings' => @items['Mappings'], 'Parameters' => @items['Parameters'], 'Conditions' => @items['Conditions'], 'Resources' => @items['Resources'], 'Outputs' => @items['Outputs'], } @all_sections.each do |section| value = compile_value(@items[section]) compiled[section] = value if value end compiled end def compile_value(expr) begin if expr.is_a?(Hash) val = expr expr.each do |k,v| val[k] = compile_value(v) end val elsif expr.is_a?(Array){ |e| compile_value(e) } elsif expr.is_a?(Symbol) expr elsif expr.is_a?(NilClass) expr elsif expr.is_a?(TrueClass) expr elsif expr.is_a?(FalseClass) expr elsif expr.is_a?(Fixnum) expr elsif expr.is_a?(String) val = expr if expr.match(%r'#\{.+?\}') eval %(val = "#{expr}") end val else raise "The expression type #{} cannot be compiled!\n#{expr}" end rescue Exception => e abort! "Specification expression error: #{e.message} on '#{expr}'" end end def find_refs(hash, type='Reference', parent='') h = {} newparent = parent if hash.is_a? Hash hash.keys.collect do |key| if @all_sections.include? key type = key#.gsub(/s$/, '') newparent = key elsif @all_sections.include? parent newparent = key end if %w{Ref}.include? key # h = { hash[key] => [type,newparent] } h[hash[key]] = [type,newparent] elsif 'Fn::GetAtt' == key # h = { hash[key].first => [type,newparent] } h[hash[key].first] = [type,newparent] elsif 'DependsOn' == key if hash[key].is_a?(Array) # h = {} hash[key].map { |dep| h[dep] = [type,newparent] } else # h = { hash[key] => [type,newparent] } h[hash[key]] = [type,newparent] end else a = find_refs(hash[key],type,newparent) h = merge(h, a, *[type,newparent]) end end.flatten.compact.uniq elsif hash.is_a? Array a ={|i| find_refs(i,type,newparent) } h = merge(h, a, type, *[type,newparent]) end h end def merge(h, a, *type) if a.is_a? Hash if a.size > 0 h.merge! a end else { |i| if i.is_a? Hash if i.size > 0 h.merge! i h end else h[i] = type end } end h end def find_fns(hash) a = [] if hash.is_a? Hash hash.each do |key,val| if key.match %r'^Fn::' a << key end a << find_fns(val) end elsif hash.is_a? Array hash.collect{|e| a << find_fns(e) } end r = a.flatten.compact.uniq end def find_maps(hash,source=[]) if hash.is_a? Hash hash.keys.collect do |key| if 'Fn::FindInMap' == key { :mapping => hash[key].first, :source => source } else find_maps(hash[key], [ source, key ].flatten!) end end.flatten.compact.uniq elsif hash.is_a? Array hash.collect{|a| find_maps(a,source)}.flatten.compact.uniq end end def find_conditions(hash,level=0) if hash.is_a? Hash hash.keys.collect do |key| if 'Condition' == key and level <= 4 if hash[key].is_a?(Array) hash[key].first else hash[key] end else find_conditions(hash[key],level+1) end end.flatten.compact.uniq elsif hash.is_a? Array hash.collect{|a| find_conditions(a,level+1)}.flatten.compact.uniq end end def map_resource_reference(rsrc) path = nil sub = nil ref = nil rel = false # noinspection RubyParenthesesAroundConditionInspection if rsrc.match %r'^(\.\./.*?)::(.*)$' # Relative path stack reference path,sub,ref,rel = map_resource_reference(File.basename(rsrc)) elsif rsrc.match %r'^(~/.*?)$' # Relative to HOME path,sub,ref,rel = map_resource_reference(File.expand_path(rsrc)) elsif rsrc.match %r'^(\.\./[^:]*?)$' # Relative path path = File.dirname(rsrc) sub = File.basename(path) path = File.dirname(path) ref = File.basename(rsrc) rel = true elsif rsrc.match %r'(^/.*?)::(.*)$' # Absolute path _,sub,ref,rel = map_resource_reference(File.basename(rsrc)) path = File.realpath(File.join(File.dirname(rsrc),_)) elsif rsrc.match %r'(^/.*?[^:]*?)$' # Absolute path path = File.dirname(rsrc) sub = File.basename(path) path = File.dirname(path) ref = File.basename(rsrc) elsif (match = rsrc.match %r'^(.*?)::(.*)$') # Inherited stack reference ref = match[2] # noinspection RubyParenthesesAroundConditionInspection if (subm = match[1].match(%r'^(.+?)/(.+)$')) # Stack referenced with a path @config[:brick_path_list].each do |p| path = File.join(p,subm[1]) # File.dirname(@config[:directory]) if break else path = nil end end sub = subm[2] else # Stack referenced on stack_path ... pstk = @config[:stack_path_list].map{ |p| if File.basename(p) == match[1] p else [] end }.flatten.shift if pstk parseList(@config[:brick_path],':').each do |p| path = File.join(pstk,p) # File.dirname(@config[:directory]) if break else path = nil end end end end else # Otherwise it is what it seems ;) ref = rsrc end [path,sub,ref,rel] end end end end end