# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rspec' require 'progress' require 'tempfile' require 'shellwords' require 'csv' describe Progress do before do Progress.stay_on_line = true Progress.highlight = true Progress.terminal_title = true allow(Progress).to receive(:start_beeper) allow(Progress).to receive(:time_to_print?).and_return(true) eta = instance_double(Progress::Eta, left: nil, elapsed: '0s') allow(Progress).to receive(:eta).and_return(eta) end describe 'integrity' do before do io = double(:<< => nil, :tty? => true) allow(Progress).to receive(:io).and_return(io) end it 'returns result from start block' do expect(Progress.start('Test') do 'test' end).to eq('test') end it 'returns result from step block' do Progress.start 1 do expect(Progress.step{ 'test' }).to eq('test') end end it 'returns result from set block' do Progress.start 1 do expect(Progress.set(1){ 'test' }).to eq('test') end end it 'returns result from nested block' do expect([1, 2, 3].with_progress.map do |a| [1, 2, 3].with_progress.map do |b| a * b end end).to eq([[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6], [3, 6, 9]]) end it 'checks respond_to? methods of self and of Enumerable' do with_progress = [1, 2, 3].with_progress (%w[each with_progress] + Enumerable.instance_methods).each do |method| expect(with_progress).to respond_to(method.to_sym) end end it 'returns false for respond_to? with non existing methods' do with_progress = [1, 2, 3].with_progress expect(with_progress).not_to respond_to(:should_not_be_defined) end it 'does not raise errors on extra step or stop' do expect do 3.times_with_progress do Progress.start 'simple' do Progress.step Progress.step Progress.step end Progress.step Progress.stop end Progress.step Progress.stop end.not_to raise_error end describe Enumerable do let(:enum){ 0...1000 } describe 'with_progress' do it 'returns with block same as when called with each' do expect(enum.with_progress{}).to eq(enum.with_progress.each{}) end it 'does not break each' do reference = enum.each enum.with_progress.each do |n| expect(n).to eq(reference.next) end expect{ reference.next }.to raise_error(StopIteration) end it 'does not break each_with_index' do reference = enum.each counter = 0 enum.with_progress.each_with_index do |n, i| expect(n).to eq(reference.next) expect(i).to eq(counter) counter += 1 end expect{ reference.next }.to raise_error(StopIteration) end it 'does not break find' do default = proc{ 'default' } expect(enum.with_progress.find{ |n| n == 100 }). to eq(enum.find{ |n| n == 100 }) expect(enum.with_progress.find{ |n| n == 10_000 }). to eq(enum.find{ |n| n == 10_000 }) expect(enum.with_progress.find(default){ |n| n == 10_000 }). to eq(enum.find(default){ |n| n == 10_000 }) end it 'does not break map' do expect(enum.with_progress.map{ |n| n**2 }).to eq(enum.map{ |n| n**2 }) end it 'does not break grep' do expect(enum.with_progress.grep(100)).to eq(enum.grep(100)) end it 'does not break each_cons' do reference = enum.each_cons(3) enum.with_progress.each_cons(3) do |values| expect(values).to eq(reference.next) end expect{ reference.next }.to raise_error(StopIteration) end describe 'with_progress.with_progress' do it 'does not change existing instance' do wp = enum.with_progress('hello') expect{ wp.with_progress('world') }.not_to change(wp, :title) end it 'returns new instance with different title' do wp = enum.with_progress('hello') wp_wp = wp.with_progress('world') expect(wp.title).to eq('hello') expect(wp_wp.title).to eq('world') expect(wp_wp).not_to eq(wp) expect(wp_wp.enumerable).to eq(wp.enumerable) end end shared_examples 'yielding' do |enum| let(:expected){ [] } let(:got){ [] } after{ expect(got).to eq(expected) } it 'yields same objects with one block argument' do enum.each{ |a| expected << a } enum.with_progress{ |a| got << a } end it 'yields same objects with two block arguments' do enum.each{ |a, b| expected << [a, b] } enum.with_progress{ |a, b| got << [a, b] } end it 'yields same objects with splat block arguments' do enum.each{ |*a| expected << a } enum.with_progress{ |*a| got << a } end end [ [1, [2, :b], [3, :c, :d, :e]], {1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3}, [1, 2, 3].to_set, ].each do |enum| describe enum.class do it 'calls each only once' do expect(enum).to receive(:each).once.and_call_original expect(enum.with_progress.each{}).to eq(enum) end include_examples 'yielding', enum end end [ 100.times, 'a'..'z', ].each do |enum| describe enum.class do it 'calls each twice' do enum_each = enum.each{} expect(enum).to receive(:each).at_most(:twice).and_call_original expect(enum.with_progress.each{}).to eq(enum_each) end include_examples 'yielding', enum end end describe String do it 'calls each only once on StringIO' do enum = "a\nb\nc".dup expect(enum).not_to receive(:each) io = StringIO.new(enum) expect(StringIO).to receive(:new).with(enum).and_return(io) expect(io).to receive(:each).once.and_call_original with_progress = Progress::WithProgress.new(enum) expect(with_progress).not_to receive(:warn) expect(with_progress.each{}).to eq(enum) end it 'yields same lines' do enum = "a\nb\nc" lines = [] Progress::WithProgress.new(enum).each{ |line| lines << line } expect(lines).to eq(enum.lines.to_a) end end describe IO do [ File.open(__FILE__), StringIO.new(File.read(__FILE__)), ].each do |enum| it "calls each only once for #{enum.class}" do expect(enum).to receive(:each).once.and_call_original with_progress = enum.with_progress expect(with_progress).not_to receive(:warn) expect(with_progress.each{}).to eq(enum) end end it 'calls each only once for Tempfile' do enum = Tempfile.open('progress') enum_each = enum.each{} # returns underlying File expect(enum_each).to receive(:each).once.and_call_original with_progress = enum.with_progress expect(with_progress).not_to receive(:warn) expect(with_progress.each{}).to eq(enum_each) end it 'calls each only once for IO and shows warning' do enum = IO.popen("cat #{__FILE__.shellescape}") expect(enum).to receive(:each).once.and_call_original with_progress = enum.with_progress expect(with_progress).to receive(:warn) expect(with_progress.each{}).to eq(enum) end [ File.open(__FILE__), StringIO.new(File.read(__FILE__)), Tempfile.open('progress').tap do |f| f.write(File.read(__FILE__)) f.rewind end, IO.popen("cat #{__FILE__.shellescape}"), ].each do |enum| it "yields same lines for #{enum.class}" do expect(enum.with_progress.entries).to eq(File.readlines(__FILE__)) end end end describe CSV do if CSV.method_defined?(:pos) it 'calls each only once for CSV' do enum = CSV.open('spec/test.csv') expect(enum).to receive(:each).once.and_call_original with_progress = enum.with_progress expect(with_progress).not_to receive(:warn) expect(with_progress.each{}). to eq(CSV.open('spec/test.csv').each{}) end else it 'calls each only once for CSV and shows warning' do enum = CSV.open('spec/test.csv', 'r') expect(enum).to receive(:each).once.and_call_original with_progress = enum.with_progress expect(with_progress).to receive(:warn) expect(with_progress.each{}).to eq(enum) end end it 'yields same lines for CSV' do csv = proc{ CSV.open('spec/test.csv', 'r') } expect(csv[].with_progress.entries).to eq(csv[].entries) end end end end describe Integer do let(:count){ 108 } it 'does not break times_with_progress' do reference = count.times count.times_with_progress do |i| expect(i).to eq(reference.next) end expect{ reference.next }.to raise_error(StopIteration) end it 'does not break times.with_progress' do reference = count.times count.times.with_progress do |i| expect(i).to eq(reference.next) end expect{ reference.next }.to raise_error(StopIteration) end end end describe 'output' do def stub_progress_io(io) allow(io).to receive(:tty?).and_return(true) allow(Progress).to receive(:io).and_return(io) end describe 'validity' do def run_example_progress Progress.start 5, 'Test' do Progress.step 2, 'simle' Progress.step 2, 'times' do 3.times.with_progress{} end Progress.step 'enum' do 3.times.to_a.with_progress{} end end end def title(str) "\e]0;#{str}\a" end def hl(str) "\e[1m#{str}\e[0m" end def unhl(str) str.gsub(/\e\[\dm/, '') end def on_line(str) "\r" + str + "\e[K" end def line(str) str + "\n" end def on_line_n_title(str) [on_line(str), title(unhl(str))] end def line_n_title(str) [line(str), title(unhl(str))] end it 'produces valid output when staying on line' do Progress.stay_on_line = true stub_progress_io(io = StringIO.new) run_example_progress expect(io.string).to eq([ on_line_n_title("Test: #{hl '......'}"), on_line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 40.0%'} - simle"), on_line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 40.0%'} > #{hl '......'}"), on_line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 53.3%'} > #{hl ' 33.3%'}"), on_line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 66.7%'} > #{hl ' 66.7%'}"), on_line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 80.0%'} > 100.0%"), on_line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 80.0%'} - times"), on_line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 80.0%'} > #{hl '......'}"), on_line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 86.7%'} > #{hl ' 33.3%'}"), on_line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 93.3%'} > #{hl ' 66.7%'}"), on_line_n_title('Test: 100.0% > 100.0%'), on_line_n_title('Test: 100.0% - enum'), on_line('Test: 100.0% (elapsed: 0s) - enum') + "\n", title(''), ].flatten.join) end it 'produces valid output when not staying on line' do Progress.stay_on_line = false stub_progress_io(io = StringIO.new) run_example_progress expect(io.string).to eq([ line_n_title("Test: #{hl '......'}"), line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 40.0%'} - simle"), line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 40.0%'} > #{hl '......'}"), line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 53.3%'} > #{hl ' 33.3%'}"), line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 66.7%'} > #{hl ' 66.7%'}"), line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 80.0%'} > 100.0%"), line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 80.0%'} - times"), line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 80.0%'} > #{hl '......'}"), line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 86.7%'} > #{hl ' 33.3%'}"), line_n_title("Test: #{hl ' 93.3%'} > #{hl ' 66.7%'}"), line_n_title('Test: 100.0% > 100.0%'), line_n_title('Test: 100.0% - enum'), line('Test: 100.0% (elapsed: 0s) - enum'), title(''), ].flatten.join) end end describe 'different call styles' do let(:count_a){ 13 } let(:count_b){ 17 } let(:reference_output) do stub_progress_io(reference_io = StringIO.new) count_a.times.with_progress('Test') do count_b.times.with_progress{} end reference_io.string end let(:io){ StringIO.new } before do stub_progress_io(io) end it 'outputs same when called without block' do Progress(count_a, 'Test') count_a.times do Progress.step do Progress.start(count_b) count_b.times do Progress.step end Progress.stop end end Progress.stop expect(io.string).to eq(reference_output) end it 'outputs same when called with block' do Progress(count_a, 'Test') do count_a.times do Progress.step do Progress.start(count_b) do count_b.times do Progress.step end end end end end expect(io.string).to eq(reference_output) end it 'outputs same when called using with_progress on list' do count_a.times.to_a.with_progress('Test') do count_b.times.to_a.with_progress{} end expect(io.string).to eq(reference_output) end end describe '.io' do it 'is $stderr by default' do expect(Progress.io).to be $stderr end it 'is settable' do io = StringIO.new Progress.io = io expect(Progress.io).to be io Progress.io = nil end it 'is resettable' do Progress.io = :something expect(Progress.io).not_to be $stderr Progress.io = nil expect(Progress.io).to be $stderr end end describe '.io_tty?' do subject{ Progress.io_tty? } let(:tty?){ false } let(:progress_tty){ nil } before do allow(Progress.io).to receive(:tty?).and_return(tty?) allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('PROGRESS_TTY').and_return(progress_tty) end it{ is_expected.not_to be_truthy } context 'when io is tty' do let(:tty?){ true } it{ is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when PROGRESS_TTY' do let(:tty?){ true } it{ is_expected.to be_truthy } end end describe '.without_beeper' do before do allow(Progress).to receive(:start_beeper).and_call_original allow(Progress::Beeper).to receive(:new) do |*, &block| @block = block double(restart: nil, stop: nil) end expect(Progress).to receive(:print_message).exactly(print_times).times end context 'when not used' do let(:print_times){ 3 } it 'allows beeper to print progress' do Progress.start do @block.call end end end context 'when used around progress block' do let(:print_times){ 2 } it 'stops beeper from printing progress' do Progress.without_beeper do Progress.start do @block.call end end end end context 'when used inside progress block' do let(:print_times){ 2 } it 'stops beeper from printing progress' do Progress.start do Progress.without_beeper do @block.call end end end end end end end