# frozen_string_literal: true require 'i18n/tasks/reports/base' require 'terminal-table' module I18n module Tasks module Reports class Terminal < Base include Term::ANSIColor def missing_keys(forest = task.missing_keys) forest = collapse_missing_tree! forest if forest.present? print_title missing_title(forest) print_table headings: [cyan(bold(I18n.t('i18n_tasks.common.locale'))), cyan(bold I18n.t('i18n_tasks.common.key')), I18n.t('i18n_tasks.missing.details_title')] do |t| t.rows = sort_by_attr!(forest_to_attr(forest)).map do |a| [{value: cyan(format_locale(a[:locale])), alignment: :center}, format_key(a[:key], a[:data]), missing_key_info(a)] end end else print_success I18n.t('i18n_tasks.missing.none') end end def icon(type) glyph = missing_type_info(type)[:glyph] {missing_used: red(glyph), missing_diff: yellow(glyph)}[type] end def used_keys(used_tree = task.used_tree) # For the used tree we may have usage nodes that are not leaves as references. keys_nodes = used_tree.nodes.select { |node| !!node.data[:occurrences] }.map { |node| [node.full_key(root: false), node] } print_title used_title(keys_nodes, used_tree.first.root.data[:key_filter]) # Group multiple nodes if keys_nodes.present? keys_nodes.sort! { |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] }.each do |key, node| print_occurrences node, key end else print_error I18n.t('i18n_tasks.usages.none') end end def unused_keys(tree = task.unused_keys) keys = tree.root_key_value_data(true) if keys.present? print_title unused_title(keys) print_locale_key_value_data_table keys else print_success I18n.t('i18n_tasks.unused.none') end end def eq_base_keys(tree = task.eq_base_keys) keys = tree.root_key_value_data(true) if keys.present? print_title eq_base_title(keys) print_locale_key_value_data_table keys else print_info cyan('No translations are the same as base value') end end def show_tree(tree) print_locale_key_value_data_table tree.root_key_value_data(true) end def forest_stats(forest, stats = task.forest_stats(forest)) text = if stats[:locale_count] == 1 I18n.t('i18n_tasks.data_stats.text_single_locale', stats) else I18n.t('i18n_tasks.data_stats.text', stats) end title = bold(I18n.t('i18n_tasks.data_stats.title', stats.slice(:locales))) print_info "#{cyan title} #{cyan text}" end private def missing_key_info(leaf) if leaf[:type] == :missing_used first_occurrence leaf else "#{cyan leaf[:data][:missing_diff_locale]} #{format_value(leaf[:value].is_a?(String) ? leaf[:value].strip : leaf[:value])}" end end def format_key(key, data) if data[:ref_info] from, to = data[:ref_info] resolved = key[0...to.length] after = key[to.length..-1] " #{yellow from}#{cyan after}\n#{bold(yellow('⮕'))} #{bold yellow resolved}" else cyan(key) end end def format_value(val) val.is_a?(Symbol) ? "#{bold(yellow('⮕ '))}#{yellow(val.to_s)}" : val.to_s.strip end def format_reference_desc(node_data) return nil unless node_data case node_data[:ref_type] when :reference_usage bold(yellow('(ref)')) when :reference_usage_resolved bold(yellow('(resolved ref)')) when :reference_usage_key bold(yellow('(ref key)')) end end def print_occurrences(node, full_key = node.full_key) occurrences = node.data[:occurrences] puts [bold("#{full_key}"), format_reference_desc(node.data), (green(occurrences.size.to_s) if occurrences.size > 1) ].compact.join ' ' occurrences.each do |occurrence| puts " #{key_occurrence full_key, occurrence}" end end def print_locale_key_value_data_table(locale_key_value_datas) if locale_key_value_datas.present? print_table headings: [bold(cyan(I18n.t('i18n_tasks.common.locale'))), bold(cyan(I18n.t('i18n_tasks.common.key'))), I18n.t('i18n_tasks.common.value')] do |t| t.rows = locale_key_value_datas.map { |(locale, k, v, data)| [{value: cyan(locale), alignment: :center}, format_key(k, data), format_value(v)] } end else puts 'ø' end end def print_title(title) log_stderr "#{bold title.strip} #{dark "|"} #{"i18n-tasks v#{I18n::Tasks::VERSION}"}" end def print_success(message) log_stderr bold(green "✓ #{I18n.t('i18n_tasks.cmd.encourage').sample} #{message}") end def print_error(message) log_stderr(bold red message) end def print_info(message) log_stderr message end def indent(txt, n = 2) spaces = ' ' * n txt.gsub /^/, spaces end def print_table(opts, &block) puts ::Terminal::Table.new(opts, &block) end def key_occurrence(full_key, occurrence) location = green "#{occurrence.path}:#{occurrence.line_num}" source = highlight_key(occurrence.raw_key || full_key, occurrence.line, occurrence.line_pos..-1).strip "#{location} #{source}" end def first_occurrence(leaf) # @type [I18n::Tasks::Scanners::KeyOccurrences] occurrences = leaf[:data][:occurrences] # @type [I18n::Tasks::Scanners::Occurrence] first = occurrences.first [green("#{first.path}:#{first.line_num}"), ("(#{I18n.t 'i18n_tasks.common.n_more', count: occurrences.length - 1})" if occurrences.length > 1) ].compact.join(' ') end def highlight_key(full_key, line, range = (0..-1)) line.dup.tap { |s| s[range] = s[range].sub(full_key) { |m| highlight_string m } } end module HighlightUnderline def highlight_string(s) underline s end end module HighlightOther def highlight_string(s) yellow s end end if Gem.win_platform? include HighlightOther else include HighlightUnderline end end end end end