Delayed Jobs with Retry Information

This list below contains the timestamps for scheduled delayed jobs with retry information.

Showing <%= start = params[:start].to_i %> to <%= start + 20 %> of <%= size = resque.delayed_queue_schedule_size %> timestamps

<% timestamps = resque.delayed_queue_peek(start, start+20) %> <% timestamps.each do |timestamp| %> <% job = resque.delayed_timestamp_peek(timestamp, 0, 1).first %> <% retry_key = retry_key_for_job(job) %> <% if job && delayed_timestamp_size == 1 %> <% else %> <% end %> <% end %>
Timestamp Job count Class Args Retry Attempts
" method="post">
"><%= format_time( %> <%= delayed_timestamp_size = resque.delayed_timestamp_size(timestamp) %><%= h job['class'] %> <%= h job['args'].inspect %> <%= retry_attempts_for_job(job) || 'n/a' %>">see details
<%= partial :next_more, :start => start, :size => size %>