module Katello class Api::V2::HostPackagesController < Api::V2::ApiController include Katello::Concerns::FilteredAutoCompleteSearch include Katello::Concerns::Api::V2::RepositoryContentController UPGRADABLE = "upgradable".freeze UP_TO_DATE = "up-to-date".freeze VERSION_STATUSES = [UPGRADABLE, UP_TO_DATE].freeze before_action :require_packages_or_groups, :only => [:install, :remove] before_action :require_packages_only, :only => [:upgrade] before_action :find_editable_host_with_facet, :except => [:index, :installed_packages] before_action :find_host, :only => :index resource_description do api_version 'v2' api_base_url "/api" end def_param_group :packages_or_groups do param :packages, Array, :desc => N_("List of package names"), :required => false param :groups, Array, :desc => N_("List of package group names (Deprecated)"), :required => false end api :GET, "/host_packages/installed_packages", N_("Return a list of installed packages distinct by name") param_group :search, ::Katello::Api::V2::ApiController def installed_packages _sort_by, _sort_order, options = sort_options sort_by = 'name' sort_order = 'asc' options[:select] = "DISTINCT ON (#{::Katello::InstalledPackage.table_name}.name) #{::Katello::InstalledPackage.table_name}.id, #{::Katello::InstalledPackage.table_name}.name" final_relation = ::Katello::InstalledPackage.all result = scoped_search(final_relation, sort_by, sort_order, options) respond_for_index(:collection => result, :template => "installed_packages") end api :GET, "/hosts/:host_id/packages", N_("List packages installed on the host") param :host_id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("ID of the host") param :include_latest_upgradable, :boolean, :desc => N_("Also include the latest upgradable package version for each host package") param :status, String, :desc => N_("Return only packages of a particular status (upgradable or up-to-date)"), :required => false param_group :search, Api::V2::ApiController add_scoped_search_description_for(Katello::InstalledPackage) def index validate_index_params! collection = scoped_search(index_relation, :name, :asc, :resource_class => ::Katello::InstalledPackage) collection[:results] = HostPackagePresenter.with_latest(collection[:results], @host) if ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:include_latest_upgradable]) respond_for_index(:collection => collection) end def index_relation packages = @host.installed_packages upgradable_packages = ::Katello::Rpm.installable_for_hosts([@host]).select(:name) if params[:status].present? packages = case params[:status] when 'up-to-date' then packages.where.not(name: upgradable_packages) when 'upgradable' then packages.where(name: upgradable_packages) end end packages end def resource_class Katello::InstalledPackage end private def find_editable_host_with_facet @host = resource_finder(::Host::Managed.authorized("edit_hosts"), params[:host_id]) fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Couldn't find host with host id '%s'") % params[:host_id] if @host.nil? if @host.content_facet.try(:uuid).nil? fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Host has not been registered with subscription-manager.") % params[:host_id] end @host end def find_host @host = resource_finder(::Host::Managed.authorized(:view_hosts, ::Host::Managed), params[:host_id]) end def validate_package_list_format(packages) packages.each do |package| unless package.is_a?(String) && ::Katello::Util::Package.valid_package_name_format(package).nil? fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("%s is not a valid package name") % package end end return packages end def require_packages_or_groups if params.slice(:packages, :groups).values.size != 1 fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Either packages or groups must be provided") end end def require_packages_only if params[:groups] fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("This action doesn't support package groups") end unless params[:packages] fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Packages must be provided") end end def extract_group_names(groups) do |group| group.gsub(/^@/, "") end end def validate_index_params! if params[:status].present? && !VERSION_STATUSES.include?(params[:status]) fail _("Status must be one of: %s" % VERSION_STATUSES.join(', ')) end end end end