require 'thor/actions/empty_directory' class Thor module Actions # Copies recursively the files from source directory to root directory. # If any of the files finishes with .tt, it's considered to be a template # and is placed in the destination without the extension .tt. If any # empty directory is found, it's copied and all .empty_directory files are # ignored. If any file name is wrapped within % signs, the text within # the % signs will be executed as a method and replaced with the returned # value. Let's suppose a doc directory with the following files: # # doc/ # components/.empty_directory # README # # %app_name%.rb # # When invoked as: # # directory "doc" # # It will create a doc directory in the destination with the following # files (assuming that the `app_name` method returns the value "blog"): # # doc/ # components/ # README # rdoc.rb # blog.rb # # Encoded path note: Since Thor internals use Object#respond_to? to check if it can # expand %something%, this `something` should be a public method in the class calling # #directory. If a method is private, Thor stack raises PrivateMethodEncodedError. # # ==== Parameters # source:: the relative path to the source root. # destination:: the relative path to the destination root. # config:: give :verbose => false to not log the status. # If :recursive => false, does not look for paths recursively. # If :mode => :preserve, preserve the file mode from the source. # If :exclude_pattern => /regexp/, prevents copying files that match that regexp. # # ==== Examples # # directory "doc" # directory "doc", "docs", :recursive => false # def directory(source, *args, &block) config = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} destination = args.first || source action, source, destination || source, config, &block) end class Directory < EmptyDirectory #:nodoc: attr_reader :source def initialize(base, source, destination=nil, config={}, &block) @source = File.expand_path(base.find_in_source_paths(source.to_s)) @block = block super(base, destination, { :recursive => true }.merge(config)) end def invoke! base.empty_directory given_destination, config execute! end def revoke! execute! end protected def execute! lookup = Util.escape_globs(source) lookup = config[:recursive] ? File.join(lookup, '**') : lookup lookup = file_level_lookup(lookup) files(lookup).sort.each do |file_source| next if next if config[:exclude_pattern] && file_source.match(config[:exclude_pattern]) file_destination = File.join(given_destination, file_source.gsub(source, '.')) file_destination.gsub!('/./', '/') case file_source when /\.empty_directory$/ dirname = File.dirname(file_destination).gsub(/\/\.$/, '') next if dirname == given_destination base.empty_directory(dirname, config) when /\.tt$/ destination = base.template(file_source, file_destination[0..-4], config, &@block) else destination = base.copy_file(file_source, file_destination, config, &@block) end end end if RUBY_VERSION < '2.0' def file_level_lookup(previous_lookup) File.join(previous_lookup, '{*,.[a-z]*}') end def files(lookup) Dir[lookup] end else def file_level_lookup(previous_lookup) File.join(previous_lookup, '*') end def files(lookup) Dir.glob(lookup, File::FNM_DOTMATCH) end end end end end