1. Install required tools.
$ rvm install 2.0.0
Visit http://www.rubymotion.com
2. Create application delegate.
You should rewrite the on_load
method, which will be runned after starting application.
Note: you should always use AppDelegate class name.
class AppDelegate < Prime::BaseAppDelegate
def on_load(app, options)
open_screen MainScreen.new
3. Create the main screen.
You should rewrite the render
method, which will be runned after opening screen.
class MainScreen < Prime::BaseScreen
title 'Main screen'
def render
@main_section = MyProfileSection.new(model: User.first)
@main_section.render(to: self)
4. Create your first section.
"Section" is something like helper, which contains "Elements".
Each element will be added to the parent screen when you run section.render(to: screen)
class MyProfileSection < Prime::BaseSection
element :title, text: "Hello World"
element :avatar, image: "images/avatar.png", type: :image
5. Create your first stylesheet file.
Styles will be applied to each element in section.
The simplest rule by default is: :section-name_:element-name
E.g. if you have 'MyProfileSection' (the name for section by default will be - my_profile
and 'title' element, then you should use my_profile_title
style name.
Prime::Styles.define do
style :my_profile_title, width: 300, height: 20
Also, you can pass namespace to define
Prime::Styles.define :my_profile do
style :title, width: 300, height: 20