module BlacklightAdvancedSearch autoload :AdvancedSearchBuilder, 'blacklight_advanced_search/advanced_search_builder' autoload :Controller, 'blacklight_advanced_search/controller' autoload :RenderConstraintsOverride, 'blacklight_advanced_search/render_constraints_override' autoload :CatalogHelperOverride, 'blacklight_advanced_search/catalog_helper_override' autoload :QueryParser, 'blacklight_advanced_search/advanced_query_parser' autoload :ParsingNestingParser, 'blacklight_advanced_search/parsing_nesting_parser' autoload :FilterParser, 'blacklight_advanced_search/filter_parser' autoload :RedirectLegacyParamsFilter, 'blacklight_advanced_search/redirect_legacy_params_filter' require 'blacklight_advanced_search/version' require 'blacklight_advanced_search/engine' # Utility method used in our solr search logic. # Merges new_hash into source_hash, but will recursively # merge nested arrays and hashes too; also will NOT merge nil # or blank values from new_hash into source_hash, nil or blank values # in new_hash will not overwrite values in source_hash. def self.deep_merge!(source_hash, new_hash) # We used to use built-in source_hash.merge() with a block arg # to customize merge behavior, but that was breaking in some # versions of BL/Rails where source_hash was a kind of HashWithIndifferentAccess, # and hwia is unreliable in some versions of Rails. Oh well. # new_hash.each_pair do |key, new_value| old = source_hash.fetch(key, nil) source_hash[key] = if new_value.respond_to?(:blank) && new.blank? old elsif (old.kind_of?(Hash) and new_value.kind_of?(Hash)) deep_merge!(old, new_value) old elsif (old.kind_of?(Array) and new_value.kind_of?(Array)) old.concat(new_value).uniq elsif new_value.nil? # Allowing nil values to over-write on merge messes things up. # don't set a nil value if you really want to force blank, set # empty string. old else new_value end end source_hash end end