module Metanorma module Itu class Converter < Standoc::Converter def bibdata_validate(doc) doctype_validate(doc) stage_validate(doc) end def doctype_validate(_xmldoc) %w(recommendation recommendation-supplement recommendation-amendment recommendation-corrigendum recommendation-errata recommendation-annex focus-group implementers-guide technical-paper technical-report joint-itu-iso-iec service-publication contribution).include? @doctype or @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "#{@doctype} is not a recognised document type") end def stage_validate(xmldoc) stage = xmldoc&.at("//bibdata/status/stage")&.text %w(in-force superseded in-force-prepublished withdrawn draft).include? stage or @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "#{stage} is not a recognised status") end def content_validate(doc) super approval_validate(doc) itu_identifier_validate(doc) bibdata_validate(doc.root) termdef_style(doc.root) title_validate1(doc.root) reqt_validate(doc.root) numbers_validate(doc.root) end # Editing Guidelines 6.3 def title_validate1(xmldoc) t ="//bibdata/title")&.text xmldoc.xpath("//bibdata/series/title").each do |s| series = s.text.sub(/^[A-Z]: /, "") t.downcase.include?(series.downcase) and @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "Title includes series name #{series}") end end def extract_text(node) return "" if node.nil? node1 = Nokogiri::XML.fragment(node.to_s) node1.xpath("//link | //locality | //localityStack").each(&:remove) ret = "" node1.traverse { |x| ret += x.text if x.text? } ret end # Editing Guidelines 7 def reqt_validate(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//preface/*").each do |c| extract_text(c).split(/\.\s+/).each do |t| /\b(shall|must)\b/i.match(t) and @log.add("Style", c, "Requirement possibly in preface: #{t.strip}") end end end # Editing Guidelines 9.4.3 # Supplanted by rendering def numbers_validate(xmldoc); end def style_two_regex_not_prev(node, text, regex, regex_prev, warning) text.nil? and return arr = text.split(/\W+/) arr.each_index do |i| m = regex.match arr[i] m_prev = ? nil : regex_prev.match(arr[i - 1]) if !m.nil? && m_prev.nil? @log.add("Style", node, "#{warning}: #{m[:num]}") end end end def approval_validate(xmldoc) s ="//bibdata/ext/recommendationstatus/approvalstage") or return process = s["process"] (process == "aap") && %w(determined in-force).include?(s.text) and @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "Recommendation Status #{s.text} inconsistent with AAP") (process == "tap") && !%w(determined in-force).include?(s.text) and @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "Recommendation Status #{s.text} inconsistent with TAP") end def itu_identifier_validate(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//bibdata/docidentifier[@type = 'ITU']").each do |x| /^ITU-[RTD] [AD-VX-Z]\.\d+(\.\d+)?$/.match(x.text) or @log.add("Style", nil, "#{x.text} does not match ITU document " \ "identifier conventions") end end def section_validate(doc) super section_check(doc.root) unnumbered_check(doc.root) end def unnumbered_check(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//clause[@unnumbered = 'true']").each do |c| next if (@doctype == "resolution") && ( == "sections") && !"./preceding-sibling::clause") @log.add("Style", c, "Unnumbered clause out of place") end end # Editing Guidelines 7.2, 7.3 def section_check(xmldoc)"//bibdata/abstract") or @log.add("Style", nil, "No Summary has been provided")"//bibdata/keyword") or @log.add("Style", nil, "No Keywords have been provided") end def termdef_style(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//term").each do |t| para ="./definition/verbal-definition") || return term ="./preferred//name").text termdef_warn(term, /^[A-Z][a-z]+/, t, term, "term is not lowercase") termdef_warn(para.text, /^[a-z]/, t, term, "term definition does not start with capital") termdef_warn(para.text, /[^.]$/, t, term, "term definition does not end with period") end end def termdef_warn(text, regex, node, term, msg) regex.match(text) && @log.add("Style", node, "#{term}: #{msg}") end end end end