module Polars class DataFrame attr_accessor :_df def initialize(data = nil) if defined?(ActiveRecord) && (data.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) || data.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Result)) result = data.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Result) ? data : data.connection.select_all(data.to_sql) data = {} result.columns.each_with_index do |k, i| data[k] = { |r| r[i] } end end if data.nil? self._df = hash_to_rbdf({}) elsif data.is_a?(Hash) data = data.transform_keys { |v| v.is_a?(Symbol) ? v.to_s : v } self._df = hash_to_rbdf(data) elsif data.is_a?(Array) self._df = sequence_to_rbdf(data) elsif data.is_a?(Series) self._df = series_to_rbdf(data) else raise ArgumentError, "DataFrame constructor called with unsupported type; got #{}" end end def self._from_rbdf(rb_df) df = DataFrame.allocate df._df = rb_df df end def self._read_csv(file, has_header: true) if file.is_a?(String) || (defined?(Pathname) && file.is_a?(Pathname)) file = Utils.format_path(file) end _from_rbdf(RbDataFrame.read_csv(file, has_header)) end def self._read_parquet(file) if file.is_a?(String) || (defined?(Pathname) && file.is_a?(Pathname)) file = Utils.format_path(file) end _from_rbdf(RbDataFrame.read_parquet(file)) end def self._read_json(file) if file.is_a?(String) || (defined?(Pathname) && file.is_a?(Pathname)) file = Utils.format_path(file) end _from_rbdf(RbDataFrame.read_json(file)) end def self._read_ndjson(file) if file.is_a?(String) || (defined?(Pathname) && file.is_a?(Pathname)) file = Utils.format_path(file) end _from_rbdf(RbDataFrame.read_ndjson(file)) end def shape _df.shape end def height _df.height end def width _df.width end def columns _df.columns end def columns=(columns) _df.set_column_names(columns) end def dtypes end def schema end # def ==(other) # end # def !=(other) # end # def >(other) # end # def <(other) # end # def >=(other) # end # def <=(other) # end # def *(other) # end # def /(other) # end # def +(other) # end # def -(other) # end # def %(other) # end def to_s _df.to_s end alias_method :inspect, :to_s def include?(name) columns.include?(name) end def [](name) Utils.wrap_s(_df.column(name)) end # def []=(key, value) # end def to_h(as_series: true) if as_series get_columns.to_h { |s| [, s] } else get_columns.to_h { |s| [, s.to_a] } end end # def to_hs / to_a # end # def to_numo # end # no to_pandas def to_series(index = 0) if index < 0 index = columns.length + index end Utils.wrap_s(_df.select_at_idx(index)) end def write_json( file, pretty: false, row_oriented: false ) if file.is_a?(String) || (defined?(Pathname) && file.is_a?(Pathname)) file = Utils.format_path(file) end _df.write_json(file, pretty, row_oriented) nil end def write_ndjson(file) if file.is_a?(String) || (defined?(Pathname) && file.is_a?(Pathname)) file = Utils.format_path(file) end _df.write_ndjson(file) nil end def write_csv( file = nil, has_header: true, sep: ",", quote: '"', batch_size: 1024, datetime_format: nil, date_format: nil, time_format: nil, float_precision: nil, null_value: nil ) if sep.length > 1 raise ArgumentError, "only single byte separator is allowed" elsif quote.length > 1 raise ArgumentError, "only single byte quote char is allowed" elsif null_value == "" null_value = nil end if file.nil? buffer = buffer.set_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) _df.write_csv( buffer, has_header, sep.ord, quote.ord, batch_size, datetime_format, date_format, time_format, float_precision, null_value ) buffer.rewind return end if file.is_a?(String) || (defined?(Pathname) && file.is_a?(Pathname)) file = Utils.format_path(file) end _df.write_csv( file, has_header, sep.ord, quote.ord, batch_size, datetime_format, date_format, time_format, float_precision, null_value, ) nil end # def write_avro # end # def write_ipc # end def write_parquet( file, compression: "zstd", compression_level: nil, statistics: false, row_group_size: nil ) if compression.nil? compression = "uncompressed" end if file.is_a?(String) || (defined?(Pathname) && file.is_a?(Pathname)) file = Utils.format_path(file) end _df.write_parquet( file, compression, compression_level, statistics, row_group_size ) end def estimated_size(unit = "b") sz = _df.estimated_size Utils.scale_bytes(sz, to: unit) end # def transpose # end def reverse select(Polars.col("*").reverse) end def rename(mapping) lazy.rename(mapping).collect(no_optimization: true) end def insert_at_idx(index, series) if index < 0 index = columns.length + index end _df.insert_at_idx(index, series._s) self end def filter(predicate) lazy.filter(predicate).collect end # def describe # end # def find_idx_by_name # end # def replace_at_idx # end def sort(by, reverse: false, nulls_last: false) _from_rbdf(_df.sort(by, reverse, nulls_last)) end def frame_equal(other, null_equal: true) _df.frame_equal(other._df, null_equal) end # def replace # end def slice(offset, length = nil) if !length.nil? && length < 0 length = height - offset + length end _from_rbdf(_df.slice(offset, length)) end def limit(n = 5) head(n) end def head(n = 5) _from_rbdf(_df.head(n)) end def tail(n = 5) _from_rbdf(_df.tail(n)) end # def drop_nulls # end # def pipe # end # def with_row_count # end def groupby(by, maintain_order: false) lazy.groupby(by, maintain_order: maintain_order) end # def groupby_rolling # end # def groupby_dynamic # end # def upsample # end # def join_asof # end def join(other, left_on: nil, right_on: nil, on: nil, how: "inner", suffix: "_right") lazy .join( other.lazy, left_on: left_on, right_on: right_on, on: on, how: how, suffix: suffix, ) .collect(no_optimization: true) end # def apply # end def with_column(column) lazy .with_column(column) .collect(no_optimization: true, string_cache: false) end # def hstack # end # def vstack # end # def extend # end # def drop # end # def drop_in_place # end # def cleared # end # clone handled by initialize_copy def get_columns { |s| Utils.wrap_s(s) } end def get_column(name) self[name] end # def fill_null # end def fill_nan(fill_value) lazy.fill_nan(fill_value).collect(no_optimization: true) end # def explode # end # def pivot # end # def melt # end # def unstack # end # def partition_by # end # def shift # end # def shift_and_fill # end def is_duplicated Utils.wrap_s(_df.is_duplicated) end def is_unique Utils.wrap_s(_df.is_unique) end def lazy wrap_ldf(_df.lazy) end def select(exprs) _from_rbdf( lazy .select(exprs) .collect(no_optimization: true, string_cache: false) ._df ) end def with_columns(exprs) if !exprs.nil? && !exprs.is_a?(Array) exprs = [exprs] end lazy .with_columns(exprs) .collect(no_optimization: true, string_cache: false) end def n_chunks(strategy: "first") if strategy == "first" _df.n_chunks elsif strategy == "all" else raise ArgumentError, "Strategy: '{strategy}' not understood. Choose one of {{'first', 'all'}}" end end def max(axis: 0) if axis == 0 _from_rbdf(_df.max) elsif axis == 1 Utils.wrap_s(_df.hmax) else raise ArgumentError, "Axis should be 0 or 1." end end def min(axis: 0) if axis == 0 _from_rbdf(_df.min) elsif axis == 1 Utils.wrap_s(_df.hmin) else raise ArgumentError, "Axis should be 0 or 1." end end def sum(axis: 0, null_strategy: "ignore") case axis when 0 _from_rbdf(_df.sum) when 1 Utils.wrap_s(_df.hsum(null_strategy)) else raise ArgumentError, "Axis should be 0 or 1." end end def mean(axis: 0, null_strategy: "ignore") case axis when 0 _from_rbdf(_df.mean) when 1 Utils.wrap_s(_df.hmean(null_strategy)) else raise ArgumentError, "Axis should be 0 or 1." end end def std(ddof: 1) _from_rbdf(_df.std(ddof)) end def var(ddof: 1) _from_rbdf(_df.var(ddof)) end def median _from_rbdf(_df.median) end # def product # end # def quantile(quantile, interpolation: "nearest") # end # def to_dummies # end # def unique # end # def n_unique # end def rechunk _from_rbdf(_df.rechunk) end def null_count _from_rbdf(_df.null_count) end # def sample # end # def fold # end # def row # end # def rows # end # def shrink_to_fit # end # def take_every # end # def hash_rows # end # def interpolate # end def is_empty height == 0 end alias_method :empty?, :is_empty # def to_struct(name) # end # def unnest # end private def initialize_copy(other) super self._df = _df._clone end def hash_to_rbdf(data) RbDataFrame.read_hash(data) end def sequence_to_rbdf(data) end def series_to_rbdf(data)[data._s]) end def wrap_ldf(ldf) LazyFrame._from_rbldf(ldf) end def _from_rbdf(rb_df) self.class._from_rbdf(rb_df) end end end