class Record include Mongoid::Document field :title, type: String # TODO field :first, type: String field :last, type: String field :gender, type: String field :birthdate, type: Integer field :deathdate, type: Integer # TODO field :religious_affilication, type: Hash # TODO field :effective_time, type: Integer field :race, type: Hash field :ethnicity, type: Hash field :languages, type: Array field :test_id, type: Moped::BSON::ObjectId field :marital_status, type: Hash # TODO field :medical_record_number, type: String field :expired, type: Boolean field :clinicalTrialParticipant, type: Boolean # Currently not implemented in the C32 importer # because it cannot be easily represented in a # HITSP C32 embeds_many :allergies embeds_many :care_goals, class_name: "Entry" # This can be any number of different entry types embeds_many :conditions embeds_many :encounters embeds_many :immunizations embeds_many :medical_equipment embeds_many :medications embeds_many :procedures embeds_many :results, class_name: "LabResult" embeds_many :social_history, class_name: "Entry" embeds_many :vital_signs embeds_many :support embeds_many :advance_directives, class_name: "Entry" embeds_many :insurance_providers embeds_many :functional_statuses Sections = [:allergies, :care_goals, :conditions, :encounters, :immunizations, :medical_equipment, :medications, :procedures, :results, :social_history, :vital_signs, :support, :advance_directives, :insurance_providers, :functional_statuses] embeds_many :provider_performances embeds_many :addresses, as: :locatable embeds_many :telecoms, as: :contactable scope :by_provider, ->(prov, effective_date) { (effective_date) ? where(provider_queries(, effective_date)) : where('provider_performances.provider_id'=> } scope :by_patient_id, ->(id) { where(:medical_record_number => id) } def providers {|pp| pp.provider } end def over_18? < end def entries_for_oid(oid) matching_entries_by_section = do |section| section_entries = self.send(section) if section_entries.present? section_entries.find_all { |entry| (entry.respond_to? :oid) ? entry.oid == oid : false} else [] end end matching_entries_by_section.flatten end alias :clinical_trial_participant :clinicalTrialParticipant alias :clinical_trial_participant= :clinicalTrialParticipant= private def self.provider_queries(provider_id, effective_date) {'$or' => [provider_query(provider_id, effective_date,effective_date), provider_query(provider_id, nil,effective_date), provider_query(provider_id, effective_date,nil)]} end def self.provider_query(provider_id, start_before, end_after) {'provider_performances' => {'$elemMatch' => {'provider_id' => provider_id, '$and'=>[{'$or'=>[{'start_date'=>nil},{'start_date'=>{'$lt'=>start_before}}]}, {'$or'=>[{'end_date'=>nil},{'end_date'=> {'$gt'=>end_after}}]}] } }} end end