module Nanoc class Creator def create_site(a_sitename) ensure_nonexistant(a_sitename) FileManager.create_dir a_sitename do FileManager.create_dir 'output' FileManager.create_file 'config.yaml' do "output_dir: \"output\"\n" end FileManager.create_file 'meta.yaml' do "# This file contains the default values for all metafiles.\n" + "# Other metafiles can override the contents of this one.\n" + "\n" + "# Built-in\n" + "layout: \"default\"\n" + "filters: []\n" + "filename: \"index\"\n" + "extension: \"html\"\n" + "\n" + "# Custom\n" end FileManager.create_file 'Rakefile' do "Dir['tasks/**/*.rake'].sort.each { |rakefile| load rakefile }\n" + "\n" + "task :default do\n" + " puts 'This is an example rake task.'\n" + "end\n" end FileManager.create_dir 'layouts' do FileManager.create_file 'default.erb' do "\n" + " \n" + " <%= @page.title %>\n" + " \n" + " \n" + "<%= @page.content %>\n" + " \n" + "\n" end end FileManager.create_dir 'lib' do FileManager.create_file 'default.rb' do "\# All files in the 'lib' directory will be loaded\n" + "\# before nanoc starts compiling.\n" + "\n" + "def html_escape(a_string)\n" + " a_string.gsub('&', '&').gsub('<', '<').gsub('>', '>').gsub('\"', '"')\n" + "end\n" + "alias h html_escape\n" end end FileManager.create_dir 'tasks' do FileManager.create_file 'default.rake' do "task :example do\n" + " puts 'This is an example rake task in tasks/default.rake.'\n" + "end\n" end end FileManager.create_dir 'templates' do FileManager.create_dir 'default' do FileManager.create_file "default.txt" do "This is a new page. Please edit me!\n" end FileManager.create_file 'meta.yaml' do "# Built-in\n" + "\n" + "# Custom\n" + "title: A New Page\n" end end end FileManager.create_dir 'content' do FileManager.create_file 'content.txt' do "This is a sample root page. Please edit me!\n" end FileManager.create_file 'meta.yaml' do "# Built-in\n" + "\n" + "# Custom\n" + "title: My New Homepage\n" end end end end def create_page(a_pagename, a_params={}) Nanoc.ensure_in_site ensure_nonexistant(File.join(['content', a_pagename])) # Sanitize page name if a_pagename =~ /^[\/\.]+/ $stderr.puts 'ERROR: page name starts with dots and/or slashes, aborting' unless $quiet return end # Read template template = a_params[:template] || 'default' begin template_meta ="templates/#{template}/meta.yaml") # Find all files template_content_filenames = Dir["templates/#{template}/#{template}.*"] # Find all index.* files (used to be a fallback for nanoc 1.0, kinda...) template_content_filenames += Dir["templates/#{template}/index.*"] # Reject backups template_content_filenames.reject! { |f| f =~ /~$/ } # Make sure there is only one content file template_content_filenames.ensure_single('template files', template) # Get the first (and only one) template_content_filename = template_content_filenames[0] template_index = rescue => e puts e.inspect $stderr.puts 'ERROR: no such template' unless $quiet exit end template_meta = template_meta.eruby template_index = template_index.eruby # Create index and yaml file FileManager.create_dir 'content' do FileManager.create_dir a_pagename do page_name = a_pagename.sub(/.*\/([^\/]+)/, '\1') extension = File.extname(template_content_filename) FileManager.create_file "#{page_name}#{extension}" do template_index end FileManager.create_file 'meta.yaml' do template_meta end end end end def create_template(a_templatename) Nanoc.ensure_in_site ensure_nonexistant(File.join(['templates', a_templatename])) FileManager.create_dir 'templates' do FileManager.create_dir a_templatename do FileManager.create_file "#{a_templatename}.txt" do "This is a new page. Please edit me!\n" end FileManager.create_file 'meta.yaml' do "# Built-in\n" + "\n" + "# Custom\n" + "title: A New Page\n" end end end end private def ensure_nonexistant(filename) if File.exist?(filename) $stderr.puts "ERROR: A file or directory named #{filename} already exists." unless $quiet exit end end end end