require 'statemachine/generate/util' require 'statemachine/generate/src_builder' module Statemachine class Statemachine attr_reader :states def to_java(options = {}) generator =, options) generator.generate! end end module Generate module Java class JavaStatemachine include Generate::Util HEADER1 = "// This file was generated by the Ruby Statemachine Library (" HEADER2 = "// Generated at " def initialize(sm, options) @sm = sm @output_dir = options[:output] @classname = options[:name] @context_classname = "#{@classname}Context" @package = options[:package] raise "Please specify an output directory. (:output => 'where/you/want/your/code')" if @output_dir.nil? raise "Output dir '#{@output_dir}' doesn't exist." if !File.exist?(@output_dir) raise "Please specify a name for the statemachine. (:name => 'SomeName')" if @classname.nil? end def generate! explore_sm create_file(src_file(@classname), build_statemachine_src) create_file(src_file(@context_classname), build_context_src) say "Statemachine generated." end private ########################################### def explore_sm events = [] actions = [] @sm.states.values.each do |state| state.transitions.each do |transition| events << transition.event add_action(actions, transition.action) end end @event_names = {|e| e.to_s.camalized(:lower)}.sort @sm.states.values.each do |state| add_action(actions, state.entry_action) add_action(actions, state.exit_action) end @action_names = {|e| e.to_s.camalized(:lower)}.sort @startstate = @sm.get_state(@sm.startstate).resolve_startstate end def add_action(actions, action) return if action.nil? raise "Actions must be symbols in order to generation Java code. (#{action})" unless action.is_a?(Symbol) actions << action end def build_statemachine_src src = begin_src src << "public class #{@classname}" << endl begin_scope(src) add_instance_variables(src) add_constructor(src) add_statemachine_boilerplate_code(src) add_event_delegation(src) add_statemachine_exception(src) add_base_state(src) add_state_implementations(src) end_scope(src) return src.to_s end def add_instance_variables (src) src << "// Instance variables" << endl concrete_states = @sm.states.values.reject { |state| || !state.concrete? }.sort { |a, b| <=> } concrete_states.each do |state| name = src << "public final State #{name.upcase} = new #{name.camalized}State(this);" << endl end superstates = @sm.states.values.reject { |state| state.concrete? }.sort { |a, b| <=> } superstates.each do |superstate| startstate = superstate.resolve_startstate src << "public final State #{} = #{};" << endl end src << "private State state = #{};" << endl src << endl src << "private #{@context_classname} context;" << endl src << endl end def add_constructor(src) src << "// Statemachine constructor" << endl add_method(src, nil, @classname, "#{@context_classname} context") do src << "this.context = context;" << endl entered_states = [] entry_state = @startstate while entry_state != @sm.root entered_states << entry_state entry_state = entry_state.superstate end entered_states.reverse.each do |state| src << "context.#{state.entry_action.to_s.camalized(:lower)}();" << endl if state.entry_action end end end def add_statemachine_boilerplate_code(src) src << "// The following is boiler plate code standard to all statemachines" << endl add_one_liner(src, @context_classname, "getContext", nil, "return context") add_one_liner(src, "State", "getState", nil, "return state") add_one_liner(src, "void", "setState", "State newState", "state = newState") end def add_event_delegation(src) src << "// Event delegation" << endl @event_names.each do |event| add_one_liner(src, "void", event, nil, "state.#{event}()") end end def add_statemachine_exception(src) src << "// Standard exception class added to all statemachines." << endl src << "public static class StatemachineException extends RuntimeException" << endl begin_scope(src) src << "public StatemachineException(State state, String event)" << endl begin_scope(src) src << "super(\"Missing transition from '\" + state.getClass().getSimpleName() + \"' with the '\" + event + \"' event.\");" << endl end_scope(src) end_scope(src) src << endl end def add_base_state(src) src << "// The base state" << endl src << "public static abstract class State" << endl begin_scope(src) src << "protected #{@classname} statemachine;" << endl src << endl add_one_liner(src, nil, "State", "#{@classname} statemachine", "this.statemachine = statemachine") @event_names.each do |event| add_one_liner(src, "void", event, nil, "throw new StatemachineException(this, \"#{event}\")") end end_scope(src) src << endl end def add_state_implementations(src) src << "// State implementations" << endl @sm.states.keys.reject{|k| k.nil? }.sort.each do |state_id| state = @sm.states[state_id] state_name = base_class = state.superstate == @sm.root ? "State" : add_concrete_state_class(src, state, state_name, base_class) if state_id end end def add_concrete_state_class(src, state, state_name, base_class) src << "public static class #{state_name}State extends State" << endl src << "{" << endl src.indent! add_one_liner(src, nil, "#{state_name}State", "#{@classname} statemachine", "super(statemachine)") trans_aux = state.transitions trans_aux.sort_by!{|t| t.event}.each do |t| add_state_event_handler(t, src) end src.undent! src << "}" << endl src << endl end def add_state_event_handler(transition, src) event_name = transition.event.to_s.camalized(:lower) exits, entries = transition.exits_and_entries(@sm.get_state(transition.origin_id), @sm.get_state(transition.destination_id)) add_method(src, "void", event_name, nil) do exits.each do |exit| src << "statemachine.getContext().#{exit.exit_action.to_s.camalized(:lower)}();" << endl if exit.exit_action end src << "statemachine.getContext().#{transition.action.to_s.camalized(:lower)}();" << endl if transition.action src << "statemachine.setState(statemachine.#{transition.destination_id.to_s.upcase});" << endl entries.each do |entry| src << "statemachine.getContext().#{entry.entry_action.to_s.camalized(:lower)}();" << endl if entry.entry_action end end end def add_one_liner(src, return_type, name, params, body) add_method(src, return_type, name, params) do src << "#{body};" << endl end end def add_method(src, return_type, name, params) src << "public #{return_type} #{name}(#{params})".sub(' ' * 2, ' ') << endl begin_scope(src) yield end_scope(src) src << endl end def begin_scope(src) src << "{" << endl src.indent! end def end_scope(src) src.undent! << "}" << endl end def build_context_src src = begin_src src << "public interface #{@context_classname}" << endl begin_scope(src) src << "// Actions" << endl @action_names.each do |event| src << "void #{event}();" << endl end end_scope(src) return src.to_s end def begin_src src = src << HEADER1 << endl src << HEADER2 << timestamp << endl src << "package #{@package};" << endl src << endl return src end def create_file(filename, content) establish_directory(File.dirname(filename)) say "Writing to file: #{filename}", 'w') do |file| file.write(content) end end def src_file(name) path = @output_dir if @package @package.split(".").each { |segment| path = File.join(path, segment) } end return File.join(path, "#{name}.java") end end end end end