module TaliaUtil # Test helper mixin for unit tests module TestHelpers # Test the types of an element. Asserts if the source has the same types as # given in the types argument(s) def assert_types(source, *types) assert_kind_of(TaliaCore::Source, source) # Just to be sure type_list = "" source.types.each { |type| type_list << "- Type: #{type.local_name}\n" } assert_equal(types.size, source.types.size, "Type size mismatch: Source has #{source.types.size} instead of #{types.size}.\n#{type_list}") types.each { |type| assert(source.types.include?(type), "#{source.uri.local_name} should have type #{type}\n#{type_list}") } rdf_types = source.my_rdf[N::RDF.type].collect { |type| type.uri.to_s } types.each { |type| assert(rdf_types.include?(type.to_s), "#{source.uri.local_name} should have RDF type #{type}\n#{rdf_types}")} end # Checks if the given property has the values given to this assertion. If # a value is an N::URI, this will assert if the property refers to the # Source given by the URI. def assert_property(property, *values) assert_kind_of(TaliaCore::SemanticCollectionWrapper, property) # Just to be sure assert_equal(values.size, property.size, "Expected #{values.size} values instead of #{property.size}.") value_str = values.inject("Expected:\n") { |str, value| str << "#{value.inspect} (#{})\n" } property.each do |value| assert(values.detect { |val| val.respond_to?(:uri) ? (value.respond_to?(:uri) && (val.uri.to_s == value.uri.to_s)) : (value == val) }, "Found unexpected value #{value.inspect} (#{})\n#{value_str}") end end # Creates a dummy Source and saves it def make_dummy_source(uri, *types) src = src.primary_source = true types.each do |t|! unless(TaliaCore::ActiveSource.exists?(:uri => t.to_s)) src.types << t end! return src end # Helper to create a variable only once. This should be used from the # setup method, and will assign the given block to the given class variable. # # The block will only be executed once, after that the value for the # class variable will be retrieved from a cache. # # This is a workaround because the Ruby test framework doesn't provide # a setup_once method or something like this, and in fact re-creates the # Test case object for every single test (go figure). It would be # worth switching to RSpec just for this, but it's a heap of work so... the # test framework has just the braindead "fixtures" mechanism... # # The thing is that's a good practice to have reasonably fine-grained tests, # and you often have objects that are re-used often, are read-only for all # the tests and expensive to create. So you basically want to create them # only once. # # This thing is less than perfect, but it should work for now. Basically it # assumes that all tests for a TestCase will be run in a row, and the # setup method will execute before the first test and that no other tests # will execute before all tests of the TestCase are executed. def setup_once(variable, &block) variable = variable.to_sym value = self.class.obj_cache[variable] unless(value) value = self.class.obj_cache[variable] = value end assit_not_nil(value) value ||= false # We can't have a nil value (will cause the block to re-run) instance_variable_set(:"@#{variable}", value) end # Creates a source for the given uri def create_source(uri) TaliaCore::Source.create!(uri) end # Assert the given condition is false def assert_not(condition, message = nil) assert !condition, message end alias_method :assert_false, :assert_not # Assert the given collection is empty. def assert_empty(condition, message = nil) assert condition.empty?, message end # Assert the given collection is not empty. def assert_not_empty(condition, message = nil) assert_not condition.empty?, message end # Assert the given element is included into the given collection. def assert_included(collection, element, message = nil) assert collection.include?(element), message end # Assert the given object is instance of one of those classes. def assert_kind_of_classes(object, *classes) assert_included(classes, object.class, "#{object} should be instance of one of those classes: #{classes.to_sentence}") end # Assert the given object is a boolean. def assert_boolean(object) assert_kind_of_classes(object, TrueClass, FalseClass) end # Assert the source for the given uri exists. def assert_source_exist(uri, message = nil) assert TaliaCore::Source.exists?(uri), message end alias_method :assert_source_exists, :assert_source_exist end end # Add some stuff to the basic test case class Test::Unit::TestCase include TaliaUtil::TestHelpers protected # Helper variable in the class for setup_once def self.obj_cache @obj_cache ||= {} end # Lets the class suppress the fixtures for the tests def self.suppress_fixtures # Activates the suppress mechanism for older versions of rails @suppress_fixtures = true # This overwrites the setup/teardown callbacks for Rails 2.3.* define_method(:setup_fixtures) { } define_method(:teardown_fixtures) { } end def self.suppress_fixtures? @suppress_fixtures end # Adds the possibility to completely disable the fixture mechanism of rails if(method_defined?(:setup_with_fixtures) && method_defined?(:teardown_with_fixtures)) alias_method :setup_with_fixtures_orig, :setup_with_fixtures define_method(:setup_with_fixtures) do setup_with_fixtures_orig unless(self.class.suppress_fixtures?) end alias_method :teardown_with_fixtures_orig, :teardown_with_fixtures define_method(:teardown_with_fixtures) do teardown_with_fixtures_orig unless(self.class.suppress_fixtures?) end end end