module ICU # # This class is used to recognise the names of tie break rules. The class method _identify_ # takes a string as it's only argument and returns a new intstance if it recognises a # tie break rule from the string, or _nil_ otherwise. An instance has three read-only methods: # _id_ (a shoet symbolic name), _code_ (a two letter code) and _name_ (the full name). # For example: # # ICU::TieBreak.identify("no such rule") # => nil # tb = ICU::TieBreak.identify("Neustadlt") # # => :neustadtl # tb.code # => "SB" # # => "Sonneborn-Berger" # # The method is case insensitive and can cope with extraneous white space and, # to a limited extent, name variations and spelling mistakes: # # ICU::TieBreak.identify("SB").name # => "Sonneborn-Berger" # ICU::TieBreak.identify("NESTADL").name # => "Sonneborn-Berger" # ICU::TieBreak.identify(" wins ").name # => "Number of wins" # ICU::TieBreak.identify(:sum_ratings).name # => "Sum of opponent's ratings" # ICU::TieBreak.identify("median").name # => "Harkness" # ICU::TieBreak.identify("MODIFIED").name # => "Modified median" # ICU::TieBreak.identify("Modified\nMedian").name # => "Modified median" # ICU::TieBreak.identify("\tbuccholts\t").name # => "Buchholz" # ICU::TieBreak.identify("progressive\r\n").name # => "Sum of progressive scores" # ICU::TieBreak.identify("SumOfCumulative").name # => "Sum of progressive scores" # # The full list of supported tie break rules is: # # * Buchholz (:buchholz, "BH"): sum of opponents' scores # * Harkness (:harkness, "HK"): like Buchholz except the highest and lowest opponents' scores are discarded (or two highest and lowest if 9 rounds or more) # * Modified median (:modified_median, "MM"): same as Harkness except only lowest (or highest) score(s) are discarded for players with more (or less) than 50% # * Number of blacks (:blacks, "NB") number of blacks # * Number of wins (:wins, "NW") number of wins # * Player's name (:name, "PN"): alphabetical by name # * Sonneborn-Berger (:neustadtl, "SB"): sum of scores of players defeated plus half sum of scores of players drawn against # * Sum of opponents' ratings (:ratings, "SR"): sum of opponents ratings (FIDE ratings are used in preference to local ratings if available) # * Sum of progressive scores (:progressive, "SP"): sum of running score for each round # # An array of all supported TieBreak instances (ordered by name) is returned by the class method _rules_. # # rules = ICU::TieBreak.rules # rules.size # => 9 # # => "Buchholz" # # Note that this class only deals with the recognition of tie break names, not the calculation of tie break scores. # The latter is currently implemented in the ICU::Tournament class. # class TieBreak attr_reader :id, :code, :name private_class_method :new RULES = { :blacks => ["NB", "Number of blacks", %r{(number[-_ ]?of[-_ ])?blacks?}], :buchholz => ["BH", "Buchholz", %r{^buc{1,2}h{1,2}olt?[zs]}], :harkness => ["HK", "Harkness", %r{^(harkness?|median)$}], :modified_median => ["MM", "Modified median", %r{^modified([-_ ]?median)?$}], :name => ["PN", "Player's name", %r{^(player('?s)?[-_ ]?)?name$}], :neustadtl => ["SB", "Sonneborn-Berger", %r{^(sonn?eborn[-_ ]?berger|n[eu]{1,2}sta[dtl]{2,3})}], :progressive => ["SP", "Sum of progressive scores", %r{^(sum[-_ ]?(of[-_ ]?)?)?(progressive|cumulative)([-_ ]?scores?)?}], :ratings => ["SR", "Sum of opponent's ratings", %r{(sum[-_ ]?(of[-_ ]?)?)?(opponents'?[-_ ]?)?ratings}], :wins => ["NW", "Number of wins", %r{(number[-_ ]?of[-_ ])?wins?}], } # Given a string, return the TieBreak rule it is recognised as, or return nil. def self.identify(str) return nil unless str str = str.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip.downcase return nil if str.length <= 1 || str.length == 3 RULES.each_pair { |id, rule| return new(id, rule[0], rule[1]) if str.upcase == rule[0] || str.match(rule[2]) } nil end # Return an array of all tie break rules, ordered by name. def self.rules RULES.keys.sort_by{ |id| RULES[id][1] }.inject([]) do |rules, id| rules << new(id, RULES[id][0], RULES[id][1]) end end # :enddoc: private def initialize(id, code, name) @id = id @code = code @name = name end end end