require 'rgen/ecore/ecore'
require 'rgen/ecore/ecore_ext'
module RGen
# The Transformer class can be used to specify model transformations.
# Model transformations take place between a source model (located in the source
# environment being an instance of the source metamodel) and a target model (located
# in the target environment being an instance of the target metamodel).
# Normally a "model" consists of several model elements associated with each other.
# =Transformation Rules
# The transformation is specified within a subclass of Transformer.
# Within the subclass, the Transformer.transform class method can be used to specify transformation
# blocks for specific metamodel classes of the source metamodel.
# If there is no transformation rule for the current object's class, a rule for the superclass
# is used instead. If there's no rule for the superclass, the class hierarchy is searched
# this way until Object.
# Here is an example:
# class MyTransformer < RGen::Transformer
# transform InputClass, :to => OutputClass do
# { :name => name, :otherClass => trans(otherClass) }
# end
# transform OtherInputClass, :to => OtherOutputClass do
# { :name => name }
# end
# end
# In this example a transformation rule is specified for model elements of class InputClass
# as well as for elements of class OtherInputClass. The former is to be transformed into
# an instance of OutputClass, the latter into an instance of OtherOutputClass.
# Note that the Ruby class objects are used to specifiy the classes.
# =Transforming Attributes
# Besides the target class of a transformation, the attributes of the result object are
# specified in the above example. This is done by providing a Ruby block with the call of
# +transform+. Within this block arbitrary Ruby code may be placed, however the block
# must return a hash. This hash object specifies the attribute assignment of the
# result object using key/value pairs: The key must be a Symbol specifying the attribute
# which is to be assigned by name, the value is the value that will be assigned.
# For convenience, the transformation block will be evaluated in the context of the
# source model element which is currently being converted. This way it is possible to just
# write :name => name
in the example in order to assign the name of the source
# object to the name attribute of the target object.
# =Transforming References
# When attributes of elements are references to other elements, those referenced
# elements have to be transformed as well. As shown above, this can be done by calling
# the Transformer#trans method. This method initiates a transformation of the element
# or array of elements passed as parameter according to transformation rules specified
# using +transform+. In fact the +trans+ method is the only way to start the transformation
# at all.
# For convenience and performance reasons, the result of +trans+ is cached with respect
# to the parameter object. I.e. calling trans on the same source object a second time will
# return the same result object _without_ a second evaluation of the corresponding
# transformation rules.
# This way the +trans+ method can be used to lookup the target element for some source
# element without the need to locally store a reference to the target element. In addition
# this can be useful if it is not clear if certain element has already been transformed
# when it is required within some other transformation block. See example below.
# Special care has been taken to allow the transformation of elements which reference
# each other cyclically. The key issue here is that the target element of some transformation
# is created _before_ the transformation's block is evaluated, i.e before the elements
# attributes are set. Otherwise a call to +trans+ within the transformation's block
# could lead to a +trans+ of the element itself.
# Here is an example:
# transform ModelAIn, :to => ModelAOut do
# { :name => name, :modelB => trans(modelB) }
# end
# transform ModelBIn, :to => ModelBOut do
# { :name => name, :modelA => trans(modelA) }
# end
# Note that in this case it does not matter if the transformation is initiated by calling
# +trans+ with a ModelAIn element or ModelBIn element due to the caching feature described
# above.
# =Transformer Methods
# When code in transformer blocks becomes more complex it might be useful to refactor
# it into smaller methods. If regular Ruby methods within the Transformer subclass are
# used for this purpose, it is necessary to know the source element being transformed.
# This could be achieved by explicitly passing the +@current_object+ as parameter of the
# method (see Transformer#trans).
# A more convenient way however is to define a special kind of method using the
# Transformer.method class method. Those methods are evaluated within the context of the
# current source element being transformed just the same as transformer blocks are.
# Here is an example:
# transform ModelIn, :to => ModelOut do
# { :number => doubleNumber }
# end
# method :doubleNumber do
# number * 2;
# end
# In this example the transformation assigns the 'number' attribute of the source element
# multiplied by 2 to the target element. The multiplication is done in a dedicated method
# called 'doubleNumber'. Note that the 'number' attribute of the source element is
# accessed without an explicit reference to the source element as the method's body
# evaluates in the source element's context.
# =Conditional Transformations
# Using the transformations as described above, all elements of the same class are
# transformed the same way. Conditional transformations allow to transform elements of
# the same class into elements of different target classes as well as applying different
# transformations on the attributes.
# Conditional transformations are defined by specifying multiple transformer blocks for
# the same source class and providing a condition with each block. Since it is important
# to create the target object before evaluation of the transformation block (see above),
# the conditions must also be evaluated separately _before_ the transformer block.
# Conditions are specified using transformer methods as described above. If the return
# value is true, the corresponding block is used for transformation. If more than one
# conditions are true, only the first transformer block will be evaluated.
# If there is no rule with a condition evaluating to true, rules for superclasses will
# be checked as described above.
# Here is an example:
# transform ModelIn, :to => ModelOut, :if => :largeNumber do
# { :number => number * 2}
# end
# transform ModelIn, :to => ModelOut, :if => :smallNumber do
# { :number => number / 2 }
# end
# method :largeNumber do
# number > 1000
# end
# method :smallNumber do
# number < 500
# end
# In this case the transformation of an element of class ModelIn depends on the value
# of the element's 'number' attribute. If the value is greater than 1000, the first rule
# as taken and the number is doubled. If the value is smaller than 500, the second rule
# is taken and the number is divided by two.
# Note that it is up to the user to avoid cycles within the conditions. A cycle could
# occure if the condition are based on transformation target elements, i.e. if +trans+
# is used within the condition to lookup or transform other elements.
# = Copy Transformations
# In some cases, transformations should just copy a model, either in the same metamodel
# or in another metamodel with the same package/class structure. Sometimes, a transformation
# is not exactly a copy, but a copy with slight modifications. Also in this case most
# classes need to be copied verbatim.
# The class method Transformer.copy can be used to specify a copy rule for a single
# metamodel class. If no target class is specified using the :to named parameter, the
# target class will be the same as the source class (i.e. in the same metamodel).
# copy MM1::ClassA # copy within the same metamodel
# copy MM1::ClassA, :to => MM2::ClassA
# The class method Transfomer.copy_all can be used to specify copy rules for all classes
# of a particular metamodel package. Again with :to, the target metamodel package may
# be specified which must have the same package/class structure. If :to is omitted, the
# target metamodel is the same as the source metamodel. In case that for some classes
# specific transformation rules should be used instead of copy rules, exceptions may be
# specified using the :except named parameter. +copy_all+ also provides an easy way to
# copy (clone) a model within the same metamodel.
# copy_all MM1 # copy rules for the whole metamodel MM1,
# # used to clone models of MM1
# copy_all MM1, :to => MM2, :except => %w( # copy rules for all classes of MM1 to
# ClassA # equally named classes in MM2, except
# Sub1::ClassB # "ClassA" and "Sub1::ClassB"
# )
# If a specific class transformation is not an exact copy, the Transformer.transform method
# should be used to actually specify the transformation. If this transformation is also
# mostly a copy, the helper method Transformer#copy_features can be used to create the
# transformation Hash required by the transform method. Any changes to this hash may be done
# in a hash returned by a block given to +copy_features+. This hash will extend or overwrite
# the default copy hash. In case a particular feature should not be part of the copy hash
# (e.g. because it does not exist in the target metamodel), exceptions can be specified using
# the :except named parameter. Here is an example:
# transform ClassA, :to => ClassAx do
# copy_features :except => [:featA] do
# { :featB => featA }
# end
# end
# In this example, ClassAx is a copy of ClassA except, that feature "featA" in ClassA is renamed
# into "featB" in ClassAx. Using +copy_features+ all features are copied except "featA". Then
# "featB" of the target class is assigned the value of "featA" of the source class.
class Transformer
TransformationDescription =, :target) # :nodoc:
@@methods = {}
@@transformer_blocks = {}
def self._transformer_blocks # :nodoc:
@@transformer_blocks[self] ||= {}
def self._methods # :nodoc:
@@methods[self] ||= {}
# This class method is used to specify a transformation rule.
# The first argument specifies the class of elements for which this rule applies.
# The second argument must be a hash including the target class
# (as value of key ':to') and an optional condition (as value of key ':if').
# The target class is specified by passing the actual Ruby class object.
# The condition is either the name of a transformer method (see Transfomer.method) as
# a symbol or a proc object. In either case the block is evaluated at transformation
# time and its result value determines if the rule applies.
def self.transform(from, desc=nil, &block)
to = (desc && desc.is_a?(Hash) && desc[:to])
condition = (desc && desc.is_a?(Hash) && desc[:if])
raise"No transformation target specified.") unless to
block_desc =, to)
if condition
_transformer_blocks[from] ||= {}
raise"Multiple (non-conditional) transformations for class #{}.") unless _transformer_blocks[from].is_a?(Hash)
_transformer_blocks[from][condition] = block_desc
raise"Multiple (non-conditional) transformations for class #{}.") unless _transformer_blocks[from].nil?
_transformer_blocks[from] = block_desc
# This class method specifies that all objects of class +from+ are to be copied
# into an object of class +to+. If +to+ is omitted, +from+ is used as target class.
# The target class may also be specified using the :to => hash notation.
# During copy, all attributes and references of the target object
# are set to their transformed counterparts of the source object.
def self.copy(from, to=nil)
raise"Specify target class either directly as second parameter or using :to => ") \
unless to.nil? || to.is_a?(Class) || (to.is_a?(Hash) && to[:to].is_a?(Class))
to = to[:to] if to.is_a?(Hash)
transform(from, :to => to || from) do
# Create copy rules for all classes of metamodel package (module) +from+ and its subpackages.
# The target classes are the classes with the same name in the metamodel package
# specified using named parameter :to. If no target metamodel is specified, source
# and target classes will be the same.
# The named parameter :except can be used to specify classes by qualified name for which
# no copy rules should be created. Qualified names are relative to the metamodel package
# specified.
def self.copy_all(from, hash={})
to = hash[:to] || from
except = hash[:except]
fromDepth = from.ecore.qualifiedName.split("::").size
from.ecore.eAllClasses.each do |c|
path = c.qualifiedName.split("::")[fromDepth..-1]
next if except && except.include?(path.join("::"))
copy c.instanceClass, :to => path.inject(to){|m,c| m.const_get(c)}
# Define a transformer method for the current transformer class.
# In contrast to regular Ruby methods, a method defined this way executes in the
# context of the object currently being transformed.
def self.method(name, &block)
_methods[name.to_s] = block
# Creates a new transformer
# Optionally an input and output Environment can be specified.
# If an elementMap is provided (normally a Hash) this map will be used to lookup
# and store transformation results. This way results can be predefined
# and it is possible to have several transformers work on the same result map.
def initialize(env_in=nil, env_out=nil, elementMap=nil)
@env_in = env_in
@env_out = env_out
@transformer_results = elementMap || {}
@transformer_jobs = []
# Transforms a given model element according to the rules specified by means of
# the Transformer.transform class method.
# The transformation result element is created in the output environment and returned.
# In addition, the result is cached, i.e. a second invocation with the same parameter
# object will return the same result object without any further evaluation of the
# transformation rules. Nil will be transformed into nil. Ruby "singleton" objects
# +true+, +false+, numerics and symbols will be returned without any change. Ruby strings
# will be duplicated with the result being cached.
# The transformation input can be given as:
# * a single object
# * an array each element of which is transformed in turn
# * a hash used as input to Environment#find with the result being transformed
def trans(obj)
if obj.is_a?(Hash)
raise"No input environment available to find model element.") unless @env_in
obj = @env_in.find(obj)
return nil if obj.nil?
return obj if obj.is_a?(TrueClass) or obj.is_a?(FalseClass) or obj.is_a?(Numeric) or obj.is_a?(Symbol)
return @transformer_results[obj] if @transformer_results[obj]
return @transformer_results[obj] = obj.dup if obj.is_a?(String)
return obj.collect{|o| trans(o)}.compact if obj.is_a? Array
raise"No transformer for class #{}") unless _transformerBlock(obj.class)
block_desc = _evaluateCondition(obj)
return nil unless block_desc
@transformer_results[obj] = _instantiateTargetClass(obj,
# we will transform the properties later
@transformer_jobs <<, obj, block_desc)
# if there have been jobs in the queue before, don't process them in this call
# this way calls to trans are not nested; a recursive implementation
# may cause a "Stack level too deep" exception for large models
return @transformer_results[obj] if @transformer_jobs.size > 1
# otherwise this is the first call of trans, process all jobs here
# more jobs will be added during job execution
while @transformer_jobs.size > 0
# Create the hash required as return value of the block given to the Transformer.transform method.
# The hash will assign feature values of the source class to the features of the target class,
# assuming the features of both classes are the same. If the :except named parameter specifies
# an Array of symbols, the listed features are not copied by the hash. In order to easily manipulate
# the resulting hash, a block may be given which should also return a feature assignmet hash. This
# hash should be created manually and will extend/overwrite the automatically created hash.
def copy_features(options={})
hash = {}
@current_object.class.ecore.eAllStructuralFeatures.each do |f|
next if f.derived
next if options[:except] && options[:except].include?(
hash[] = trans(@current_object.send(
hash.merge!(yield) if block_given?
def _transformProperties(obj, block_desc) #:nodoc:
old_object, @current_object = @current_object, obj
block_result = instance_eval(&block_desc.block)
raise"Transformer must return a hash") unless block_result.is_a? Hash
@current_object = old_object
_attributesFromHash(@transformer_results[obj], block_result)
class TransformerJob #:nodoc:
def initialize(transformer, obj, block_desc)
@transformer, @obj, @block_desc = transformer, obj, block_desc
def execute
@transformer._transformProperties(@obj, @block_desc)
# Each call which is not handled by the transformer object is passed to the object
# currently being transformed.
# If that object also does not respond to the call, it is treated as a transformer
# method call (see Transformer.method).
def method_missing(m, *args) #:nodoc:
if @current_object.respond_to?(m)
@current_object.send(m, *args)
_invokeMethod(m, *args)
# returns _transformer_blocks content for clazz or one of its superclasses
def _transformerBlock(clazz) # :nodoc:
block = self.class._transformer_blocks[clazz]
block = _transformerBlock(clazz.superclass) if block.nil? && clazz != Object
# returns the first TransformationDescription for clazz or one of its superclasses
# for which condition is true
def _evaluateCondition(obj, clazz=obj.class) # :nodoc:
tb = self.class._transformer_blocks[clazz]
block_description = nil
if tb.is_a?(TransformationDescription)
# non-conditional
block_description = tb
elsif tb
old_object, @current_object = @current_object, obj
tb.each_pair {|condition, block|
if condition.is_a?(Proc)
result = instance_eval(&condition)
elsif condition.is_a?(Symbol)
result = _invokeMethod(condition)
result = condition
if result
block_description = block
@current_object = old_object
block_description = _evaluateCondition(obj, clazz.superclass) if block_description.nil? && clazz != Object
def _instantiateTargetClass(obj, target_desc) # :nodoc:
old_object, @current_object = @current_object, obj
if target_desc.is_a?(Proc)
target_class = instance_eval(&target_desc)
elsif target_desc.is_a?(Symbol)
target_class = _invokeMethod(target_desc)
target_class = target_desc
@current_object = old_object
result =
@env_out << result if @env_out
def _invokeMethod(m) # :nodoc:
raise"Method not found: #{m}") unless self.class._methods[m.to_s]
def _attributesFromHash(obj, hash) # :nodoc:
obj.send("#{k}=", v)