<%# encoding: UTF-8%> <% if action.deprecated? -%> <%= "Warning: 'puppet #{action.face.name} #{action.name}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release." %> <% end %> <% if action.synopsis -%> USAGE: <%= action.synopsis %> <% end -%> <%= action.short_description || action.summary || face.summary || "undocumented subcommand" %> <% if action.returns -%> RETURNS: <%= action.returns.strip %> <% end -%> OPTIONS: <%# Remove these options once we can introspect them normally. -%> --render-as FORMAT - The rendering format to use. --verbose - Whether to log verbosely. --debug - Whether to log debug information. <% optionroom = 30 summaryroom = 80 - 5 - optionroom disp_glob_opts = action.display_global_options.uniq unless disp_glob_opts.empty? disp_glob_opts.sort.each do |name| option = name desc = Puppet.settings.setting(option).desc type = Puppet.settings.setting(option).default type ||= Puppet.settings.setting(option).type.to_s.upcase -%> <%= "--#{option} #{type}".ljust(optionroom) + ' - ' -%> <% if !(desc) -%> undocumented option <% elsif desc.length <= summaryroom -%> <%= desc %> <% else words = desc.split wrapped = [''] i = 0 words.each do |word| if wrapped[i].length + word.length <= summaryroom wrapped[i] << word + ' ' else i += 1 wrapped[i] = word + ' ' end end -%> <%= wrapped.shift.strip %> <% wrapped.each do |line| -%> <%= (' ' * (optionroom + 5) ) + line.strip %> <% end end end end unless action.options.empty? action.options.sort.each do |name| option = action.get_option name -%> <%= " " + option.optparse.join(" | ")[0,(optionroom - 1)].ljust(optionroom) + ' - ' -%> <% if !(option.summary) -%> undocumented option <% elsif option.summary.length <= summaryroom -%> <%= option.summary %> <% else words = option.summary.split wrapped = [''] i = 0 words.each do |word| if wrapped[i].length + word.length <= summaryroom wrapped[i] << word + ' ' else i += 1 wrapped[i] = word + ' ' end end -%> <%= wrapped.shift.strip %> <% wrapped.each do |line| -%> <%= (' ' * (optionroom + 5) ) + line.strip %> <% end end end -%> <% end -%> <% if face.respond_to? :indirection -%> TERMINI: <%= face.class.terminus_classes(face.indirection.name).join(", ") %> <% end -%> See 'puppet help <%= face.name %>' or 'man puppet-<%= face.name %>' for full help.