#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:user).provider(:useradd) describe provider_class do before do @resource = stub("resource", :name => "myuser", :managehome? => nil) @resource.stubs(:should).returns "fakeval" @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "fakeval" @provider = provider_class.new(@resource) end # #1360 it "should add -o when allowdupe is enabled and the user is being created" do @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-o") } @provider.create end it "should add -o when allowdupe is enabled and the uid is being modified" do @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-o") } @provider.uid = 150 end describe "when checking to add allow dup" do it "should check allow dup" do @resource.expects(:allowdupe?) @provider.check_allow_dup end it "should return an array with a flag if dup is allowed" do @resource.stubs(:allowdupe?).returns true @provider.check_allow_dup.must == ["-o"] end it "should return an empty array if no dup is allowed" do @resource.stubs(:allowdupe?).returns false @provider.check_allow_dup.must == [] end end describe "when checking manage home" do it "should check manage home" do @resource.expects(:managehome?) @provider.check_manage_home end it "should return an array with -m flag if home is managed" do @resource.stubs(:managehome?).returns true @provider.check_manage_home.must == ["-m"] end it "should return an array with -M if home is not managed and on Redhat" do Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("RedHat") @resource.stubs(:managehome?).returns false @provider.check_manage_home.must == ["-M"] end it "should return an empty array if home is not managed and not on Redhat" do Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("some OS") @resource.stubs(:managehome?).returns false @provider.check_manage_home.must == [] end end describe "when adding properties" do it "should get the valid properties" it "should not add the ensure property" it "should add the flag and value to an array" it "should return and array of flags and values" end describe "when calling addcmd" do before do @resource.stubs(:allowdupe?).returns true @resource.stubs(:managehome?).returns true end it "should call command with :add" do @provider.expects(:command).with(:add) @provider.addcmd end it "should add properties" do @provider.expects(:add_properties).returns([]) @provider.addcmd end it "should check and add if dup allowed" do @provider.expects(:check_allow_dup).returns([]) @provider.addcmd end it "should check and add if home is managed" do @provider.expects(:check_manage_home).returns([]) @provider.addcmd end it "should add the resource :name" do @resource.expects(:[]).with(:name) @provider.addcmd end it "should return an array with full command" do @provider.stubs(:command).with(:add).returns("useradd") @provider.stubs(:add_properties).returns(["-G", "somegroup"]) @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("someuser") @provider.addcmd.must == ["useradd", "-G", "somegroup", "-o", "-m", "someuser"] end end end