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PerformanceChoose the option that applies to your performance problem:Have you migrated to a new version of DB2 and are now experiencing a significant performance degradation?What version of DB2 was installed before the upgrade?What version of DB2 is installed now?Choose the option that applies to the performance problem:Performance problems with a specific query or set of queries since the upgrade 1. Run the db2look command: db2look -d -m -l -a -e -o db2look.dbname 2. Run an exfmts for the SQL statements affected, for example: (create explains tables using DDL in sqllib/misc/EXPLAIN.DDL) db2 connect to db2 set current explain mode explain db2 -tvf query.sql db2exfmt -d -g TIC -n % -s % -w -1 -# 0 -o query.exfmt db2 connect reset db2 terminate 3. Export the following system catalogs. (Put these in their own subdirectory.) SYSTABLES, SYSVIEWS, SYSTABLESPACES, SYSBUFFERPOOLS, SYSFUNCTIONS (if UDFs are referenced), SYSDATATYPES (if rowtypes are used), SYSNODEGROUPDEF (if EEE), SYSPARTITIONSMAPS (if EEE) 4. Provide any previous versions of db2look, exfmts and/or catalogs 5. Run the query in isolation using db2batchPerformance problems with a utility since the upgradeProvide the command that was run, including parameters (for example, db2 runstats on table X with distribution and detailed indexes all)Is there any other information you can provide?Performance problems with an application since the upgradeDescribe the application scenarioCan you identify any particular SQL statement or group of statements that is causing problems? 1. Run the db2look command: db2look -d -m -l -a -e -o db2look.dbname 2. Export the following system catalogs: (Put these in their own subdirectory.) SYSTABLES, SYSVIEWS, SYSTABLESPACES, SYSBUFFERPOOLS, SYSFUNCTIONS (if UDFs are referenced), SYSDATATYPES (if rowtypes are used), SYSNODEGROUPDEF (if EEE), SYSPARTITIONSMAPS (if EEE) 3. Provide any previous versions of db2look, and/or catalogsHave you applied a FixPak to DB2 or performed DB2 390 maintenance and are now experiencing performance degradation?What level of DB2 code was installed before the upgrade?What level of DB2 code is installed now?Have you migrated from another database vendor and are now experiencing a significant performance degradation?What database vendor, product, and version level was installed?Was the other product run on the same machine as DB2 is running on?Describe any changes that have been made to the machine since installing DB2 (a description or 'no change')?Describe any differences between this machine and the machine the other vendor's product was running on?Was the volume of data the same in both databases?What was the resource consumption of the other vendor during this query in terms of memory and CPU?Describe the performance before the migration.Describe the performance after the migration.Were there any changes made to the database schema for migration?Describe the schema changes:Provide the old schema DDL:Which of the following applies to your performance problem?Are you having performance problems with a specific query or set of queries since the migration?Were there any changes made to the query for migration?Describe the changes:Include the old SQL and new SQL:Have you done anything to the database to try to alleviate the problem?Describe what you have done to try to alleviate the problem 1. Run the db2look command: db2look -d -m -l -a -e -o db2look.dbname 2. Run an exfmts for the SQL statements affected, for example: (create explains tables using DDL in sqllib/misc/EXPLAIN.DDL) db2 connect to db2 set current explain mode explain db2 -tvf query.sql db2exfmt -d -g TIC -n % -s % -w -1 -# 0 -o query.exfmt db2 connect reset db2 terminate 3. Export the following system catalogs: (Put these in their own subdirectory.) SYSTABLES, SYSVIEWS, SYSTABLESPACES, SYSBUFFERPOOLS, SYSFUNCTIONS (if UDFs are referenced), SYSDATATYPES (if rowtypes are used), SYSNODEGROUPDEF (if EEE), SYSPARTITIONSMAPS (if EEE) 4. Run the query in isolation using db2batchProvide any plans that you might have from the previous database vendor:Have you had performance problems with a utility since migration?Provide the command you were running, with all parameters (for example, db2 runstats on table X and detailed indexes all)Describe what else was running on the system at the time of the performance problemAre you having performance problems with an application since migration?Other?Describe the performance problem you are having since migratingHave you applied normal maintenance procedures, such as reorg or runstats, and are now experiencing performance degradations?What maintenance was applied prior to the performance problem?Runstats?Were the tables being updated significantly by another process while the runstats was occurring?Rerun runstats while heavy updates are not running on the database and determine if the performance problem still exists.Did you change the way you ran runstats from before (distributions stats? detailed indexes? same tables?)Did the volume of data in any of the tables increase or decrease significantly?Did you add any new indices before you ran the runstats?Did anything else change?Reorg?Did you run runstats after the reorg?Run runstats and determine if the problem still existsOther (for example, adding new indices, changing views)?Describe what maintenance you did, for example: Changing bufferpool size or adding new bufferpools, Changing table space overhead, transfer rate or prefetch size, Changing table space type, for example, from SMS to DMS disk or DMS file Adding temporary table spaces with different page sizes, Changing certain configuration parameters: INTRA_PARALLEL, CPUSPEED, COMM_BANDWIDTH, BUFFPAGE (if some buffer pools default to BUFFPAGE for their size), SORTHEAP, LOCKLIST, MAXLOCKS, AVG_APPLS, DFT_DEGREE, DFT_QUERYOPT, DFT_PREFETCH_SZ , DFT_EXTENT_SZDo you have a well-defined scenario that identifies an optimizer plan problem?Describe the problem with the query including:, What is the intended function of this statement?, Are your statements generated by a query generator (3rd party product)?, What is the name of the query generator?, Are you having problems with a particular query plan?, Have you recently rerun runstats or reorg?, anything else?Other?Describe the performance problem you are having Gather the following information and put the files in "%1S":Hang or CrashWhich of the following best describes the problem you are having?An abend or crash or trapCan you bring the system back up in the state it was before the crash?Do you know where the crash is happening?How are you using DB2?Through an applicationThrough a clientDoes the problem occur on all clients or just one?All clientsOne clientIs there anything different about the one client?Through a stored procedureIs the problem quickly and easily reproducible?Are you willing to abend the system again?Try a trace on the client and serverMy system seems to be hangingWhen did it happen?When did it start?Has this ever occurred before?How frequently?Is this occurring on more than one system?Do you have similar systems where this is not occurring?Do you have a change log? 1. The change log you have keptDoes the hang cause messages to be written to the db2diag.log?Does the hang occur at peak times?Can you issue a db2stop command? A db2stop force command?Is the system hanging now?Is the system suspended (for example, the programs are not active)?Yes -- the system is suspended (programs are not active) 1. Get vmstat, iostat including timestamps (uptime) 2. Get stack trace backs at regular intervals 3. Get "ps -elf, ps aux" output at roughly the same time as each of the sets of tracebacks 4. Get cli trace if hang is in cli 5. Get pstack and truss (process-level debugging, need root access) 6. Applications db2 list applications 1. Get stack trace backs at regular intervals 1. db2 snapshots and event monitorNo -- the system is active, the programs are waiting for something?Is there a deadlock?Is locktimeout configuration parameter on?Is the time interval for deadlock checking (clchktime) too large?Is there a long running query or utility?Is db2 waiting for something?Don't know if system active or notIs the problem quickly and easily reproducible?Are you willing/able to reproduce the hang?After reproducing while the system is hanging:Unable to start DB2One or more objects or DB2 is not availableOtherHave you upgraded DB2 to a new version or FixPak?What level were you on before the current level?Have you upgraded the OS to a different version, level, or FixPak?What level were you on before the current level?Have you altered your system in any way (for example, new hardware, OS upgrade, OS parameters)What changes have been made (previous values, current values)?Have you changed any DB2 parameters (for example, registry variables, configuration parameters)?What changes have been made? (previous values?)What was happening on the system at the time of the crash?Is there a particular command, utility, stored procedure, query that causes the problem? The command or stored procedure Recovery, Logging, or Backup and RestoreAre you experiencing troubles with:Crash recovery functionalityCrash recovery performanceAre you running data propagator/replication?What kind of recovery are you having problems with?Version (a restore from a backup with no rollforward)Where is the backup copy being stored?External storage manager (such as ADSM/TSM)What external storage manager are you using? (include version)On diskAre there problems with a redirected a restore (container issues)?On device for tape backupRollforward (after restoring the database from a backup you want to rollforward through the logs)Is your application stuck in a database or tablespace pending state?Crash (during run time DB2 crashes and needs to recover itself)What state is your application stuck in (for example, tablespace backup pending)?Are you aware of any missing/lost or corrupt logs or are you running out of storage space for the logs?Do you use circular logging?Application DevelopmentType of problemStored procedureWhat language is the stored procedure in?JavaC/C++COBOLFORTRANOtherDid this stored procedure run without any problems at an earlier date?What database is the stored procedure located on?DB2 for Linux, Unix, and WindowsWhat machine are you running from when the problem occurs?Where is the stored procedure called from?ODBCJDBCCLICommand Line ProcessorStatic embedded SQLDynamic embedded SQLOtherIs the stored procedure fenced?What type of error occurs with your stored procedures?Error calling stored procedureIs the stored procedure in Java?Is there a problem starting Java?Is the diag.log already at level 4?Change diaglvl to level 4 and provide the sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log file.What command did you use to register the stored procedure (or the filename where that command is located)Where is the stored procedure located on your system (compiled)?Are your compiled files located in a directory that is in your classpath (Java) or system path (other)?What command was executed to call the stored procedure (or the filename of the file that holds the command)?Are you running Version 7 FixPak 2 or later?Can you call the stored procedure from the Command Line Processor without error (for example, db2 call ())?Get the system stored procedures information: 1. db2 select * from syscat.procedures > syscat.procedures 2. db2 select * from syscat.procparms >syscat.procparms Error executing SQL statements in stored procedureTo perform a DB2 trace: 1. Type "db2trc on -l 10000000" 2. Recreate the problem (issue the command) 3. Type "db2trc dump db2trc.dmp" 4. Type "db2trc off" 5. Type "db2trc flw db2trc.dmp db2trc.flw" 6. Type "db2trc fmt db2trc.dmp db2trc.fmt" also see: Command reference - db2trcError executing non-SQL statements in stored procedureProblem in general with stored proceduresDB2 UDB on OS/390Get OS/390 stored procedure permissionsWas this stored procedure migrated from Version 5?Have you explicitly added execute permissions for this stored procedure since migration?Connecting to database using CLI/ODBC/JDBCCan you connect to the database from the Command Line Processor?Can you connect with the Client Configuration Assistant?Where are you connecting from?What command are you using to connect (if known)?Can you connect to the database using CLI/ODBC/etc. from another application?What is different about the other application?Other CLI/ODBC/JDBC problemIs the error related to function sequence error (for example, CLI0125)?When asked to perform a CLI trace add the line "TRACETIMESTAMP=3" to the CLI configuration.Can you perform the command through the Command Line Processor?Same machine where the stored procedure is locatedDifferent machine than where the stored procedure is locatedError deleting "%1S" directoryError: db2support can't collect explain data for dynamic sql at precompile/bind time.Error: db2look information was not gathered. It might need to be collected separately.Explain failure because an explain table required doesn't exist in the system.This program generates information about a DB2 server, including information about its configuration and system environment. The output of this program will be stored in a file named 'db2support.zip', located in the directory specified on the application command line. If you are experiencing problems with DB2, it may help if this program is run while the problem is occurring. NOTES: 1. By default, this program will not capture any user data from tables or logs to protect the security of your data. 2. For best results, run this program using an ID having SYSADM authority. 3. On Windows systems you should run this utility from a db2 command session. 4. Data collected from this program will be from the machine where this program runs. In a client-server environment, database-related information will be from the machine where the database resides via an instance attachment or connection to the database. An error occurred while archiving system files! db2support is now complete. Error writing to file Syntax: db2support [output path] [Collection Mode: [-d | -alldbs [-c] [-nco]] [-F] [-h] [-l] [-m] [-n ] [-p [-u ]] [-q] [-s] [-v] [-x] [-o ] [-cfg] [-timeout ] [-su ] [-sg ] [-fodc [ | | list]] [-st <"sql statement">] [-sf ] [-se ] [-B] [-cl ] [-td ] [-cs ] [-ro] [-co] [-cd ] [-extenddb2batch] [-ol ] [-ra ] [-fp ] [-nc] [-nl] [-op ] [-ot ] [-il ] [-r] [-wlm] [-aem [-compenv ] [-tbspname ] | event-monitor-options] [[[[-member ] | [-host ]] [-sdir ]] | [-localhost]] [-preupgrade] [[-cm] [-cfs] [-udapl] | [-ps]]] event-monitor-options: [ -actevm -actid -appid -uowid ] [Install Collection Mode: [-install [-host ] [-instance ]]] [Archiving Mode: [-A [-C [tar|tgz]]]] [Unzip mode: [-unzip [list|quiet] ]] Collection Mode: -alldbs Collect information from each database found in -alldatabases the database directory, and attempt to connect to them. Optimizer problem mode and -preupgrade do not support it. -c -connect Attempt to connect to the list of databases specified by -d or found by -alldbs. This is now ON by default if -d or -alldbs is specified. -cfg Collect information related to the current configuration -cfs Collect Cluster Filesystem (time or size consuming) information related to the DB2 pureScale Feature. -cm Collect Cluster Manager (time or size consuming) information related to the DB2 pureScale Feature. -d -database Specify a comma separated list of database names and attempt to connect to them. Optimizer problem mode and -preupgrade do not support multiple databases. -F -full Collect in full mode -fodc Collect specified FODC directories, which can be specified in one of the following ways. In multiple-host environment, by default it will collect information on the local host. 1) A comma separated list of the FODC directory names. FODC directories must exist on the local host. 2) If no parameter is specified after -fodc a menu with the available FODC directories to collect will be shown. 3) A symptom. All directories corresponding to that symptom will be collected. It can be one of the following: Trap, Panic, BadPage, Hang, ForceDBShutdown, Member, IndexError, Perf, DBMarkedBad, AppErr, TransportError, Clp, Connections, Memory, Cpu, Preupgrade, SharedSort_955, SingleQuery_955, ElasticSort, WLM_Queue. 4) Sub-option 'list' will print a list of FODC directories on the local host. To show all FODC directories in multiple-host environment, specify '-host all' option. '-fodc list' is only compatible with -t/-H and -host/-member options. -h -help Displays help information on what this tool does -H -history Collects data that falls only into the specified history period. The default value is 14 days if neither -H nor -t is specified. -host Specifies the hosts (local or remote) on which the db2support command will be run. By default db2support is run on all hosts in the cluster (DB2 pureScale or partitioned database environment), however -fodc is an exception. -l -logs Captures active logs -localhost Specifies that db2support will be run only on the local host. -m -html Generates system output in HTML format -member Specifies that db2support will be run on the (local or remote) host of the specified database member. -n -number PMR number/identifier for current problem, if known -nco -noconnect Do not connect to the list of databases specified by -d or found by -alldbs. (Turn off -c) -o -output Specifies the output file name with or without path, archived in ZIP format. Default output path is the current directory and default file name is db2support.zip. Will take precedence if [output path] is also specified. -p -password Connection password to use with -c -ps -purescale Same as specifying -cm -cfs and -udapl together This will collect the DB2 diagnostics as well as the Cluster Manager, Cluster Filesystem, and UDAPL (time or size consuming) information related to the DB2 pureScale Feature. -preupgrade Collects information on the state of the system and DB2 instance prior to a DB2 upgrade or fix pack update. By default, data will be archived into a db2support_preupgrade.zip file. -q -question_resp Interactive problem analysis mode -r -redistribute Collects data from the /redist directory -s -system_detail Gathers detailed hardware and OS info -sdir Specifies the shared directory that temporarily stores data during db2support collection. Enough space should be available to contain all the data collected by the db2support command. Default shared directory is /sqllib_shared in a DB2 pureScale environment and sqllib in a partitioned database environment. -sg -system_group Gathers system group information -su -system_user Gathers system user information -t -time Collects data that falls only into the specified time interval. The default value is 14 days if neither -t nor -H is specified. -timeout Specifies the maximum duration of execution After the timeout value is reached, no remaining collections will be collected. -u -user Specifies the user ID that is to be used with the -c option -udapl Collects UDAPL (time or size consuming) information related to the DB2 pureScale Feature. -v -verbose Verbose output while running -x -xml_generate Produces XML with logic used during -q mode Optimizer problem mode options -aem Collect the db2caem information for the SQL statement. With this option, db2caem will create an activity event monitor in order to collect the requested information. The activity event monitor and other created tables will be cleaned up from the system afterwards. It has to be issued with either -st or -sf, and does not support -se. Note the db2support special register options will be ignored by db2caem tool, -compenv should be used to specify the compilation environment for db2caem to use if needed. The specified SQL statement will be executed by db2caem tool. -B -basic Collect in optimizer basic mode ("db2supp_opt.zip" file only) -cd -curdegree Specify the current degree special register value -cl -collect Specify the optimization data collection level Valid values are: 0 = collect only catalogs, db2look, dbcfg, dbmcfg, db2set 1 = collect 0 plus db2exfmt, db2caem(if -aem or event monitor options are specified) 2 = collect 1 plus .db2service (DEFAULT) 3 = collect 2 plus db2batch (ATTENTION: statement is executed!) Activate all database partitions using the ACTIVATE command prior to running db2support with -cl option If event monitor options (-actevm, -appid, -uowid, -actid) are specified without -st, -sf, or -se, the effective collection level is 1 with only db2caem information collected (no db2exfmt collection). -co -complete Collect catalogs for all tables in database -compenv Specify the compilation environment will be used when db2caem is executed. The compilation environment (comp_env_desc) is in BLOB data type and specified through a file. -cs -curschema Specify the current schema value -extenddb2batch Collect db2batch for all levels specified in -ol. The optimization data collection level must be 3 -fp -funcpath Specify the function path special register value -il -isolation Specify the isolation level -nc -nocatalog Do not collect catalogs -nl -nodb2look Do not collect db2look data -ol -optlevel Specify a comma separated list of optimization levels and collect explain plans for each of them -op -optprofile Specify the optimization profile special register value -ot -opttables Specify the current maintained tables for optimization special register value -ra -refreshage Specify the refresh age special register value -ro -reopt Specify EXPLAIN with REOPT ONCE when explaining the query -se -sqlembed Specify the embedded SQL file path -sf -sqlfile Specify the SQL file path -st -sqlstmt Specify the SQL statement -td -delimiter Specify the statement termination character -tbspname Specify the table space name for which db2caem will create the activity event monitor in. In a partitioned database environment, the table space should exist on all the database partitions where the SQL statement of interest will be run. If not specified, the default table space will be used by db2caem. -wlm Specify that the additional data related to the WLM issue is to be collected. event-monitor-options: -actevm Specifies the name of the existing activity event monitor containing the data for the statement of interest. -actid Specifies the activity ID (activity_id monitor element) of the statement of interest. -appid Specifies the application identifier (appl_id monitor element) uniquely identifying the application that issued the statement of interest. -uowid Specifies the unit of work ID (uow_id monitor element) in which the statement of interest was executed. Install Collection Mode (Linux/Unix only): -install Collects information only related to install or instance creation failure. Can be specified together with the -host and -instance options only. -host Specifies a host or a comma separated list of hosts -instance Collects diagnostic data related to the specified DB2 instance. Archiving Mode: -A -archive Move all files in dump directory to the No db2support.zip file will be generated. -C -compress Compress the archive directory with all its sub-directories and files into a .zip file. Must be used with -A only. tar Compress the archive directory with all its sub-directories and files into a .tar file. Must be used with -C only. Not applicable for Windows platform. tgz Use tar and gzip to archive and compress the archive directory with all its sub-directories and files into one tar.gz file. Must be used with -C only. Not applicable for Windows platform. Unzip Mode: -unzip Extract the contents of to the db2support's output path, or to the current directory if the output path is not specified. Will warn the user if the extracted file already exists in the output path and will ask for confirmation on whether to overwrite the file or not. Note: the supported should have .zip or .ZIP as the extension. list List the contents of but do not extract any files. quiet Extract the files but do not prompt if the file already exists in the output path. It will overwrite the existing files. db2support collection mode will collect(copy) all files into a compressed file containing either the file name specified by the user (-o option), or the default file name, db2support.zip. Any user specified output file names not ending with the ".zip" extension will have this automatically appended by db2support. db2support archiving mode will archive(move) all files into a new directory specified explicitly by the user. db2support -cfg may only be combined with the following options: -alldbs, -alldatabases, -c, -connect, -d, -database, -m, -html, -n, -number, -o, -output, -p, -password, -u, -user, -v and -verbose. Examples of basic invocation: db2support db2support -cfg db2support -alldbs db2support -alldbs -cfg db2support -d myDbName1,myDbName2 db2support -d myDbName1,myDbName2 -cfg db2support will be in optimizer problem mode when one of the following options is provided: db2support -d -st db2support -d -sf db2support -d -se db2support -d -cl 0 db2support -d Note: -c option is not required for optimizer problem and will be assumed implicitly. It is also not a requirement anymore for -d or -alldbs option, as it is now assumed to be turned ON by default when -d or -alldbs is specified. To disable the attempt for connection use -nco/-noconnect option with -d or -alldbs. Note: By default db2support will collect the information related to DB2, as well as Cluster Manager, Cluster Filesystem, and UDAPL diagnostics related to the DB2 pureScale Feature. If -cm, -cfs, -udapl or -purescale are specified, their respective (time or size consuming) information will be collected in addition to the default collections. Note: Based on the enviorenment and if TSA is installed, db2support will collect TSA data by default. If -cm is specified, the respective (time or size consuming) TSA data will be collected in addition to the default TSA collections. Output file is "%1S"Error attempting to write to the specified report path "%1S"Time and date of this collection: "%1S" Collecting "Operating system and level" Collecting "DB2 Release Info" Collecting "DB2 install path info" Collecting "System resource info (disk, CPU, memory)" Collecting "Registry info" Collecting "Disk freespace for current filesystem" Collecting "PATH and LIBPATH" Collecting "EEE node information" Collecting "DB2 instance list" Collecting "List of databases on this instance" Collecting "Database manager configuration" Collecting "JDK Level" Collecting "Sqllib directory listing" Collecting "Client connection state" ...attempting to connect to database: "%1S" Collecting "Number of user tables" Collecting "Buffer pool information" Collecting "Table space information" Collecting "Log directory listing" Collecting "System files" Error trying to access output directory! Error opening report log file! Error creating report file! Skipping report Error adding "%1S" to archiveError: Cannot find output files!!! Creating final output archive Collecting "%1S"Error accessing file "%1S"Error changing to output directory "%1S"! Collecting "Detailed operating system and hardware information" Collecting "Basic operating system and hardware information" Error detected when collecting detailed operating system and hardware information. Error detected when collecting basic operating system and hardware information. An archive file has been produced: "%1S" SQL Code: "%1S" Error trying to query system clock.Time and date of this collection: The PMR number specified by the customer is: A PMR number was not specified by the user.Number of physical disks: Physical memory: Number of CPUs available and configured for DB2: Operating system is: Instance name is: Install path for the default instance is: Number of nodes in db2nodes.cfg is: Current node number is: Node information from the db2nodes.cfg file:Error: rc and sqlcode from call to sqlbmtsq: Error creating archive file! Skipping archiving...Attempting to collect files from '"%1S"' Error truncating '"%1S"' Error adding '"%1S"' to archive! -> "%1S" [Most Recent core] -> Error occurred reading '"%1S"' directory! -> Failed to open directory!Attempting to collect files from '"%1S"'Attempting to collect db2cli.ini from '"%1S"' -> File not found!Error archiving '"%1S"' directory contents!Error getting the database log path for "%1S" with Reason Code "%2S". Skipping active log collection for the database! Available FODC directories:Enter the numbers of your selections separated by commas: Warning: the core file for the specified FODC directory "%1S" was not collected. To collect this core file manually, get assistance from IBM Software Support. Error: "%1S" failed with Reason Code "%2S". Collecting "Information of external components" (this may take some time) Collecting "Information of external components" Collecting "Cluster Manager information" Collecting "Cluster Filesystem information" Collecting "UDAPL information" Optimizer mode activatedOptimizer data collection failedError attempting to connect to "%1S" database with SQL error "%2S"Error: DB2 not startedCollecting 'Optimizer information'Invalid value in "%1S" input parameterOptimizer Report LogError invoking "%1S"A failure was detected when collecting "%1S"Connecting to database through CLPError: More than one of the following options is specified : "%1S"Warning: Some data may not be collectedWarning: update/delete/insert statements will not be executedWarning: "%1S" will not be collected for "%2S" optionWarning invoking "%1S" Collecting "JCC version information" Collecting "JCC configuration information" Collecting DB2 pureScale information "%1S" errors found during the db2support collection "%1S" warnings found during the db2support collection PMR identifierOS levelCPU, disk, and memory infoJDK levelDetailed system informationJCC versionJCC configuration informationJava version in JDK_PATHDatabase reset statusDB2 release informationDB2 install path directory listingDB2 install pathDB2 EEE nodes informationEnvironment registryDatabase manager configurationList installed DB2 products and featuresGet dbm cfg show detailsList of databasesNode directory informationAdmin node directoryDCS directoryProblem Determination SettingsStatus of db2trcGeneral OS InformationData warehouse support informationGetsadata -allGetsadata -ctsnapCLI configurationGetsadataTSA efix versionlist vardb2samlogGPFS Versiondb2instance listdb2cluster listdb2pd -cfinfo outputdb2pd -cfpool outputDCS applicationsRSCT versionCluster Engine CompilationCT versionSAM versionGetsadata -allClient connection stateActive databasesDatabase configuration for "%1S"Optimizer database configuration for "%1S"Recovery history file for database "%1S"Datalink managersDetailed database configuration for "%1S"Current isolationBuffer pool information for "%1S"Table space information for "%1S"Node groups for "%1S"Storage group information for "%1S"Table statistics for "%1S"Application snapshotDatabase snapshotNumber of tables for "%1S"Database snapshot for "%1S"List of applicationsList of packages for "%1S"List of tables for "%1S"Number of stringIDs for "%1S"System data partition informationSystem index partition informationDatabase versions for "%1S"In-doubt transactions for "%1S"DRDA In-doubt transactions for "%1S"Number of typeIDs for "%1S"Number of routineIDs for "%1S"Number of roleIDs for "%1S"Number of sequenceIDs for "%1S"Number of variableIDs for "%1S"Number of xsrobjectIDs for "%1S"Command options for "%1S"List database partition numbers for "%1S"ODBC data sources for "%1S"Command issued for this collection:WLM service classes for "%1S"WLM workloads for "%1S"WLM connection attributes of each workload for "%1S"WLM thresholds for "%1S"WLM event monitors for "%1S"WLM event monitor names and states for "%1S"WLM Work Action Sets for "%1S"WLM Work Actions for "%1S"WLM Work Class Sets for "%1S"WLM Work Classes for "%1S"WLM Work Class Attributes for "%1S" Collecting "DB2 License Info" Collecting "Information for WLM service classes" Collecting "Workload information" Collecting "List of WLM collection attributes for each workload" Collecting "List of WLM thresholds" Collecting "Information for available WLM event monitors" Collecting "Information for active WLM event monitors" Collecting "Information for WLM work action sets" Collecting "Information for WLM work actions" Collecting "Information for WLM work class sets" Collecting "Information for WLM work classes" Warning: the command failed because the specified directories above do not exist on the local machine. FODC directories on the host, "%1S":START: STOP: Machine descriptionRelease and configurationDirectoriesStorage topology for "%1S"ApplicationsDatabase specific information for "%1S"Status informationMiscellaneousList all table spaces and associated buffer poolsWorkload Management Information for "%1S"Information not availableTable of ContentsSystem Information HTML Reportdb2support HTML reportiso-8859-1iso-8859-1Error occurred writing to file "%1S"Error occurred while copying from "%1S" to "%2S"Content of file "%1S"Out of memory error. Error writing to file db2support Interactive Mode To better understand your problem, we would like to ask a few questions. Answer these questions by choosing the number corresponding to the most appropriate answer, or by entering a brief text answer. If you have a long response, you can use a separate file. Enter the filename as your response and then include the file in the directory for additional files. If you are asked to provide files, include these files in the directory for additional files and provide the filenames as your response. Place any files we asked for in: POSSIBLE ANSWERS: INSTRUCTIONS:Enter the number corresponding to your answer. Enter your response. or press 'b' to go back to the previous question or press 'q' to quit Select a number corresponding to one of the multiple choice answers Program Error Press enter when done. Your previous response was "%1S"Error occurred when deleting "%1S" directory. Error: Unable to create subdirectory "%1S"BbQqInstallation or migrationBriefly describe the installation or migration problem.Administration toolsBriefly describe the administration tools problem.Client, connectivity, or authenticationBriefly describe the client, connectivity, or authentication problem.DB2 utilitiesWhat utility are you having a problem with?RUNSTATSBriefly describe your problemBACKUP and RESTOREREORGOtherData integrityLocking or concurrencyThank you. We have no further questions at this timeAudit configurationdb2dart informationLog directory listingDB2 license informationDB2 compliance reportDB2 prerequisite check informationDiagpath directory listingSqllib directory listing Warning: Some resource-related information was not collected. Reason code for IBM support: "%1S". Warning: Some security-related information was not collected. Reason code for IBM support: "%1S". Error: Failed to open/create the detailed system information output file with Reason Code "%1S". Error: StartHTMLFile failed with Reason Code "%1S". Error: ListOSInfo failed with Reason Code "%1S". Error: IntroOSInfo failed with Reason Code "%1S". Error: GatherOSInfo failed with Reason Code "%1S". Error: EndHTMLFile failed with Reason Code "%1S". Error: Failed to close the detailed system information output file with Reason Code: "%1S". Warning: A failure was detected during collection of network related information with Reason Code: "%1S". Warning: A failure was detected during collection of disk related information with Reason Code: "%1S". Warning: A failure was detected during collection of hardware related information with Reason Code: "%1S". Warning: A failure was detected during collection of software related information with Reason Code: "%1S". Warning: A failure was detected during collection of kernel related information with Reason Code: "%1S". Warning: A failure was detected during collection of cpu related information with Reason Code: "%1S". Warning: A failure was detected during collection of memory related information with Reason Code: "%1S". Warning: A failure was detected during collection of general related information with Reason Code: "%1S". Error: Flushing output file failed at "%1S". Error: Open pipe failed with Reason Code "%1S". Error: Writing to output file failed at "%1S". Warning: A system file was not found. Warning: Received access denied when attempting to read a system file. Warning: Failed to open a system file for reading with Reason Code "%1S". Warning: Failed to close a system file with Reason Code "%1S". Error: Too many sections detected. Error: Detected NULL OSInfo structure. Warning: Failed to duplicate temporary stream back to stderr with Reason Code "%1S". Warning: Failed to get number of physical disks with Reason Code "%1S". Warning: Failed to open a system file for reading from within an API. Reason Code "%1S". Warning: Failure while reading from a system file. Reason Code "%1S". Error: Re-enablement of stderr failed. Warning: DB2 not started. Some data will not be collected. Warning: DB2 not started. This utility will not connect to the database.Match Decision Information:Type: TRUEType: FALSESize: TRUESize: FALSETime: TRUETime: FALSEUseful: TRUEUseful: FALSEAuthority: TRUEAuthority: FALSESystem Information DB2 Related InformationType: API Type: Command Type: File Number of items in section: Return Code: Number of Disks: Number of DisksFile System Usage InformationFile System Inode InformationFile System VFS InformationDetailed Information for all Volume Groupsiostat Disk InformationNFS Statistic InformationExport FileFilesystems FileVFS FileDisk Space UsageLVM Volume Group InformationDisk Activity ReportBuffer Activity ReportDisk Partition InformationNFS Statistic InformationMount FileCD-ROM Mount FileFile System Type InformationFile System Share InformationNetwork Interface InformationCommunication Adapter StatisticsNetwork Socket InformationNetwork Stream InformationNetwork Routing InformationNetwork Routing StatisticsRegistered RPC programsRPC StatisticsHosts FileTCP/IP Services FileExtended Network Socket InformationNetwork Statistics InformationNetwork Routing TableNetBIOS SharesNetBIOS ConnectionsProtocol FileTCP/IP Networks FileExtended Network Routing InformationNIS Cache InformationSystem DevicesSystem AttributesSystem Vital Product DataHardware InformationLAN Device ConfigurationHardware Model InfoPCI Device ConfigurationInstalled Hardware InformationSystem ConfigurationSystem Diagnostic InformationSoftware Product InformationOperating System LevelDetailed Software Product InformationNLS InformationPackage InformationPatch LevelsUser LimitsIPC InformationSubsystem Status InformationOS VersionKernel InformationSystem ParametersKernel Module InfoLoaded Module InfoSystem PeripheralsKernel CountersCPU Status InformationCPU InformationCPU Usage InformationVirtual Memory SnapshotMemory CountersMemory Usage InfoPhysical SwapSwap Usage InfoSystem Name and InfoSystem UptimeSystem UsersDetailed Error Log MessagesProcess ListingRecent UsersEnvironment VariablesDr. Watson Log FileRecent UsersAutomounter Master FileHome DirectoryAutomounter Home FileCrontab File (root)SCSI and IDE Disk Partition TablesFile System Share InformationVeritas Disk InformationVeritas Disk Group InformationVeritas Volume Manager InformationDiskSuite Volume Manager InformationDiskSuite DB Replica InformationDiskSuite Disk Set InformationNetworking Subsystem Configuration FileNFS Configuration FileSocket Owner InformationNS Switch FileNet to MAC TableEEPROM Configuration Error: Failed to open/create file "%1S", output for this file will not be gathered. Error: Failed to close file "%1S", output for this file will not be gathered. Error: Failure reading input at "%1S". Error: Failed to write output to file "%1S", output for this file will not be gathered. Warning: Unable to delete file at "%1S". Warning: Unable to close file "%1S". Syntax: db2support [output path] [-m] [-h] [-n ] [-q] [-s] [-su ] [-sg ] [-v] [-o ] -h -help Help on what this tool does (display usage info) -m -html Generate system output in HTML format -n -number PMR number/identifier for current problem, if known -o -output Specify the output file name with or without path, archived in ZIP format. Default output path is the current directory and default file name is db2support.zip. Will take precedence if [output path] is also specified. -s -system_detail Gather detailed hardware and OS info -sg -system_group Gathers system group information -su -system_user Gathers system user information -v -verbose Verbose output while running db2support will archive all files into a compressed file containing either the file name specified by the user (-o option), or the default file name, db2support.zip. Any user specified output file names not ending with the ".zip" extension will have this automatically appended by db2support. Example of basic invocation: db2support . Invalid command syntax.Please run "db2support -h" for help information. Warning: Conflictive path specified, [output path] will be ignored. Warning: Archiving mode specified, [output path] will be ignored. !!! Warning: FODC is in progress !!! The db2support archiving utility is NOT recommended to be run when FODC is running. Error: "%1S" does not exist or is not a fully qualified path name. Error: Archiving directory and source directory are identical. Error: Archiving directory "%1S" is not writable. Error: Source directory "%1S" is not writable. Error: Archiving failed with Reason Code "%1S". Error: Insufficient disk space for "%1S". Warning: Unable to delete file "%1S". Permission Denied. Warning: Unable to remove directory "%1S". Error: Unable to create directory "%1S"."%1S" data have been successfully archived into "%2S". Warning: Fail to compress the archiving directory "%1S". Error: Archiving failed. Reason: access denied to "%1S". Warning: File name exceeded the permitted length. Using default file name instead.Archiving directory "%1S" successfully created. -> Archived subdirectory "%1S".Attempting to create list of files to be archived in directory "%1S". -> "%1S" file successfully created. ->Warning: Unable to create "%1S" file.Attempting to archive files from "%1S" "%2S".Attempting to compress directory "%1S". -> "%1S". -> Archiving subdirectory "%1S": Warning: Unable to copy "%1S": Access Denied. Enter 'C' if you still want to continue anyway. Or enter 'Q' to EXIT the utility. Error: Unable to access system file with Reason code "%1S". Error: DIAGPATH "%1S" is part of the archiving directory. db2support -A is not available on Windows platform.Error: Invalid input argument.Error: Invalid format of timestamp.Error: Invalid value in start timestamp.Error: Invalid value in end timestamp.Error: Start time cannot be later than endtime.Error: Specified year value is outside of range allowed(2003~2050).Error: Invalid format of period.Error: '+' sign in period is not allowed without historyBegin timestamp.Error: Invalid value in historyBegin timestamp.Error: -t and -H options cannot be used together.The following file already exists in the target output directory: "%1S" Please choose one of the following options: 1. To overwrite this file in the target directory, enter '1'. 2. To cancel the extraction of this file, enter '2'. 3. To overwrite all of the files in the target directory, enter '3'. Extracting "%1S" ... Extraction completes. Some errors found during extraction. LENGTH DATE TIME NAME Error: extraction error for "%1S" ... TOTAL SIZE Error: An error occurred while the contents were being extracted from the compressed file. Return code: "%1S". Probe point: "%2S". Error: failed to get file information for "%1S" with error "%2S". Error: failed to create file "%1S". Error: failed to open file "%1S". Error: failed to read file "%1S". Error: failed to write to file "%1S".Error: Invalid file extension. Error: Parse error while reading profile file. Error: Some mandatory values have not been specified on "%1S". Error: Parses a duplicated value. Error: The Command is too large. It should be less than "%1S". Error: Internal error "%1S" at execution. Executing Item: "%1S". Collecting user-specified profile collection Info: Profile file is not found. db2support client collection error "%1S".DB2 Administration Server (DAS) configurationAttempting to collect db2dj.ini from '"%1S"'Abandoned. Connection to database TIMED OUT.Error: Invalid member number or host name.Error: Execution error for -member or -host option.Error: Invalid syntax for -member or -host option.Error: -member and -host are supported only in DB2 pureScale environments and partitioned database environments.Error: Invalid directory "%1S" for -member or -host option.Error: Invalid filename "%1S" for -member or -host option.Error: File processing error for -member or -host option.Error: Unknown error(s) occurred for -member or -host with reason code "%1S".Error: Error(s) in -member or -host preprocessing phase with reason code "%1S".Error: Error(s) in -member or -host post-processing phase with reason code "%1S".Attempting to collect acs.ini from '"%1S"'Error: Timeout of "%1S" seconds reached.Warning: db2support collection is not complete due to a timeout. "%1S" of which were found during optimizer collection.Warning: DB2NODE specifies the remote database partition. Please use -member or -host option to collect data for member "%1S". Error: The node number could not be retrieved, may be invalid. Warning: Directory "%1S" does not exist.Error: Input value "%1S" is too long.Error: Invalid input value "%1S".Error: -actevm, -appid, -uowid, and -actid need to be specified together.Error: the database name needs to be specified for -aem or event monitor options.Error: -aem option and event monitor options should not be specified together.Error: -aem option requires either -st or -sf option, and does not support -se option.Error: File name "%1S" with its fully qualified path exceeds the limit.Error: "%1S" does not exist or is not a fully qualified path.Collecting 'Activity event monitor information'Error: the database name needs to be specified for -st, -sf, -se or -cl option.Warning: The "%1S" directory may not have enough disk space. Try to run the command again with -sdir option.You have 15 seconds to cancel this command with Ctrl-C or it will proceed.Temporary data directory has not been deleted. Check the temporary data directory for db2support collections: "%1"Warning: TSA is not installed on the system. Collecting "Additional CM information (-cm)" Collecting "Additional CFS information (-cfs)" Collecting "Additional UDAPL information (-udapl)" Collecting "DB2 Cluster information" Collecting "%1S" Collecting "RCST traces through ctsnap" Collecting "DAT configuration file" Collecting "IB system information" Collecting "Getsadata" Collecting "TSA efix version" Collecting "list vardb2" Collecting "samlog" Collecting "GPFS collection" Collecting "RSCT version" Collecting "CF communication statistics" Collecting "Lock information" Collecting "Primary CF performance information" Collecting "Secondary CF performance information" Collecting "Primary CF information" Collecting "Secondary CF information" Collecting "SAL information" Collecting "CF system resource information" Collecting "Getsadata -all" Collecting "Getsadata -ctsnap" Collecting "TSA information" Collecting "Cluster Engine Compilation" Collecting "CT version" Collecting "SAM version"Waiting for the following operations to finishdb2nodes.cfg contentsCF communication statisticsLock information for "%1S"Primary CF performance information for "%1S"Secondary CF performance information for "%1S"SAL information for "%1S"CF system resource information for "%1S"RCST traceslssamlsrellsequsamdiagctsnapgpfs.snapmmlsclustermmlsconfigmmlsnsd -Xmmlsnsd -Mmmlsfs -allmmgetstatemmdumpkthreadsDAT configuration fileIB system informationgetsadataPrimary CF information for "%1S"Secondary CF information for "%1S"DB2 pureScale (Cluster Manager)DB2 pureScale (Cluster Filesystem)DB2 pureScale (UDAPL)DB2 pureScaleTSA CollectionsLicense informationLicense compliance reportPrerequisite verification resultsPrimary diagnostic data directory listingsqllib directory listingDatabase log directory listingCatalog information from db2dartdb2pd output for the CFlsrpdomainlsrpnodelsrsrc IBM.Applicationlsrsrc IBM.ResourceGroup Name ResourceHandlelsrsrc IBM.Equivalencylsrsrc IBM.PeerNode Name ResourceHandlelsrsrc IBM.ManagedResource ResourceHandlelsrsrc -la IBM.NetworkInterfacelsrsrc -la IBM.HeartbeatInterfacelscomglscondrespOn Windows operating systems, you should run the db2support utility from a DB2 Command Window.lsconditionlsresponseError: Optimizer problem mode does not support -alldbs or -alldatabases option.Error: -alldbs or -alldatabases option can not be specified with -d option.Error: The number of specified database names exceeds the limit.Error: Optimizer problem mode does not support multiple databases.Error: -preupgrade does not support multiple databases.Error: -preupgrade does not support -alldbs or -alldatabases option.Error: -wlm option must be used with -d option either in the optimizer problem mode or with -preupgrade option.DB2 cluster rolling update informationWarning: Option "%1S" is not supported by this version of db2support tool.DB2 memory informationDB2 detailed memory informationHA registry dumpRecovery information for database "%1S"Keystore Configuration