require "digest/md5" require "base64" require "rubygems" require "spec" require 'spec/runner/formatter/html_formatter' module Selenium module RSpec class ScreenshotFormatter < Spec::Runner::Formatter::HtmlFormatter PLACEHOLDER = "<>" ################### Hooks? ######## def start(example_count) super # ensure there's at least 1 example group header (normally 0 with deep_test) # prevents js and html validity errors example_group = def example_group.description; ""; end add_example_group(example_group) end def move_progress # we don't have current_example_number, and we don't really care about the progress bar end def extra_failure_content(failure) super + PLACEHOLDER end def example_passed(example) include_example_group_description example super end def example_pending(example_group_description, example, message) include_example_group_description example super end def example_failed(example, counter, failure) include_example_group_description example old_output = @output @output = super result = @output.string result.gsub! PLACEHOLDER, html_capture(example) old_output.puts result old_output.flush ensure @output = old_output end ###### Called from After each #### def self.capture_browser_state(selenium_driver, example) # Selenium RC seems to 'freeze' every so often when calling getHTMLSource, especially when DeepTest timeout is low, I need to investigate... # Set deeptest :timeout_in_seconds => 30 to see it happen capture_html_snapshot selenium_driver, example capture_screenshot selenium_driver, example end def self.capture_html_snapshot(selenium_driver, example) html = selenium_driver.get_html_source, "w") { |f| f.write html } end def self.capture_screenshot(selenium_driver, example) selenium_driver.window_maximize encodedImage = selenium_driver.capture_screenshot_to_string pngImage = Base64.decode64(encodedImage), "w") { |f| f.write pngImage } end ################### Instrumentation ######## def html_capture(example) dom_id = "example_" + self.class.hash_for_example(example) screenshot_url = self.class.relative_file_for_png_capture(example) snapshot_url = self.class.relative_file_for_html_capture(example) <<-EOS
[Show screenshot]

[Show snapshot]

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EOS end def self.relative_file_for_html_capture(example) "resources/example_#{hash_for_example(example)}.html" end def self.relative_file_for_png_capture(example) "resources/example_#{hash_for_example(example)}.png" end def self.file_for_html_capture(example) file_name = capture_root_dir + "/example_#{hash_for_example(example)}.html" FileUtils.mkdir_p(capture_root_dir) unless file_name end def self.file_for_screenshot_capture(example) file_name = capture_root_dir + "/example_#{hash_for_example(example)}.png" FileUtils.mkdir_p(capture_root_dir) unless file_name end def self.hash_for_example(example) Digest::MD5.hexdigest example.implementation_backtrace.first end def self.capture_root_dir root_dir + "/resources" end def self.root_dir (ENV['CC_BUILD_ARTIFACTS'] || './tmp/rspec_report') end def include_example_group_description(example) def example.description self.class.description.to_s + " :: " + super end end def report_header super + "\n" end def global_scripts super + <<-EOF function toggleVisilibility(id, description) { var section; var link; section = document.getElementById(id); link = document.getElementById(id + "_link"); if ( == "block") { = "none" link.innerHTML = description } else { = "block" link.innerHTML = "Hide " + description } } EOF end def global_styles super + <<-EOF div.rspec-report textarea { width: 100%; } div.rspec-report .dyn-source { background: #FFFFEE none repeat scroll 0%; border:1px dotted black; color: #000000; display: none; margin: 0.5em 2em; padding: 0.5em; } EOF end end end end