require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require 'mspec/utils/options' require 'mspec/version' require 'mspec/runner/mspec' require 'mspec/runner/formatters' describe MSpecOption, ".new" do before :each do @opt ="-a", "--bdc", "ARG", "desc", :block) end it "sets the short attribute" do @opt.short.should == "-a" end it "sets the long attribute" do @opt.long.should == "--bdc" end it "sets the arg attribute" do @opt.arg.should == "ARG" end it "sets the description attribute" do @opt.description.should == "desc" end it "sets the block attribute" do @opt.block.should == :block end end describe MSpecOption, "#arg?" do it "returns true if arg attribute is not nil" do, nil, "ARG", nil, nil).arg?.should be_true end it "returns false if arg attribute is nil" do, nil, nil, nil, nil).arg?.should be_false end end describe MSpecOption, "#match?" do before :each do @opt ="-a", "--bdc", "ARG", "desc", :block) end it "returns true if the argument matches the short option" do @opt.match?("-a").should be_true end it "returns true if the argument matches the long option" do @opt.match?("--bdc").should be_true end it "returns false if the argument matches neither the short nor long option" do @opt.match?("-b").should be_false @opt.match?("-abdc").should be_false end end describe MSpecOptions, ".new" do before :each do @opt ="cmd", 20, :config) end it "sets the banner attribute" do @opt.banner.should == "cmd" end it "sets the config attribute" do @opt.config.should == :config end it "sets the width attribute" do @opt.width.should == 20 end it "sets the default width attribute" do == 30 end end describe MSpecOptions, "#on" do before :each do @opt = end it "adds a short option" do @opt.should_receive(:add).with("-a", nil, nil, "desc", nil) @opt.on("-a", "desc") end it "adds a short option taking an argument" do @opt.should_receive(:add).with("-a", nil, "ARG", "desc", nil) @opt.on("-a", "ARG", "desc") end it "adds a long option" do @opt.should_receive(:add).with("-a", nil, nil, "desc", nil) @opt.on("-a", "desc") end it "adds a long option taking an argument" do @opt.should_receive(:add).with("-a", nil, nil, "desc", nil) @opt.on("-a", "desc") end it "adds a short and long option" do @opt.should_receive(:add).with("-a", nil, nil, "desc", nil) @opt.on("-a", "desc") end it "adds a short and long option taking an argument" do @opt.should_receive(:add).with("-a", nil, nil, "desc", nil) @opt.on("-a", "desc") end it "raises MSpecOptions::OptionError if pass less than 2 arguments" do lambda { @opt.on }.should raise_error(MSpecOptions::OptionError) lambda { @opt.on "" }.should raise_error(MSpecOptions::OptionError) end end describe MSpecOptions, "#add" do before :each do @opt = "cmd", 20 @prc = lambda { } end it "adds documentation for an option" do @opt.should_receive(:doc).with(" -t, --typo ARG Correct typo ARG") @opt.add("-t", "--typo", "ARG", "Correct typo ARG", @prc) end it "leaves spaces in the documentation for a missing short option" do @opt.should_receive(:doc).with(" --typo ARG Correct typo ARG") @opt.add(nil, "--typo", "ARG", "Correct typo ARG", @prc) end it "handles a short option with argument but no long argument" do @opt.should_receive(:doc).with(" -t ARG Correct typo ARG") @opt.add("-t", nil, "ARG", "Correct typo ARG", @prc) end it "registers an option" do option = "-t", "--typo", "ARG", "Correct typo ARG", @prc MSpecOption.should_receive(:new).with( "-t", "--typo", "ARG", "Correct typo ARG", @prc).and_return(option) @opt.add("-t", "--typo", "ARG", "Correct typo ARG", @prc) @opt.options.should == [option] end end describe MSpecOptions, "#match?" do before :each do @opt = end it "returns the MSpecOption instance matching the argument" do @opt.on "-a", "--abdc", "desc" option = @opt.match? "-a" @opt.match?("--abdc").should be(option) option.should be_kind_of(MSpecOption) option.short.should == "-a" option.long.should == "--abdc" option.description.should == "desc" end end describe MSpecOptions, "#process" do before :each do @opt = ScratchPad.clear end it "calls the on_extra block if the argument does not match any option" do @opt.on_extra { ScratchPad.record :extra } @opt.process ["-a"], "-a", "-a", nil ScratchPad.recorded.should == :extra end it "returns the matching option" do @opt.on "-a", "ARG", "desc" option = @opt.process [], "-a", "-a", "ARG" option.should be_kind_of(MSpecOption) option.short.should == "-a" option.arg.should == "ARG" option.description.should == "desc" end it "raises an MSpecOptions::ParseError if arg is nil and there are no more entries in argv" do @opt.on "-a", "ARG", "desc" lambda { @opt.process [], "-a", "-a", nil }.should raise_error(MSpecOptions::ParseError) end it "fetches the argument for the option from argv if arg is nil" do @opt.on("-a", "ARG", "desc") { |o| ScratchPad.record o } @opt.process ["ARG"], "-a", "-a", nil ScratchPad.recorded.should == "ARG" end it "calls the option's block" do @opt.on("-a", "ARG", "desc") { ScratchPad.record :option } @opt.process [], "-a", "-a", "ARG" ScratchPad.recorded.should == :option end it "does not call the option's block if it is nil" do @opt.on "-a", "ARG", "desc" lambda { @opt.process [], "-a", "-a", "ARG" }.should_not raise_error end end describe MSpecOptions, "#split" do before :each do @opt = end it "breaks a string at the nth character" do opt, arg, rest = @opt.split "-bdc", 2 opt.should == "-b" arg.should == "dc" rest.should == "dc" end it "returns nil for arg if there are no characters left" do opt, arg, rest = @opt.split "-b", 2 opt.should == "-b" arg.should == nil rest.should == "" end end describe MSpecOptions, "#parse" do before :each do @opt = @prc = lambda { |o| ScratchPad.record [:parsed, o] } ScratchPad.clear end it "parses a short option" do @opt.on "-a", "desc", &@prc @opt.parse ["-a"] ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:parsed, nil] end it "parse a long option" do @opt.on "--abdc", "desc", &@prc @opt.parse ["--abdc"] ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:parsed, nil] end it "parses a short option group" do @opt.on "-a", "ARG", "desc", &@prc @opt.parse ["-a", "ARG"] ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:parsed, "ARG"] end it "parses a short option with an argument" do @opt.on "-a", "ARG", "desc", &@prc @opt.parse ["-a", "ARG"] ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:parsed, "ARG"] end it "parses a short option with connected argument" do @opt.on "-a", "ARG", "desc", &@prc @opt.parse ["-aARG"] ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:parsed, "ARG"] end it "parses a long option with an argument" do @opt.on "--abdc", "ARG", "desc", &@prc @opt.parse ["--abdc", "ARG"] ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:parsed, "ARG"] end it "parses a long option with an '=' argument" do @opt.on "--abdc", "ARG", "desc", &@prc @opt.parse ["--abdc=ARG"] ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:parsed, "ARG"] end it "parses a short option group with the final option taking an argument" do ScratchPad.record [] @opt.on("-a", "desc") { |o| ScratchPad << :a } @opt.on("-b", "ARG", "desc") { |o| ScratchPad << [:b, o] } @opt.parse ["-ab", "ARG"] ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:a, [:b, "ARG"]] end it "parses a short option group with a connected argument" do ScratchPad.record [] @opt.on("-a", "desc") { |o| ScratchPad << :a } @opt.on("-b", "ARG", "desc") { |o| ScratchPad << [:b, o] } @opt.on("-c", "desc") { |o| ScratchPad << :c } @opt.parse ["-acbARG"] ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:a, :c, [:b, "ARG"]] end it "returns the unprocessed entries" do @opt.on "-a", "ARG", "desc", &@prc @opt.parse(["abdc", "-a", "ilny"]).should == ["abdc"] end it "calls the on_extra handler with unrecognized options" do ScratchPad.record [] @opt.on_extra { |o| ScratchPad << o } @opt.on "-a", "desc" @opt.parse ["-a", "-b"] ScratchPad.recorded.should == ["-b"] end it "does not attempt to call the block if it is nil" do @opt.on "-a", "ARG", "desc" @opt.parse(["-a", "ARG"]).should == [] end it "raises MSpecOptions::ParseError if passed an unrecognized option" do @opt.should_receive(:raise).with(MSpecOptions::ParseError, an_instance_of(String)) @opt.stub!(:puts) @opt.stub!(:exit) @opt.parse "-u" end end describe MSpecOptions, "#banner=" do before :each do @opt = end it "sets the banner attribute" do @opt.banner.should == "" @opt.banner = "banner" @opt.banner.should == "banner" end end describe MSpecOptions, "#width=" do before :each do @opt = end it "sets the width attribute" do @opt.width.should == 30 @opt.width = 20 @opt.width.should == 20 end end describe MSpecOptions, "#config=" do before :each do @opt = end it "sets the config attribute" do @opt.config.should be_nil @opt.config = :config @opt.config.should == :config end end describe MSpecOptions, "#doc" do before :each do @opt = "command" end it "adds text to be displayed with #to_s" do @opt.doc "Some message" @opt.doc "Another message" @opt.to_s.should == <<-EOD command Some message Another message EOD end end describe MSpecOptions, "#version" do before :each do @opt = ScratchPad.clear end it "installs a basic -v, --version option" do @opt.should_receive(:puts) @opt.should_receive(:exit) @opt.version "1.0.0" @opt.parse "-v" end it "accepts a block instead of using the default block" do @opt.version("1.0.0") { |o| ScratchPad.record :version } @opt.parse "-v" ScratchPad.recorded.should == :version end end describe MSpecOptions, "#help" do before :each do @opt = ScratchPad.clear end it "installs a basic -h, --help option" do @opt.should_receive(:puts) @opt.should_receive(:exit).with(1) @opt.parse "-h" end it "accepts a block instead of using the default block" do { |o| ScratchPad.record :help } @opt.parse "-h" ScratchPad.recorded.should == :help end end describe MSpecOptions, "#on_extra" do before :each do @opt = ScratchPad.clear end it "registers a block to be called when an option is not recognized" do @opt.on_extra { ScratchPad.record :extra } @opt.parse "-g" ScratchPad.recorded.should == :extra end end describe MSpecOptions, "#to_s" do before :each do @opt = "command" end it "returns the banner and descriptive strings for all registered options" do @opt.on "-t", "--this ARG", "Adds this ARG to the list" @opt.to_s.should == <<-EOD command -t, --this ARG Adds this ARG to the list EOD end end describe "The -B, --config FILE option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option end it "is enabled with #configure { }" do @options.should_receive(:on).with("-B", "--config", "FILE", an_instance_of(String)) @options.configure {} end it "calls the passed block" do ["-B", "--config"].each do |opt| ScratchPad.clear @options.configure { |x| ScratchPad.record x } @options.parse [opt, "file"] ScratchPad.recorded.should == "file" end end end describe "The -C, --chdir DIR option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.chdir end it "is enabled with #chdir" do @options.should_receive(:on).with("-C", "--chdir", "DIR", an_instance_of(String)) @options.chdir end it "changes the working directory to DIR" do Dir.should_receive(:chdir).with("dir").twice ["-C", "--chdir"].each do |opt| @options.parse [opt, "dir"] end end end describe "The --prefix STR option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option end it "is enabled with #prefix" do @options.should_receive(:on).with("--prefix", "STR", an_instance_of(String)) @options.prefix end it "sets the prefix config value" do @options.prefix @options.parse ["--prefix", "some/dir"] @config[:prefix].should == "some/dir" end end describe "The -n, --name RUBY_NAME option" do before :each do @verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil @options, @config = new_option end after :each do $VERBOSE = @verbose end it "is enabled with #name" do @options.should_receive(:on).with("-n", "--name", "RUBY_NAME", an_instance_of(String)) end it "sets RUBY_NAME when invoked" do Object.should_receive(:const_set).with(:RUBY_NAME, "name").twice @options.parse ["-n", "name"] @options.parse ["--name", "name"] end end describe "The -t, --target TARGET option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.targets end it "is enabled with #targets" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-t", "--target", "TARGET", an_instance_of(String)) @options.targets end it "sets the target to 'ruby' and flags to verbose with TARGET 'ruby'" do ["-t", "--target"].each do |opt| @options.parse [opt, "ruby"] @config[:target].should == "ruby" end end it "sets the target to 'ruby19' with TARGET 'r19' or 'ruby19'" do ["-t", "--target"].each do |opt| ["r19", "ruby19"].each do |t| @options.parse [opt, t] @config[:target].should == "ruby19" end end end it "sets the target to 'jruby' with TARGET 'j' or 'jruby'" do ["-t", "--target"].each do |opt| ["j", "jruby"].each do |t| @options.parse [opt, t] @config[:target].should == "jruby" end end end it "sets the target to 'shotgun/rubinius' with TARGET 'x' or 'rubinius'" do ["-t", "--target"].each do |opt| ["x", "rubinius"].each do |t| @options.parse [opt, t] @config[:target].should == "./bin/rbx" end end end it "set the target to 'rbx' with TARGET 'rbx'" do ["-t", "--target"].each do |opt| ["X", "rbx"].each do |t| @options.parse [opt, t] @config[:target].should == "rbx" end end end it "sets the target to TARGET" do ["-t", "--target"].each do |opt| @options.parse [opt, "whateva"] @config[:target].should == "whateva" end end end describe "The -T, --target-opt OPT option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.targets end it "is enabled with #targets" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-T", "--target-opt", "OPT", an_instance_of(String)) @options.targets end it "adds OPT to flags" do ["-T", "--target-opt"].each do |opt| @config[:flags].delete "--whateva" @options.parse [opt, "--whateva"] @config[:flags].should include("--whateva") end end end describe "The -I, --include DIR option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.targets end it "is enabled with #targets" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-I", "--include", "DIR", an_instance_of(String)) @options.targets end it "add DIR to the includes list" do ["-I", "--include"].each do |opt| @config[:includes].delete "-Ipackage" @options.parse [opt, "package"] @config[:includes].should include("-Ipackage") end end end describe "The -r, --require LIBRARY option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.targets end it "is enabled with #targets" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-r", "--require", "LIBRARY", an_instance_of(String)) @options.targets end it "adds LIBRARY to the requires list" do ["-r", "--require"].each do |opt| @config[:requires].delete "-rlibrick" @options.parse [opt, "librick"] @config[:requires].should include("-rlibrick") end end end describe "The -f, --format FORMAT option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.formatters end it "is enabled with #formatters" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-f", "--format", "FORMAT", an_instance_of(String)) @options.formatters end it "sets the SpecdocFormatter with FORMAT 's' or 'specdoc'" do ["-f", "--format"].each do |opt| ["s", "specdoc"].each do |f| @config[:formatter] = nil @options.parse [opt, f] @config[:formatter].should == SpecdocFormatter end end end it "sets the HtmlFormatter with FORMAT 'h' or 'html'" do ["-f", "--format"].each do |opt| ["h", "html"].each do |f| @config[:formatter] = nil @options.parse [opt, f] @config[:formatter].should == HtmlFormatter end end end it "sets the DottedFormatter with FORMAT 'd', 'dot' or 'dotted'" do ["-f", "--format"].each do |opt| ["d", "dot", "dotted"].each do |f| @config[:formatter] = nil @options.parse [opt, f] @config[:formatter].should == DottedFormatter end end end it "sets the FileFormatter with FORMAT 'f', 'file'" do ["-f", "--format"].each do |opt| ["f", "file"].each do |f| @config[:formatter] = nil @options.parse [opt, f] @config[:formatter].should == FileFormatter end end end it "sets the UnitdiffFormatter with FORMAT 'u', 'unit', or 'unitdiff'" do ["-f", "--format"].each do |opt| ["u", "unit", "unitdiff"].each do |f| @config[:formatter] = nil @options.parse [opt, f] @config[:formatter].should == UnitdiffFormatter end end end it "sets the SummaryFormatter with FORMAT 'm' or 'summary'" do ["-f", "--format"].each do |opt| ["m", "summary"].each do |f| @config[:formatter] = nil @options.parse [opt, f] @config[:formatter].should == SummaryFormatter end end end it "sets the SpinnerFormatter with FORMAT 'a', '*', or 'spin'" do ["-f", "--format"].each do |opt| ["a", "*", "spin"].each do |f| @config[:formatter] = nil @options.parse [opt, f] @config[:formatter].should == SpinnerFormatter end end end it "sets the MethodFormatter with FORMAT 't' or 'method'" do ["-f", "--format"].each do |opt| ["t", "method"].each do |f| @config[:formatter] = nil @options.parse [opt, f] @config[:formatter].should == MethodFormatter end end end it "sets the YamlFormatter with FORMAT 'y' or 'yaml'" do ["-f", "--format"].each do |opt| ["y", "yaml"].each do |f| @config[:formatter] = nil @options.parse [opt, f] @config[:formatter].should == YamlFormatter end end end end describe "The -o, --output FILE option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.formatters end it "is enabled with #formatters" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-o", "--output", "FILE", an_instance_of(String)) @options.formatters end it "sets the output to FILE" do ["-o", "--output"].each do |opt| @config[:output] = nil @options.parse [opt, "some/file"] @config[:output].should == "some/file" end end end describe "The -e, --example STR" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.filters end it "is enabled with #filters" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-e", "--example", "STR", an_instance_of(String)) @options.filters end it "adds STR to the includes list" do ["-e", "--example"].each do |opt| @config[:includes] = [] @options.parse [opt, "this spec"] @config[:includes].should include("this spec") end end end describe "The -E, --exclude STR" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.filters end it "is enabled with #filters" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-E", "--exclude", "STR", an_instance_of(String)) @options.filters end it "adds STR to the excludes list" do ["-E", "--exclude"].each do |opt| @config[:excludes] = [] @options.parse [opt, "this spec"] @config[:excludes].should include("this spec") end end end describe "The -p, --pattern PATTERN" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.filters end it "is enabled with #filters" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-p", "--pattern", "PATTERN", an_instance_of(String)) @options.filters end it "adds PATTERN to the included patterns list" do ["-p", "--pattern"].each do |opt| @config[:patterns] = [] @options.parse [opt, "this spec"] @config[:patterns].should include(/this spec/) end end end describe "The -P, --excl-pattern PATTERN" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.filters end it "is enabled with #filters" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-P", "--excl-pattern", "PATTERN", an_instance_of(String)) @options.filters end it "adds PATTERN to the excluded patterns list" do ["-P", "--excl-pattern"].each do |opt| @config[:xpatterns] = [] @options.parse [opt, "this spec"] @config[:xpatterns].should include(/this spec/) end end end describe "The -g, --tag TAG" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.filters end it "is enabled with #filters" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-g", "--tag", "TAG", an_instance_of(String)) @options.filters end it "adds TAG to the included tags list" do ["-g", "--tag"].each do |opt| @config[:tags] = [] @options.parse [opt, "this spec"] @config[:tags].should include("this spec") end end end describe "The -G, --excl-tag TAG" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.filters end it "is enabled with #filters" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-G", "--excl-tag", "TAG", an_instance_of(String)) @options.filters end it "adds TAG to the excluded tags list" do ["-G", "--excl-tag"].each do |opt| @config[:xtags] = [] @options.parse [opt, "this spec"] @config[:xtags].should include("this spec") end end end describe "The -w, --profile FILE option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.filters end it "is enabled with #filters" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-w", "--profile", "FILE", an_instance_of(String)) @options.filters end it "adds FILE to the included profiles list" do ["-w", "--profile"].each do |opt| @config[:profiles] = [] @options.parse [opt, "spec/profiles/rails.yaml"] @config[:profiles].should include("spec/profiles/rails.yaml") end end end describe "The -W, --excl-profile FILE option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.filters end it "is enabled with #filters" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-W", "--excl-profile", "FILE", an_instance_of(String)) @options.filters end it "adds FILE to the excluded profiles list" do ["-W", "--excl-profile"].each do |opt| @config[:xprofiles] = [] @options.parse [opt, "spec/profiles/rails.yaml"] @config[:xprofiles].should include("spec/profiles/rails.yaml") end end end describe "The -Z, --dry-run option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.pretend end it "is enabled with #pretend" do @options.should_receive(:on).with("-Z", "--dry-run", an_instance_of(String)) @options.pretend end it "registers the MSpec pretend mode" do MSpec.should_receive(:register_mode).with(:pretend).twice ["-Z", "--dry-run"].each do |opt| @options.parse opt end end end describe "The --background option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option end it "is enabled with #background" do @options.should_receive(:on).with("--background", an_instance_of(String)) @options.background end it "registers the MSpec background mode" do MSpec.should_receive(:register_mode).with(:background) @options.background @options.parse "--background" end end describe "The --unguarded option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.unguarded end it "is enabled with #unguarded" do @options.should_receive(:on).with("--unguarded", an_instance_of(String)) @options.unguarded end it "registers the MSpec unguarded mode" do MSpec.should_receive(:register_mode).with(:unguarded) @options.parse "--unguarded" end end describe "The -H, --random option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.randomize end it "is enabled with #randomize" do @options.should_receive(:on).with("-H", "--random", an_instance_of(String)) @options.randomize end it "registers the MSpec randomize mode" do MSpec.should_receive(:randomize).twice ["-H", "--random"].each do |opt| @options.parse opt end end end describe "The -V, --verbose option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.verbose end it "is enabled with #verbose" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-V", "--verbose", an_instance_of(String)) @options.verbose end it "registers a verbose output object with MSpec" do MSpec.should_receive(:register).with(:start, anything()).twice MSpec.should_receive(:register).with(:load, anything()).twice ["-V", "--verbose"].each do |opt| @options.parse opt end end end describe "The -m, --marker MARKER option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.verbose end it "is enabled with #verbose" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-m", "--marker", "MARKER", an_instance_of(String)) @options.verbose end it "registers a marker output object with MSpec" do MSpec.should_receive(:register).with(:load, anything()).twice ["-m", "--marker"].each do |opt| @options.parse [opt, ","] end end end describe "The --int-spec option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.interrupt end it "is enabled with #interrupt" do @options.should_receive(:on).with("--int-spec", an_instance_of(String)) @options.interrupt end it "sets the abort config option to false to only abort the running spec with ^C" do @config[:abort] = true @options.parse "--int-spec" @config[:abort].should == false end end describe "The -Y, --verify option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.verify end it "is enabled with #interrupt" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-Y", "--verify", an_instance_of(String)) @options.verify end it "sets the MSpec mode to :verify" do MSpec.should_receive(:register_mode).with(:verify).twice ["-Y", "--verify"].each do |m| @options.parse m end end end describe "The -O, --report option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.verify end it "is enabled with #interrupt" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-O", "--report", an_instance_of(String)) @options.verify end it "sets the MSpec mode to :report" do MSpec.should_receive(:register_mode).with(:report).twice ["-O", "--report"].each do |m| @options.parse m end end end describe "The -K, --action-tag TAG option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.action_filters end it "is enabled with #action_filters" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-K", "--action-tag", "TAG", an_instance_of(String)) @options.action_filters end it "adds TAG to the list of tags that trigger actions" do ["-K", "--action-tag"].each do |opt| @config[:atags] = [] @options.parse [opt, "action-tag"] @config[:atags].should include("action-tag") end end end describe "The -S, --action-string STR option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.action_filters end it "is enabled with #action_filters" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-S", "--action-string", "STR", an_instance_of(String)) @options.action_filters end it "adds STR to the list of spec descriptions that trigger actions" do ["-S", "--action-string"].each do |opt| @config[:astrings] = [] @options.parse [opt, "action-str"] @config[:astrings].should include("action-str") end end end describe "The --spec-debug option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.actions end it "is enabled with #actions" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("--spec-debug", an_instance_of(String)) @options.actions end it "enables the triggering the ruby debugger" do @options.action_filters @options.parse ["-S", "some spec"] @config[:debugger] = nil @options.parse "--spec-debug" @config[:debugger].should == true end end describe "The --spec-gdb option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option @options.actions end it "is enabled with #actions" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("--spec-gdb", an_instance_of(String)) @options.actions end it "enables triggering the gdb debugger" do @options.action_filters @options.parse ["-S", "some spec"] @config[:gdb] = nil @options.parse "--spec-gdb" @config[:gdb].should == true end end