Feature: <%= model.name(:humans).titleize %> Scenario: CRUD <%= model.name(:humans) %> Given I am on the list of <%= model.name(:variables) %> <% belongs_tos.each do |model| -%> And there is a <%= model.name(:human) %> with the <%= model.label_attr.name(:human) %> "<%= model.label_attr.test_value %>" <% end -%> # create When I follow "Add <%= model.name(:human) %>" <% model.attrs.each do |attr| -%> <%- if attr.assignable_values -%> And I select "<%= attr.test_value %>" from "<%= attr.name.humanize %>" <%- else -%> <%- case attr.type -%> <%- when :string, :email, :url, :integer, :money, :text, :password -%> And I fill in "<%= attr.name.humanize %>" with "<%= attr.test_value %>" <%- when :flag -%> And I check "<%= attr.name.humanize %>" <%- when :datetime -%> And I fill in "<%= attr.name.humanize %>" with "<%= attr.test_value.to_date %>" <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <% end -%> And I press "Save" # read Then I should be on the page for the <%= model.name(:variable) %> above <% model.attrs.each do |attr| -%> <%- case attr.type -%> <%- when :string, :email, :url, :integer, :money, :text, :foreign_key -%> And I should see "<%= attr.test_value %>" <%- when :flag -%> And I should see "<%= attr.name.humanize %> Yes" <%- when :datetime -%> And I should see "<%= I18n.localize(attr.test_value.to_date) %>" <%- end -%> <% end -%> # update When I follow "Edit" Then I should be on the form for the <%= model.name(:variable) %> above <% model.attrs.each do |attr| -%> <%- if attr.assignable_values -%> And "<%= attr.test_value %>" should be selected for "<%= attr.name.humanize %>" <%- else -%> <%- case attr.type -%> <%- when :string, :email, :url, :integer, :money, :text -%> And the "<%= attr.name.humanize %>" field should contain "<%= attr.test_value %>" <%- when :flag -%> And the "<%= attr.name.humanize %>" checkbox should be checked <%- when :datetime -%> And the "<%= attr.name.humanize %>" field should contain "<%= attr.test_value.to_date %>" <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <% end -%> # destroy When I go to the list of <%= model.name(:variables) %> Then I should see "<%= model.label_attr.test_value %>" When I follow "Destroy <%= model.label_attr.test_value %>" Then I should be on the list of <%= model.name(:variables) %> But I should not see "<%= model.label_attr.test_value %>"