require "set" require "relaton_bib" module Asciidoctor module Standoc module Cleanup # extending localities to cover ISO referencing LOCALITY_REGEX_STR = <<~REGEXP.freeze ^((?section|clause|part|paragraph|chapter|page| table|annex|figure|example|note|formula|list| locality:[^ \\t\\n\\r:,]+)(\\s+|=) (?[^"][^ \\t\\n,:-]*|"[^"]+") (-(?[^"][^ \\t\\n,:-]*|"[^"]"))?| (?whole|locality:[^ \\t\\n\\r:,]+))[,:]?\\s* (?.*)$ REGEXP LOCALITY_RE =\s/, ""), Regexp::IGNORECASE | Regexp::MULTILINE) def tq(x) x.sub(/^"/, "").sub(/"$/, "") end def extract_localities(x) text = x.children.first.remove.text while (m = LOCALITY_RE.match text) ref = m[:ref] ? "#{tq m[:ref]}" : "" refto = m[:to] ? "#{tq m[:to]}" : "" loc = m[:locality]&.downcase || m[:locality2]&.downcase x.add_child("#{ref}#{refto}") text = m[:text] end x.add_child(text) end def xref_to_eref(x) x["bibitemid"] = x["target"] x["citeas"] = @anchors&.dig(x["target"], :xref) || warn("#{x['target']} is not a real reference!") x.delete("target") extract_localities(x) unless x.children.empty? end def xref_cleanup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//xref").each do |x| if refid? x["target"] = "eref" xref_to_eref(x) else x.delete("type") end end end # allows us to deal with doc relation localities, # temporarily stashed to "bpart" def bpart_cleanup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//relation/bpart").each do |x| extract_localities(x) x.replace(x.children) end end def quotesource_cleanup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//quote/source | //terms/source").each do |x| xref_to_eref(x) end end def origin_cleanup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//origin").each do |x| x["citeas"] = @anchors&.dig(x["bibitemid"], :xref) || warn("#{x['bibitemid']} is not a real reference!") extract_localities(x) unless x.children.empty? end end def biblio_reorder(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//references[title = 'Bibliography']").each do |r| biblio_reorder1(r) end end def biblio_reorder1(refs) bib = sort_biblio(refs.xpath("./bibitem")) refs.xpath("./bibitem").each { |b| b.remove } bib.reverse.each do |b| insert ="./title") and = b.to_xml or refs.children.first.add_previous_sibling b.to_xml end refs.xpath("./references").each { |r| biblio_reorder1(r) } end def sort_biblio(bib) bib end # default presuppose that all citations in biblio numbered # consecutively, but that standards codes are preserved as is: # only numeric references are renumbered def biblio_renumber(xmldoc) r ="//references[title = 'Bibliography'] | "\ "//clause[title = 'Bibliography'][.//bibitem]") or return r.xpath(".//bibitem[not(ancestor::bibitem)]").each_with_index do |b, i| next unless docid ="./docidentifier[@type = 'metanorma']") next unless /^\[\d+\]$/.match(docid.text) docid.children = "[#{i + 1}]" end end # move ref before p def ref_cleanup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//p/ref").each do |r| parent = r.parent parent.previous = r.remove end end def normref_cleanup(xmldoc) r = || return r.elements.each do |n| n.remove unless ["title", "bibitem"].include? end end def biblio_cleanup(xmldoc) biblio_reorder(xmldoc) biblio_renumber(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//references[references]").each do |t| = "clause" end end def docid_prefix(prefix, docid) docid = "#{prefix} #{docid}" unless omit_docid_prefix(prefix) docid end def omit_docid_prefix(prefix) return true if prefix.nil? || prefix.empty? %(ISO IEC IEV ITU).include? prefix end def format_ref(ref, type, isopub) return docid_prefix(type, ref) if isopub return "[#{ref}]" if /^\d+$/.match(ref) && !/^\[.*\]$/.match(ref) ref end ISO_PUBLISHER_XPATH = "./contributor[role/@type = 'publisher']/"\ "organization[abbreviation = 'ISO' or abbreviation = 'IEC' or "\ "name = 'International Organization for Standardization' or "\ "name = 'International Electrotechnical Commission']".freeze def reference_names(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//bibitem[not(ancestor::bibitem)]").each do |ref| isopub = docid ="./docidentifier[not(@type = 'DOI')]") reference = format_ref(docid.text, docid["type"], isopub) @anchors[ref["id"]] = { xref: reference } end end def ref_dl_cleanup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//clause[@bibitem = 'true']").each do |c| bib = dl_bib_extract(c) or next bibitemxml = RelatonBib::HashConverter::hash_to_bib(bib)).to_xml or next bibitem = Nokogiri::XML(bibitemxml) bibitem["id"] = c["id"] if c["id"] c.replace(bibitem.root) end end def extract_from_p(tag, bib, key) return unless bib[tag] "<#{key}>#{bib[tag].at('p').children}" end # if the content is a single paragraph, replace it with its children # single links replaced with uri def p_unwrap(p) elems = p.elements if elems.size == 1 && elems[0].name == "p" link_unwrap(elems[0]).children.to_xml.strip else p.to_xml.strip end end def link_unwrap(p) elems = p.elements if elems.size == 1 && elems[0].name == "link""./link").replace(elems[0]["target"].strip) end p end def dd_bib_extract(dtd) return nil if dtd.children.empty?"./dl") and return dl_bib_extract(dtd) elems = dtd.remove.elements return p_unwrap(dtd) unless elems.size == 1 && %w(ol ul).include?(elems[0].name) ret = [] elems[0].xpath("./li").each do |li| ret << p_unwrap(li) end ret end def add_to_hash(bib, key, val) Utils::set_nested_value(bib, key.split(/\./), val) end # definition list, with at most one level of unordered lists def dl_bib_extract(c, nested = false) dl ="./dl") or return bib = {} key = "" dl.xpath("./dt | ./dd").each do |dtd| == "dt" and key = dtd.text.sub(/:+$/, "") or add_to_hash(bib, key, dd_bib_extract(dtd)) end c.xpath("./clause").each do |c1| key = c1&.at("./title")&.text&.downcase&.strip next unless %w(contributor relation series).include? key add_to_hash(bib, key, dl_bib_extract(c1, true)) end if !nested and"./title") title ="./title").remove.children.to_xml bib["title"] = bib["title"] ? Array(bib["title"]) : [] bib["title"] << title if !title.empty? end bib end end end end