Feature: Assign DNS to environment IP address I want to assign DNS record to an AppCloud environment IP address Background: Given I have setup my engineyard email/password for API access And I have "two apps" in AppCloud And I have setup my dnsimple credentials And I have DNSimple domain "myapp.com" Scenario: Assign DNS A Record to an environment When I run local executable "ey-dnsimple" with arguments "assign myapp.com --account main --environment giblets" Then I should see matching """ Fetching AppCloud environment information... Found environment giblets on account main with IP Assigning myapp.com --> (main/giblets) Created A record for myapp.com (id:\d+) Assigning www.myapp.com --> (main/giblets) Created A record for myapp.com (id:\d+) Complete! Found 2 records for myapp.com .myapp.com (A)-> (ttl:60, id:\d+) www.myapp.com (A)-> (ttl:60, id:\d+) """