module Upcoming class Metro include Upcoming::Defaults # Retrieve the details about a metro. # # +metro_id+ (Required) # The metro_id number of the metro to look within. To find metro_id's, use metro.getList. To run getInfo on multiple metros, simply pass a comma-separated list of metro_id numbers. # def metro_id = metro_id.join(',') if metro_id.is_a?(Array)'/', :query => {:method => 'metro.getInfo', :metro_id => metro_id}.merge(Upcoming.default_options))).rsp.metro end # Retrieve the single record of the most popular metro in the area of a latitude and longitude coordinate. Will return a 404 Not Found if one cannot be found. Only the US and some of Canada is currently supported. To get a Lat/Lon from a street address, try Yahoo!'s Geocoding API. Useful for adding new venues. # # +latitude+ (Float, Required) # Latitude coordinate. # # +longitude+ (Float, Required) # Longitude coordinate. # def self.for_latitude_and_longitude(latitude, longitude)'/', :query => {:method => 'metro.getForLatLon', :latitude => latitude, :longitude => longitude}.merge(Upcoming.default_options))).rsp.metro end # Searches for metros whose name or "code" matches the search_text. # # +search_text+ (Optional) # The search text to use. Supports quoted strings and empty parameter (to display all). Please restrict by another parameter when using blank values. # # +country_id+ (Numeric, Optional) # The country_id of the event, used to narrow down the responses. To get a country_id, try the metro.getCountryList function. # # +state_id+ (Numeric, Optional) # The state_id of the event, used to narrow down the responses. To get a state_id, try the metro.getStateList function. # def{})'/', :query => query.merge({:method => ''}).merge(Upcoming.default_options))).rsp.metro end # Retrieve a list of metros for a particular state. # # +token+ (Required) # An authentication token. # def self.my_list(token) token = Upcoming::Auth.token_code(token)'/', :query => {:method => 'metro.getMyList', :token => token}.merge(Upcoming.default_options))).rsp.metro end # Retrieve a list of metros for a particular state. # # +state_id+ (Required) # The state_id number of the state to look within. To find state_id's, use metro.getStateList. # def self.list(state_id) state_id = state_id.join(',') if state_id.is_a?(Array)'/', :query => {:method => 'metro.getList', :state_id => state_id}.merge(Upcoming.default_options))).rsp.metro end # Retrieve a list of states for a particular country. # # +country_id+ (Required) # The country_id number of the country to look within. To find country_id's, use metro.getCountryList. # def self.state_list(country_id) country_id = country_id.join(',') if country_id.is_a?(Array)'/', :query => {:method => 'metro.getStateList', :country_id => country_id}.merge(Upcoming.default_options))).rsp.state end # Retrieve a list of all countries in the database. # def self.country_list'/', :query => {:method => 'metro.getCountryList'}.merge(Upcoming.default_options))) end end end