describe "Global decko variable", -> it "should be defined", -> expect(decko).toBeDefined describe "card-form", -> beforeEach -> jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = '../../public/assets/jasmine' loadFixtures('card_form.html') it "should find a form", -> expect($('form')).toBeDefined it "should be able to populate the content field based on nearby selector", -> $('.tinymce-textarea').setContentField -> 1+2 expect($('.d0-card-content')).toHaveValue '3' it "should be able to populate all content fields in a form", -> $('form').setContentFields '.tinymce-textarea', -> 2+2 expect($('.d0-card-content')).toHaveValue '4' it "should be able to populate content fields from a map", -> $('form').setContentFieldsFromMap { '.tinymce-textarea': -> 3+2 } expect($('.d0-card-content')).toHaveValue '5' it "should be able to find the slot from any element within", -> expect($('.d0-card-content').slot()).toHaveClass 'card-slot' it "should be able to populate slot from any element within", -> $('.d0-card-content').setSlotContent '