require 'public_suffix' require 'yaml' require 'swot' require "addressable/uri" require 'iso_country_codes' require_relative "gman/version" class Gman # Source: EMAIL_REGEX = %r{ ^ ( [\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+ \. ) * [\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+ @ ( ( ( ( ( [a-z0-9]{1} [a-z0-9\-]{0,62} [a-z0-9]{1} ) | [a-z] ) \. )+ [a-z]{2,6} ) | ( \d{1,3} \. ){3} \d{1,3} ( \:\d{1,5} )? ) $ }xi # Second level .us domains for states and locality # See # # Examples: # * # * # # Not: # * # * # * # * LOCALITY_REGEX = %r{ ( (state|dst|cog) | (ci|town|vil|co)\.[a-z-]+ ) \.(ak|al|ar|az|ca|co|ct|dc|de|fl|ga|hi|ia|id|il|in|ks|ky|la|ma|md|me|mi|mn|mo|ms|mt|nc|nd|ne|nh|nj|nm|nv|ny|oh|ok|or|pa|ri|sc|sd|tn|tx|um|ut|va|vt|wa|wi|wv|wy) \.us }x # Map last part of TLD to alpha2 country code ALPHA2_MAP = { :ac => 'sh', :uk => 'gb', :su => 'ru', :tp => 'tl', :yu => 'rs', :gov => "us", :mil => "us", :org => "us", :com => "us", :net => "us", :edu => "us", :travel => "us", :info => "us" } class << self attr_writer :list # Normalizes and checks if a given string represents a government domain # Possible strings to test: # ".gov" # "" # "" # "" # "" # # Returns boolean true if a government domain def valid?(text) end # Is the given string in the form of a valid email address? # # Returns true if email, otherwise false def email?(text) end # returns an instance of our custom public suffix list # list behaves like PublicSuffix::List but is limited to our whitelisted domains def list @list ||= PublicSuffix::List::parse(, "r:utf-8")) end # Returns the absolute path to the domain list def list_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "domains.txt") end end # Creates a new Gman instance # # text - the input string to check for governmentiness def initialize(text) @text = text.to_s.downcase.strip end # Parse the domain from the input string # # Can handle urls, domains, or emails # # Returns the domain string def domain @domain ||= begin return nil if @text.empty? uri = Addressable::URI.parse(@text) if # valid https?://* URI elsif email? @text.match(/@([\w\.\-]+)\Z/i)[1] else # url sans http:// begin uri = Addressable::URI.parse("http://#{@text}") # properly parse http://foo edge cases # see if =~ /\./ rescue Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError nil end end end end alias_method :to_s, :domain # Checks if the input string represents a government domain # # Returns boolean true if a government domain def valid? # Ensure it's a valid domain return false unless PublicSuffix.valid?(domain) # Ensure non-edu return false if Swot::is_academic?(domain) # Check for locality by regex return true if locality? # check using public suffix's standard logic rule = Gman.list.find domain return true if !rule.nil? && rule.allow?(domain) # also allow for explicit matches to domain list Gman.list.rules.any? { |rule| rule.value == domain } end # Is the input text in the form of a valid email address? # # Returns true if email, otherwise false def email? !!(@text =~ EMAIL_REGEX) end # Is this domain a .us state or locality? def locality? !!(domain =~ LOCALITY_REGEX) end # Helper function to return the public suffix domain object # # Supports all domain strings (URLs, emails) # # Returns the domain object or nil, but no errors, never an error def domain_parts PublicSuffix.parse domain rescue PublicSuffix::DomainInvalid nil end # Returns the two character alpha county code represented by the domain # # e.g., United States = US, United Kingdom = GB def alpha2 alpha2 = domain_parts.tld.split('.').last if ALPHA2_MAP[alpha2.to_sym] ALPHA2_MAP[alpha2.to_sym] else alpha2 end end # Returns the ISO Country represented by the domain # # Example Usage: #"") => "United States" #"").country.currency => "USD" def country @country ||= IsoCountryCodes.find(alpha2) end # Console output def inspect "#<Gman domain=\"#{domain}\" valid=#{valid?}>" end end